Senator Marco Rubio 'Gets It'!

Yeah..I know Republicans were more then willing to fuck up the country further..but sorry..that majority actually won this time.

And yeah..Conservatives own the Iraq war..lock stock and 2 smoking barrels.


Dont you mean the GOP?

Or are you a child that doesnt understand the difference between an ideology and a party?

And dint democrats ALSO vote for the Iraq war?

Sure, they claimed they were lied to by the President but the only ones who believed that were the truly partisan. Afterall...4000 US men and women f it were based on a lie of the CiC there would have been at least 1

Nope...this war is owned by America...all of us. We voted the dickheads in. We are responsible.

Bush lost the majority in 2000. A Conservative judge with a very strange legal decision inserted him into the Presidency. So I mean Conservatives.

And America didn't want that war. Conservatives did.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Cheney Tells America "Go Fu*k yourself‬‏[/ame]

How many "conservatives" in congress voted for it?
How many "non conservative" republicans voted for it
How many democrats voted for it?

you need to get off that "conservative is evil" are starting to refer to many deomcrats as conservative and you dont even realize it.

Dont you mean the GOP?

Or are you a child that doesnt understand the difference between an ideology and a party?

And dint democrats ALSO vote for the Iraq war?

Sure, they claimed they were lied to by the President but the only ones who believed that were the truly partisan. Afterall...4000 US men and women f it were based on a lie of the CiC there would have been at least 1

Nope...this war is owned by America...all of us. We voted the dickheads in. We are responsible.

Bush lost the majority in 2000. A Conservative judge with a very strange legal decision inserted him into the Presidency. So I mean Conservatives.

And America didn't want that war. Conservatives did.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Cheney Tells America "Go Fu*k yourself‬‏[/ame]

Strange decision? You mean the guy with less votes should have been declared the winner?


Yeah..I know.

But that's what Scalia did. Declare the guy that got the minority of the votes in this country the winnah!

Despite the fact that the state that gave him the electoral votes had his brother as the governor..and his campaign manager as the secretary of state.

Yeppers..nothing to see here folks..move time emergency decision never to be used again. Brandy after court at George HW Bush's house. Heck..I bet he even brought the cigars.

Dont you mean the GOP?

Or are you a child that doesnt understand the difference between an ideology and a party?

And dint democrats ALSO vote for the Iraq war?

Sure, they claimed they were lied to by the President but the only ones who believed that were the truly partisan. Afterall...4000 US men and women f it were based on a lie of the CiC there would have been at least 1

Nope...this war is owned by America...all of us. We voted the dickheads in. We are responsible.

Bush lost the majority in 2000. A Conservative judge with a very strange legal decision inserted him into the Presidency. So I mean Conservatives.

And America didn't want that war. Conservatives did.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Cheney Tells America "Go Fu*k yourself‬‏[/ame]

How many "conservatives" in congress voted for it?
How many "non conservative" republicans voted for it
How many democrats voted for it?

you need to get off that "conservative is evil" are starting to refer to many deomcrats as conservative and you dont even realize it.

When conservatives stop acting evil..I will get off the kick.

I promise.

But they have stop acting evil first.
Please..identify the "Job Creators" by name. I'd like to meet them. Most of the CEO's I've met..many of whom were making over 10 million a year..were involved in LAYING PEOPLE OFF.

Like Carly Fiorina. (She's one I never met, though..but bully on her to fire 30,000 people after getting overseas profits "re-patriated" with a huge tax cut..thanks to Bush)

Your jealousy is showing through.


If a business owner invests his life savings into a start up....and over the first 5 years he barley makes a living as he builds his company up so he can be competative.....and after 5 years, he has a staff of 50.....and then a flood hits and completelyt swamps his business and his insurance doesnt cover it becuase it was "an act of God" he is forced to close his business.....
Should those other 50 employees share in the loss of his life savings?

What business did John Thain invest in? How about Mitt Romney? How about Marianne Brown? While you are at it..find out what business Dick Grasso invested in? Could you possibly tell me what business Duncan Niederauer started? How about the aforementioned Carly Fiorina..she started HP? How about Dick of the ground uppers at Lehman? Build the buildings..did he? Invested his life savings did he?

Feel free man.

Fill me in.

OK...since you wanted to divert from the point I was making.....I will play your game.

Some people invested many hours through high school attending extra help while their friends played. Spent many hours studying in college while their friends partied...spent many hours studying for the GMATS while their friends took low level entry level jobs...spent hundreds of hours in grad school while their friends were enjoying an income and enjoying the real life...

And then they worked 15 hour days to work their way up....and sacrificed family time to m,ake an impact and get the recognition...and finally got to the top.

So if and when that company goes out of business....should the employees pay the CEO for all of the time he or she lost during their younger years?
Lower the taxes,, widen the base. What's not fair in America is that 50% of us Federal Income Taxes carry the leecing other 50% on our backs.

Willow, it has nothing to do about fairness. Is it fair that the wealthiest of the wealthy have been increasing their wealth at staggering rates while the rest of Americans are actually losing wealth? What we have seen over the last 30 years is a redistribution of wealth in one direction, to those who make the most money and have the greatest wealth. And you want to help them attain even greater wealth at the expense of the rest of society.

What you need to understand is that in the long run, this is not even good for the truly wealthy, because eventually it will also lead to their demise right along with everyone else. We have cut tax rates and cut them again and again, so the wealthy have accumulated massive amounts of wealth. But where are all the jobs this was supposed to create? We should have more jobs than people based on the theory that cutting taxes leads to higher revenues and more jobs being created. How can you continue with this argument when you can see the results of its implementation over the last thirty years and where it has gotten us? Do you truly want to do more of the same and further destroy our country?
Republicans are also to blame in that when they sold their tax cut packages, they also had to include tax cuts for the working poor so they could say tax cuts went to "all working Americans". When the economy tanked, those tax cuts pushed more Americans below the threshold

Now, Republicans want to take those cuts back from the working poor out of "fairness" while they fight to maintain the cuts on the rich

Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency for two years. If tax raises are so needed then why didn't they raise them?

You keep blamming Republicans for everything, especially when it comes to taxes, yet when Dems were in complete control they refused to raise taxes. Time to let it go.

Now they want to force Republicans to raise taxes so next election they can immediately turn around and call Republicans the bad guys for raising taxes.

Republicans are also to blame in that when they sold their tax cut packages, they also had to include tax cuts for the working poor so they could say tax cuts went to "all working Americans". When the economy tanked, those tax cuts pushed more Americans below the threshold

Now, Republicans want to take those cuts back from the working poor out of "fairness" while they fight to maintain the cuts on the rich

Democrats had the House, Senate, and Presidency for two years. If tax raises are so needed then why didn't they raise them?

You keep blamming Republicans for everything, especially when it comes to taxes, yet when Dems were in complete control they refused to raise taxes. Time to let it go.

Now they want to force Republicans to raise taxes so next election they can immediately turn around and call Republicans the bad guys for raising taxes.

So you support the Democrats in returning to responsible tax rates?

I guess you never read up on that filibuster stuff did you?
Oops - you beat me to it.
"Senator Marco Rubio 'Gets It'!"

Yes and oh how I wish this senator from FL. would run for the highest office in the land or at least accept a VP position. He is a rising star. :)
"Senator Marco Rubio 'Gets It'!"

Yes and oh how I wish this senator from FL. would run for the highest office in the land or at least accept a VP position. He is a rising star. :)


Chris Christie will implode and Rubio will be the golden child

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