Senator Warren Speaking Before the Senate

Liberals are easy to fool. Sen. Liawatha LOVES Bankers. Always has.
Ms. Warren’s calendar this year has been jam-packed with meetings on Wall Street. She has met with the chief executive of every major Wall Street bank, including Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase,Vikram S. Pandit of Citigroup and James P. Gorman of Morgan Stanley. Her industry outreach included talks with dozens of community bankers, too, and meetings with top credit card executives like Ajay Banga, the president and chief executive ofMasterCard.

I believe in regulatory engagement with industry, and I understand that industry provides a critical perspective in the regulatory process,” she said in the speech.
Translation: "I'm yer bitch. I'll do what ever you say, just keep the donations rollin' in!"
Senator Warren: CFR Member. Hint: It's where Hillary said she got her marching orders from when she was Secretary of State.

Google CFR, I dare ya'.
Is there a member of a Council on Foreign Relations named "Liawatha"? Or did your lithium pills just run out????
Lindsey Graham just made a very weak response to Senator Warren.
Because he's a very weak Senator and he's really on Warrens side anyway. Remember, his boyfriend John McCain (Traitor, AZ) teamed up with Sen Liawatha on the fake "Restore the Glass/Steigall Act".

Liawatha is currently working with Banks to get them off the hook for mortgage paperwork they never filed in millions of mortgage cases.

She knows who "butters her bun".
I honestly hope Senator Elizabeth Warren (aka Liawatha) wins the Democrat nomination in the 2016 Primaries ... That will make the Presidential race very entertaining.

My goodness ... If the Liberals can talk the Republicans into nominating Governor Chris Christie ... The show between him and Senator Warren will be as funny as two drunks fighting over a plate of Cajun fries and a bowl of brown gravy.


Oy, Gewalt.

Yep. Claimed to be American Indian to get benefits on tuition etc. Not a drop of native American blood in her. A total fraud. Which is what she should have been charged with when the truth came out. She took a slot that a LEGITIMATE native American could have used.
President Elizabeth Warren.


Not this time, but next.


Good luck with that. Real Native Americans will be hunting her little gandy ass for stealing from them.
You must have proof that she has no Native American blood, right?

I hope she wears a traditional headdress on the campaign trail if she gets nominated. Maybe she can show off her skills skinning a buffalo at a fund raising bar-b-que.

I mean Native Americans have come along way from any of that ... But it is no reason she cannot connect with her roots.

President Elizabeth Warren.


Not this time, but next.


Good luck with that. Real Native Americans will be hunting her little gandy ass for stealing from them.
You must have proof that she has no Native American blood, right?

The Indians she claimed to be related too had never heard of her, or her relatives going back to her great grand folks when they were asked.
You must have proof that she has no Native American blood, right?

Never heard about that trope? During her childhood she was told that she had native American blood in her veins. When applying for college, she filled out a form in that sense. Whether she had any advantage because of this is unclear, but the university that hired her as a professor put her in as "Native American" to counter accusations that they hire too few minority staff. During election time some oppo researchers and journalists dug around and found no native American ancestry.

So, with that flimsy a factual basis, what's a good right-winger to do? Push the narrative, of course, and hyperventilate about it.

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