Senator Grassley Too: Will Take The Oath To Be Impartial, (In The Trial Of "Other")


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Not in so many words, but Senator Grassley is President Pro Temp of the Senate. He will swear in Justice Roberts. He will take the Oath to be Impartial--a Departure from the McConnell path again. It's even in writing!

Grassley Statement on the Impeachment of President Trump | Chuck Grassley

Even the splinters start to look resounding. That may help with Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi: Setting up conditions to have the charges sent to lower-partisan trial. Evidence is now in public, even: Offering support of the allegations, or not.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Subjugation, (Deut 23: 19-20) is clearly not at all about any sense of equal treatment or "Fair Trials!")
Hopefully others will follow Grassley's lead.

Be nice to see a congress critter actually doing their job for a change instead of kissing Trump's ass.
The chief justice of the supreme court is the presiding judge...McConnell should open the hearing and let the judge compel Pelosi to turn the articles of impeachment over to the senate....she can refuse but she would be refusing to obey the judges wishes....
Or, you can click on the link to see and read what actually happens(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 25: 14-30, is even about creating the Homeless Conditions!)
Not in so many words, but Senator Grassley is President Pro Temp of the Senate. He will swear in Justice Roberts. He will take the Oath to be Impartial--a Departure from the McConnell path again. It's even in writing!

Grassley Statement on the Impeachment of President Trump | Chuck Grassley

Even the splinters start to look resounding. That may help with Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi: Setting up conditions to have the charges sent to lower-partisan trial. Evidence is now in public, even: Offering support of the allegations, or not.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Subjugation, (Deut 23: 19-20) is clearly not at all about any sense of equal treatment or "Fair Trials!")
Will these Dimwinger Senators renounce their long held position Trump should be impeached, and be "impartial" jurors?

Fauxcohontas Warren
Commie Bernie
Spartacus Booker
Kamaltoe Harris.

I have yet to see your outrage over the fact they have already made up their minds.
Anyone looking through the list of Senators from any parties, and from Independents: Finds no such people listed as Senators. Conversely, Senators prodding the House to Impeach, and Senators prodding the House to not Impeach--will take an Oath to actually not announce that they are creating a pre-determined trial outcome.

So the constituents see that the House did bring the Articles of Impeachment, and the House Managers will be presenting the basis at Trial. There being a trial--then other business of the Senate will be set aside. The Senate and the House will have created a calendar they can work with--per Schumer, Pelosi, and McConnell.

Calling for the start and implementation of the House Impeachment process means that the 60% of the public--those who do not approve of the Trump White House job performance--can see if the Democrats actually have their basis for bring the Articles of Impeach to the Senate. The case in the Senate is expected to rely on evidence--reviewed by the entire Senate.

Any of the 35% of the public who do approve of the Trump White House job performance can see if the dots can be connected with sufficient weight of evidence to warrant expulsion.

The McConnell wing of the 35% who do approve of the Trump job performance are a growing minority, even of them.

So a charge of "Outrage" is better said a charge of revulsion against the evidence and witness tampering. Republican Senators also asked Trump to back off the witness-threatening Tweets: Even in the House proceedings.

Likely the Tweets and Tampering will be thought more damning, in the Trial events: Outrage even Republican-based.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Deut 23: 19-20, is not about equal treatment under law, or a basis for a bunch of Fair Trials! It is Pharaohs Subjugation, put in place by Moses alone--and alleged a deity directive by Moses and any biased followers--made even more biased.)
Let's see if Grassley votes to bring in relevant witnesses
House Managers will need to cite evidence in support of the Articles of Impeachment. Creating those, and transmittal matters are up to the Speaker of the House, noted in the Senate rules of impeachment. No such highlighted parts in blue of the Nostra posts are included in the Senate rules. Then the jurors in fact can take votes on any evidence.

The difficulty with the trial is any arbitrary and capricious determination, like in the announcement of Louisiana Senator Cassidy: That only emotions--hatred of Donald John Trump, (the Pathological Liar In Charge)--are the basis of the Articles of Impeachment. The Articles include the one also embarrassing: The Cover-ups protecting all the fantasies(?).

Then in the link(?) Issues like how much soybean Tariff Bailout Money should be sent to Senator Grassley should be the business of the Senate Instead(?)--anyone infers(?). Soybean bailout money is all over the funding, and the Senator is a soybean farmer-partner, doing no farming himself.

THE ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT ARE DIRECTLY ABOUT WHITE HOUSE CORRUPTION. Exposing the Corruption of all the Republican Senators is not what it is about. Many in the public might call the soybeans money evidence of corruption on its face--regarding some people, not recusing from the bailout.

Cassidy Issues Statement on Anticipated Impeachment Vote | U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana

VII. The Presiding Officer of the Senate shall direct all necessary preparations in the Senate Chamber, and the Presiding Officer on the trial shall direct all the forms of proceedings while the Senate is sitting for the purpose of trying an impeachment, and all forms during the trial not otherwise. specially provided for. And the Presiding Officer on the trial may rule on all questions of evidence including, but not limited to, questions of relevancy, materiality, and redundancy of evidence and incidental questions, which ruling shall stand as the judgment of the Senate, unless some member of the Senate shall ask that a formal vote be taken thereon, in which case it shall be submitted to the Senate for decision without debate; or he may at his option, in the first instance, submit any such question to a vote of the members of the Senate. Upon all such questions the vote shall be taken in accordance with the Standing Rules of the Senate.

VIII. Upon the presentation of articles of impeachment and the organization of the Senate as hereinbefore provided, a writ of summons shall issue to the person impeached, reciting said articles, and notifying him to appear before the Senate upon a day and at a place to be fixed by the Senate and named in such writ, and file his answer to said articles of impeachment, and to stand to and abide the orders and judgments of the Senate thereon; which writ shall be served by such officer or person as shall be named in the precept thereof, such number of days prior to the day fixed for such appearance as shall be named in such precept, either by the delivery of an attested copy thereof to the person impeached, or if that cannot conveniently be done, by leaving such copy at the last known place of abode of such person, or at his usual place of business in some conspicuous place therein; or if such service shall be, in the judgment of the Senate, impracticable, notice to the person impeached to appear shall be given in such other manner, by publication or otherwise, as shall be deemed just; and if the writ aforesaid shall fail to service in the manner aforesaid, the proceedings shall not thereby abate, but further service may be made in such manner as the Senate shall direct. If the person impeached, after service, shall fail to appear, either in person or by attorney, on the day so fixed therefor as aforesaid, or, appearing, shall fail to file his answer to such articles of impeachment, the trial shall proceed, nevertheless, as upon a plea of not VerDate 11-MAY-2000 13:12 Feb 27, 2002 Jkt 077687 PO 00000 Frm 00892 Fmt 6602 Sfmt 6602 E:\RENEE\77687.TXT pfrm01 PsN: 77687 868 SENATE PROCEDURE guilty. If a plea of guilty shall be entered, judgment may be entered thereon without further proceedings.

IX. At 12:30 o'clock afternoon of the day appointed for the return of the summons against the person impeached, the legislative and executive business of the Senate shall be suspended, and the Secretary of the Senate shall administer an oath to the returning officer in the form following, viz: "I, , do solemnly swear that the return made by me upon the process issued on the day of ___ _ by the Senate of the United States, against , is truly made, and that I have performed such service as therein described: So help me God." Which oath shall be entered at large on the records.

X. The person impeached shall then be called to appear and answer the articles of impeachment against him. If he appears, or any person for him, the appearance shall be recorded, stating particularly if by himself, or by agent or attorney, naming the person appearing and the capacity in which he appears. Ifhe does not appear, either personally or by agent or attorney, the same shall be recorded.

XI. That in the trial of any impeachment the Presiding Officer of the Senate, if the Senate so orders, shall appoint a committee of Senators to receive evidence and take testimony at such times and places as the committee may determine, and for such purpose the committee so appointed and the chairman thereof, to be elected by the committee, shall (unless otherwise ordered by the Senate) exercise all the powers and functions conferred upon the Senate and the Presiding Officer of the Senate, respectively, under the rules of procedure and practice in the Senate when sitting on impeachment trials

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, does not treat anyone equally, and is not about a bunch of Fair Trials!)

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