Sequestration; Holding Congressional-Feet To-The-Fire!

Not sure what this thread is about, but it is interesting that the federal government can't tolerate the same 2% pay cut that ordinary citizens are now dealing with.
Not sure either ... what is important is the reason for the spending, not the spending.

The Rs have been begging for sequestration all along - good, lets see the reason now for what they intend to do with their victory - and may work to everyone's advantage.
Congress again embarrasses itself and the nation by glaringly pointing out their incapacity or refusal to do their job. When will voters finally kick these people all out, end the two party dictatorship and take back the government?
Congress is holding Obama's feet to the fire, finally.

Defense has to be slashed, entitlements reformed, and cuts to taxes can be no more than 8 to 1 with the taxes early this year already figured in the 8 to 1 figure.

The president is going to have to give in.
Many of us perceive Congress as being concerned about the economic well-being of America, but is that true? Is it just possible that some Republicans, elected by some of the wealthier congressional districts would like to see the United States undergo another depression/recession? A recession/depression could well mean America would elect Republicans, and the well-being of the wealthy would not be effected by a major economic recession.
A depression does not affect all the wealthy in a negative manner but rather makes them, and their money, even more valuable; at one time this concept that poverty has a beneficial use for the rich was labeled "Utility of poverty."
Catchy little song:

[ame=]Obamaville Song - YouTube[/ame]
Imagine how hysterical the libs would be if the federal government enacted real fiscal responsibility.
low information comment

A 2% cutback in federal spending is virtually meaningless but look at the hysteria on the left. Imagine what would happen if the cuts were meaningful instead of symbolic. The lock step left wing who never had an independent thought that wasn't generated by George Soros would be rioting in the streets.
They can AFFORD to shoulder....


OBAMA would NOT sign a plan giving HIM the authority to make or NOT make cuts and he refused...chicken crapper that is!!!
Senate Republicans Draft Bill to Abdicate Their Constitutional Authority - See more at:

President Obama himself rejected the idea that he be granted authority to make the necessary cuts. In Newport News, Virginia on Tuesday, Obama said, regarding the decision of which cuts to make, “there is no smart way to do it.” -

Senate Republicans Draft Bill to Abdicate Their Constitutional Authority
85 billion in cuts although the budget is already projected above the 2012 FY. This sequester is nothing but an insult. If we're serious we're cutting out chunks in the hundreds of billions over 3- 5 years.
Imagine how hysterical the libs would be if the federal government enacted real fiscal responsibility.
low information comment

A 2% cutback in federal spending is virtually meaningless but look at the hysteria on the left. Imagine what would happen if the cuts were meaningful instead of symbolic. The lock step left wing who never had an independent thought that wasn't generated by George Soros would be rioting in the streets.

a low information comment worthy of the brainless left and the brainless right.
LBT is right, for a change, but it will require the Pres to give in on taxes and the Right to give in on Defense.
Imagine how hysterical the libs would be if the federal government enacted real fiscal responsibility.
low information comment

A 2% cutback in federal spending is virtually meaningless but look at the hysteria on the left. Imagine what would happen if the cuts were meaningful instead of symbolic. The lock step left wing who never had an independent thought that wasn't generated by George Soros would be rioting in the streets.

The cuts are tiny, that much is true. But those tiny cuts are specifically designed to hurt. Remember, the sequester was designed to be so unappealing that the House and Senate would compromise just to avoid it.

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