Serbia protests: Thousands join anti-2nd amendment march after 2 mass shootings in 2 days last week

if guns were banned do you think the lowlifes among us still wont be able to procure them?.....gang members dont go to the gun shop....
Gee, wasn't Serbia the country where the "Christian Serbs" were committing genocide on the Muslims to the point that NATO and the UN had to get involved to stop the horror? If I remember correctly the Serbs had more or less disarmed the Muslims while importing individual, crew served and artillery weapons from Russia.
gun control is the solution, no more guns, no more senseless deaths, in america and around the world

Isn't Serbia one of those wonderful places where the ethnic know, murder, rape, and torture happened........?

Seems like they are really fucking stupid to give up their guns.......
Hopefully they do not find out the hard way.

Foolish people always find out the hard way......German socialists murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.....and Europe still doesn't get it......and Serbia? The atrocities there are much more recent and they are still fools....

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