Send American negros back to Africa

Send them ******* back to Africa?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Keep but Segregate!

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
How about this? Everyone who or whose ancestors entered the country involuntarily or illegally be repatriated to the land of their ancestors, given say $10,000 and given no right or re-entry. Then seal the borders.

That's pretty fair I think.
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Blacks are not the problem, they have been corrupted by the left. Abused to the point of turning some of them into animals. Hopelessness, decades of poverty, unable to escape the liberal inner city plantations. If any dare oppose them they are demonized as uncle Tom's and race traitors. We need to cut the head off the snake.
Another ignorant troublemaker who thinks that kniggers are too stupid to know what is good for them.

Right, everything is just peachy for blacks they are living the American dream thanks to Democrats. lol Seriously pull your head out of your ass.
My point is that it is not because of Democrats.
It's only because of democrats.....
Yo, NoNukes , you have yet to understand.

American conservatives are clearly more intelligent, compassionate and fair. They have the full force of divinity and the laws of man at their side. They are on the right side of history and have developed the foundations of democracy. The only thing that they cannot do is outsmart idiot libs when it comes to getting easily impressed minorities to support their policies.

It makes absolute sense.
Democrats enforced segregation and labour Laws that discriminated against "cheap" Black labour.

1. Introduction
The historical relationship between black workers and the labor union movement in the United States has been anything but smooth. Racial exclusion was practiced by many of the craft unions that emerged during the late nineteenth century and was tolerated by the AFL. Not all black activists or intellectuals could share Booker T. Washington's rejection of trade unionism and apparent embrace of strikebreaking as a road to black economic progress; but even a socialist like W.E.B. DuBois had to admit that the treatment of blacks by the white unions had "convince[d] the American Negro that his greatest enemy is not the employer who robs him, but his fellow white workingman". For their part, white unionists were incensed by the employers' use of black workers to break strikes.

On the other hand, some unions, such as the Knights of Labor and the Mine Workers, adopted a policy of integration from an early date, as did the CIO later on. In recent years, despite occasional conflicts between affirmative action goals and union seniority rules, there is no consistent pattern of union exclusion of minorities. In fact, controlling for industry, black males are somewhat more likely to be represented by unions than are other workers (Ashenfelter 1973; Leonard 1985).

In this paper I analyze the economic incentives facing white unionists when they choose between policies of integration and exclusion of black workers. For any union, racial exclusion involves a fundamental trade-off: if minorities can effectively be excluded from some or all of the occupations represented by the union, the total labor supply is diminished and there may be upward pressure on white unionists' wages; at the same time, whites may sacrifice bargaining power if minority workers will not join in actual or potential strikes. If whites have a marginal preference to organize other whites first, the exclusion decision will depend on the union's optimal membership size and the number of black workers already in the market. This is not to deny the importance of stronger racist motives or "tastes for discrimination," but to emphasize how strategic interests may or may not reinforce them in the behavior of unions and employers. The results would generalize to the case of any sub-group in the labor market, such as women or recent immigrants.

Economists and industrial relations researchers who have studied the racial policies of American trade unions have posited several hypotheses regarding the differences between unions, in particular between the craft unions of the AFL and the industrial unions of the CIO. It is frequently argued that racial exclusion was more consistent with the craft-union strategy of restricting and controlling labor supply to raise wages than it was with the industrial-union strategy of mass organization at all skill levels (Marshall 1965; Ashenfelter 1973). The logic of this argument is not self-evident, however, since the basic costs and benefits of organizing more workers must have affected both types of unions. An exclusive craft union must worry about leaving so many potential replacements unorganized that strikes or strike threats become ineffective, even if actual strikes rarely occur. And industrial union members would still have to be concerned about the adverse effect of organizing and employing too many additional members on the wellbeing of each current member. Although the historical record does confirm that exclusion of minorities from union membership was more prevalent in the skilled crafts, there were important exceptions, and closer attention to the incentives involved seems warranted. Moreover, although industrial unions tended to be more inclusive in terms of membership, it is possible that they were discriminatory in job allocation among members. Whereas white craft unions kept blacks out of the skilled positions by excluding them from union membership and apprenticeship programs, some industrial unions accomplished a similar end by establishing separate promotion ladders and job categories by race under the labor contract (see Dewey 1955, Hill 1973).

A second and clearly relevant factor affecting the racial policies of white-dominated unions was simply the availability of minority workers in the relevant labor force. A union in a labor market with large numbers of black workers might have felt compelled to organize them or face almost certain defeat in a strike; how strongly compelled depends on the union's desired membership from a strategic point of view.

Employment Segregation in the Early Twentieth Century | Cliometrics Society

And so the roots of current Black problems were sown.

Yo, NoNukes , you have yet to understand.

American conservatives are clearly more intelligent, compassionate and fair. They have the full force of divinity and the laws of man at their side. They are on the right side of history and have developed the foundations of democracy. The only thing that they cannot do is outsmart idiot libs when it comes to getting easily impressed minorities to support their policies.

It makes absolute sense.
We freed your democrat's,only a matter of time until all your slaves walk off....
Yo, NoNukes , you have yet to understand.

American conservatives are clearly more intelligent, compassionate and fair. They have the full force of divinity and the laws of man at their side. They are on the right side of history and have developed the foundations of democracy. The only thing that they cannot do is outsmart idiot libs when it comes to getting easily impressed minorities to support their policies.

It makes absolute sense.
Another kniggers are too smart to know what is good for them post. Good to see that Christmas did not thwart American hatred.
Yo, NoNukes , you have yet to understand.

American conservatives are clearly more intelligent, compassionate and fair. They have the full force of divinity and the laws of man at their side. They are on the right side of history and have developed the foundations of democracy. The only thing that they cannot do is outsmart idiot libs when it comes to getting easily impressed minorities to support their policies.

It makes absolute sense.
Another kniggers are too smart to know what is good for them post. Good to see that Christmas did not thwart American hatred.

You should have asked Santa for a new sarcasm meter. can you NOT know where I stand on this issue by now?
I'll gladly take my black ass back to Africa for a small loan of a million dollar. :biggrin:
Earn it yourself. What a novel concept.

Oh, thats right. You are black. You don't have the ability.
Yo, NoNukes , you have yet to understand.

American conservatives are clearly more intelligent, compassionate and fair. They have the full force of divinity and the laws of man at their side. They are on the right side of history and have developed the foundations of democracy. The only thing that they cannot do is outsmart idiot libs when it comes to getting easily impressed minorities to support their policies.

It makes absolute sense.
Another kniggers are too smart to know what is good for them post. Good to see that Christmas did not thwart American hatred.
No, sadly, you racists democrats are still here....
Reading racist crap like this makes me wonder, and then hope. I wonder what the hell was wrong with your parents. I hope you have not infected society with your own children.
That politically correct theory that has been proven false. Latest scientific research indicates Europeans migrated from Asia.
I am sick of Africans pushing that nonsense. Nothing in Africa "evolves." The Bible has been proven true about EVERYTHING. real Man (Man with the spirt was created in Mesopotamia
That politically correct theory that has been proven false. Latest scientific research indicates Europeans migrated from Asia.
I am sick of Africans pushing that nonsense. Nothing in Africa "evolves." The Bible has been proven true about EVERYTHING. real Man (Man with the spirt was created in Mesopotamia
It has? Where's the proof some people used to live to 900+ years?

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