Senator Johnson says computer science experts need to examine voting machines

The cheating began with the IC chip makers ... we have to tear down every voting machine and run each and every chip through an electron scanning microscope ... plus all the resistors, capacitors, coils, printed circuit cards ... very very easy to sneak in microchips in any of these discreet parts ... and don't forget line voltage and smart meters ... RFID transmitters in every nail used in the building ...

We also need to examine all the periodic law journals worldwide ... look for the encoded messages sent to the sitting judges so they know how to rule on these lawsuits being filing ... all the scientific journals so all college professors know to dismiss the statistical testing ... do forget that the Chinese alphabet requires double keystrokes, maybe why everybody's been missing the instructions coming from Peking ...

This will be the last election we'll ever ... HEY, what are you doing in my home, did you kick in my door? ... get your hands off of me ... don't unplug my comp ($©øÁ´Ï˜ˆ*#∆®ÓÔ˚∂b ........................................................................................................
It's a bold ploy. Ron is looking to lead the rebellion for the fascist Banana Republicans as they seek to overthrow democracy in America with nothing but allegations, unproven allegations.

Congressional hearings don't mean shit anymore. Just another forum in the continuing Kangaroo Court. Their subpoena's are worthless. The courts are where the allegations need to be heard, not in some partisan blowhards hastily called hearing.
Aaaaaaaaaand after the experts debunk the voting machine myths, Ron "The Fluffer" Johnson will have another hoax demand.

It never ends with the tards.

It would not surprise me if Ron Johnson called for an investigation as to whether the Covid vaccine implants tracking chips in people.
The cheating began with the IC chip makers ... we have to tear down every voting machine and run each and every chip through an electron scanning microscope ... plus all the resistors, capacitors, coils, printed circuit cards ... very very easy to sneak in microchips in any of these discreet parts ... and don't forget line voltage and smart meters ... RFID transmitters in every nail used in the building ...

We also need to examine all the periodic law journals worldwide ... look for the encoded messages sent to the sitting judges so they know how to rule on these lawsuits being filing ... all the scientific journals so all college professors know to dismiss the statistical testing ... do forget that the Chinese alphabet requires double keystrokes, maybe why everybody's been missing the instructions coming from Peking ...

This will be the last election we'll ever ... HEY, what are you doing in my home, did you kick in my door? ... get your hands off of me ... don't unplug my comp ($©øÁ´Ï˜ˆ*#∆®ÓÔ˚∂b ........................................................................................................

You know there is only one criminal mastermind who is super enough to carry out such a micro-deviant plot to infect all those chips and embed those tenie-tiny micro chips too. Just like when she assassinated all the people, by hand. She's the best. Never been caught either!

I'm surprise the brilliant mind in the White House hasn't announce her guilt yet. Maybe he's just waiting for the right time to get a crowd involved with a good "Lock Her Up" chant.
BERLIN - Cybersecurity experts landed in Germany today to look for stolen votes. They have a daunting task ahead.

First, they have to figure out how to dodge the CIA agents, a SEAL team, and 84 militia men guarding the secret hideout bunker. Then they will have to get the fingerprints of the dead Venezuelan leader Hugo Chaves to see if they match the prints on the voting machines.

An anonymous inside source claims the voting machines tabulate eleventy hundred votes for Biden for every vote cast for Trump.

No official word has come from the White House...
But you know those conspiracy theorist Senators
will say just about anything for attention, won't they ?

Experts should be allowed to examine voting machines to see if they suffered intrusions by malign actors, a senator said Wednesday.

Allegations of election fraud have led to a large percentage of Americans viewing the 2020 election results as illegitimate, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said during his opening statement in a hearing on election “irregularities.”

They should've worried about this BEFORE the election. They don't need to examine the machines, they need to THROW THEM OUT, throw out the Dummatic software and make machines and software that is open code, simple, verifiable, and provides positive verification of the votes.

But how could Democrats ever win?
I'd still like to know why we need "proprietary software" to tell us 1+1 =2? WTF?

Anyone associated with stealing an election should be dragged through the streets. The children should be encouraged to piss on their carcasses. Teaches the right message.

They don't need to examine the machines
Yeah. If they examine the machines and debunk all the horseshit your fools fall for, that would suck for you.

I can see why you want them thrown out in order to keep your false narrative alive.
So the machines get examined and are found not to have been tampered with.

Five minutes later the tard herd will claim the scientists work for George Soros and are in on the plot.
So the machines get examined and are found not to have been tampered with.

Five minutes later the tard herd will claim the scientists work for George Soros and are in on the plot.

Tampered is probably not the right word.

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