Separation, Secession or Suppresion?

What is the most likely outcome of the Left-Right schism in our country?

  • Peaceful Separation

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Armed Secession

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Armed Suppression

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Peace & Harmony

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?

There will be no schism while one group holds all the industry.

It's urban vs rural and rural would get crushed.

Maybe the urbans would starve but not before they wiped out rural resistance.....

THe strength of the state means civil war is almost an impossibility in reality tho. Our last one happened only because the Southerners didn't have a good grasp of the logistics of war and it was a much better bet than a modern "neo confederacy" without the slavery would be. Or some west coast break away state trying to get awya from Trump or whoever.

Only some sort of split in the armed forces could cause a real civil war. They control all the relevant power in this conversation.
Peaceful separation, of course.

But not yet.

It will not happen until near the end of this century.

By then, there will be so much violence, corruption, & disorganization that all groups will be calling for their own safe zones in which to live, work, & play with like-minded people.
Peaceful separation, of course.

But not yet.

It will not happen until near the end of this century.

By then, there will be so much violence, corruption, & disorganization that all groups will be calling for their own safe zones in which to live, work, & play with like-minded people.

You've gotta quit binge watching all those old Mad Max movies. You go off the deep end and start talking about civil war every time you do that.
Texas is GONE.

It's only a matter of time and how. Unfortunately, I don't see the goose-stepping commie left allowing Texas to walk out with the world's 10th largest economy and all that money that they wanna get their greedy, pinko hands on.

They will send others to do their war for them against Texas, but ultimately Texas leaves. There are way too many pissed off, armed Texans eager to engage in a decades-long armed insurgency.
Sooner the better.
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?

There will be no schism while one group holds all the industry.

It's urban vs rural and rural would get crushed.

Maybe the urbans would starve but not before they wiped out rural resistance.....

THe strength of the state means civil war is almost an impossibility in reality tho. Our last one happened only because the Southerners didn't have a good grasp of the logistics of war and it was a much better bet than a modern "neo confederacy" without the slavery would be. Or some west coast break away state trying to get awya from Trump or whoever.

Only some sort of split in the armed forces could cause a real civil war. They control all the relevant power in this conversation.
There is a schism now, but there will be no splinting off secession of states. We aren't having it. It was tried before and didn't work then either. With modern speed of communication and movement, it just will not work, except in the minds of the reality impaired. There will be no split of the armed forces, so case closed.
Texas is GONE.

It's only a matter of time and how. Unfortunately, I don't see the goose-stepping commie left allowing Texas to walk out with the world's 10th largest economy and all that money that they wanna get their greedy, pinko hands on.

They will send others to do their war for them against Texas, but ultimately Texas leaves. There are way too many pissed off, armed Texans eager to engage in a decades-long armed insurgency.
Texas is almost 50/50 repub/dem. Relax.
We are all here, except for Native Americans, because somebody did not like the country they were in and moved here
Where did the Native Americans come from? Is there some statute of limitations at work here?
We are all here, except for Native Americans, because somebody did not like the country they were in and moved here
Where did the Native Americans come from? Is there some statute of limitations at work here?
Here long before us. I don't think they even know how long. The rest of us are here because of immigration one way or another since the settlement of James Town.
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?

In this case, I believe Prozac would be a better choice than those other three for you
Four choices, actually. I believe new eyeglasses would help.

While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?

See above. Nothing is not a choice.
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?
1) Nazism + communalism = statist left. 2) Nazism - communalism = statist left. 3) Communalism - nazism = statist left. 4) Individual Liberty + U.S. Constitution/BoR = peace/prosperity. 5) Individual Liberty - U.S. Constitution/BoR = anarchy. 6) U.S. Constitution/BoR + statist left = divide/war. 7) Totalitarianism + dictator = war/death. 8) Totalitarianism - dictator = religion. 8) Dictator - totalitarianism = wannabee. There is a LOT more than just the above but it would literally take an entire volume to explain it all.

Live free as one can or live enslaved as one can(personal choice?). The middle ground is the gray area(politick'n) & offers only unsolved endless turmoil(current USA). In the end it all comes down to ones religion(s). Both Stalin & Hitler idolized the religion of totalitarianism & in doing so both became HIGHLY successful totalitarians. Both prez Tom Jefferson & prez FDR faced UNPRECEDENTED challenges during their respective administrations. So we have two highly successful dictators vs two highly successful presidents of the USA to base ones religion of choice upon. Just for the record I pick prez Tom Jefferson as the right man ideology/religion to go with.

TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION OF "If so, what form is the most likely outcome?" What I see @ current/near future is a stalemate between the American statist left(communalists/social Liberal) constituency & the American constitutionally based right(conservatives/Classical* Liberals-Libertarian) constituency. As far as the future goes I have to rely on my education in sociology(historical). As I long ago learned one needs to study mankind's past to somewhat accurately predict mankind's future. Humanities past is replete with repetitious overlap in the field of aggression, domination, repression & outright warfare. Despite my early efforts @ finding an answer to the before mentioned problems I finally had to admit defeat just like all before me. As much as I absolutely detest to admit to the following, the problem to your question is found in our human nature. With no way to reprogram/reboot human nature(we don't even know what it is) our future looks like more of the same oh same oh, aggression, domination, repression & outright warfare. There certainly are people out there with good intentions, but like the saying goes; the highway to hell is paved with good intentions.

*Classical Liberalism was the religion of choice of America's founding fathers.
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?
1) Nazism + communalism = statist left. 2) Nazism - communalism = statist left. 3) Communalism - nazism = statist left. 4) Individual Liberty + U.S. Constitution/BoR = peace/prosperity. 5) Individual Liberty - U.S. Constitution/BoR = anarchy. 6) U.S. Constitution/BoR + statist left = divide/war. 7) Totalitarianism + dictator = war/death. 8) Totalitarianism - dictator = religion. 8) Dictator - totalitarianism = wannabee. There is a LOT more than just the above but it would literally take an entire volume to explain it all.

Live free as one can or live enslaved as one can(personal choice?). The middle ground is the gray area(politick'n) & offers only unsolved endless turmoil(current USA). In the end it all comes down to ones religion(s). Both Stalin & Hitler idolized the religion of totalitarianism & in doing so both became HIGHLY successful totalitarians. Both prez Tom Jefferson & prez FDR faced UNPRECEDENTED challenges during their respective administrations. So we have two highly successful dictators vs two highly successful presidents of the USA to base ones religion of choice upon. Just for the record I pick prez Tom Jefferson as the right man ideology/religion to go with.

TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION OF "If so, what form is the most likely outcome?" What I see @ current/near future is a stalemate between the American statist left(communalists/social Liberal) constituency & the American constitutionally based right(conservatives/Classical* Liberals-Libertarian) constituency. As far as the future goes I have to rely on my education in sociology(historical). As I long ago learned one needs to study mankind's past to somewhat accurately predict mankind's future. Humanities past is replete with repetitious overlap in the field of aggression, domination, repression & outright warfare. Despite my early efforts @ finding an answer to the before mentioned problems I finally had to admit defeat just like all before me. As much as I absolutely detest to admit to the following, the problem to your question is found in our human nature. With no way to reprogram/reboot human nature(we don't even know what it is) our future looks like more of the same oh same oh, aggression, domination, repression & outright warfare. There certainly are people out there with good intentions, but like the saying goes; the highway to hell is paved with good intentions.

*Classical Liberalism was the religion of choice of America's founding fathers.
Nice piece of writing for this time of night, though opinionated and offering no solution. I liked it.
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?
1) Nazism + communalism = statist left. 2) Nazism - communalism = statist left. 3) Communalism - nazism = statist left. 4) Individual Liberty + U.S. Constitution/BoR = peace/prosperity. 5) Individual Liberty - U.S. Constitution/BoR = anarchy. 6) U.S. Constitution/BoR + statist left = divide/war. 7) Totalitarianism + dictator = war/death. 8) Totalitarianism - dictator = religion. 8) Dictator - totalitarianism = wannabee. There is a LOT more than just the above but it would literally take an entire volume to explain it all.

Live free as one can or live enslaved as one can(personal choice?). The middle ground is the gray area(politick'n) & offers only unsolved endless turmoil(current USA). In the end it all comes down to ones religion(s). Both Stalin & Hitler idolized the religion of totalitarianism & in doing so both became HIGHLY successful totalitarians. Both prez Tom Jefferson & prez FDR faced UNPRECEDENTED challenges during their respective administrations. So we have two highly successful dictators vs two highly successful presidents of the USA to base ones religion of choice upon. Just for the record I pick prez Tom Jefferson as the right man ideology/religion to go with.

TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION OF "If so, what form is the most likely outcome?" What I see @ current/near future is a stalemate between the American statist left(communalists/social Liberal) constituency & the American constitutionally based right(conservatives/Classical* Liberals-Libertarian) constituency. As far as the future goes I have to rely on my education in sociology(historical). As I long ago learned one needs to study mankind's past to somewhat accurately predict mankind's future. Humanities past is replete with repetitious overlap in the field of aggression, domination, repression & outright warfare. Despite my early efforts @ finding an answer to the before mentioned problems I finally had to admit defeat just like all before me. As much as I absolutely detest to admit to the following, the problem to your question is found in our human nature. With no way to reprogram/reboot human nature(we don't even know what it is) our future looks like more of the same oh same oh, aggression, domination, repression & outright warfare. There certainly are people out there with good intentions, but like the saying goes; the highway to hell is paved with good intentions.

*Classical Liberalism was the religion of choice of America's founding fathers.
Nice piece of writing for this time of night, though opinionated and offering no solution. I liked it.
Thank you W6 for the compliment, much appreciated for sure! I sure wish I could have offered a solution other than the same oh same oh answer but it is the only answer I have in my arsenal @ current. There's the 'open ones heart' answer but that ones been pulled, used & discarded so many times as to be ridiculous. If it was not for human nature the old adages like "Can't we just all get along", & "We are all in the same boat" not to mention the one I previously stated would/should work. When I hit the end of the road with these problems that seem to elude any & all solutions I go to the "Blue Marble" & just fixate on it.

The Blue Marble spins: amazing Nasa time-lapse shows planet Earth in

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