Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Show us where the IMF demanded that the prosecutor be fired.
If I show you proof that the IMF pushed for the firing of the prosecutor before Biden got it done will you concede the point that Biden was acting on behalf of our government and the international community and not as a personal attempt to cover for his son?
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop it due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
If I show you proof that the IMF pushed for the firing of the prosecutor before Biden got it done will you concede the point that Biden was acting on behalf of our government and the international community and not as a personal attempt to cover for his son?
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative
He had no fucking mandate to extort the Ukrianians
Really? You sure about that?
And do you think Biden convinced multiple governments to get rid of the prosecutor for the same reason? Do you think Biden did all
of this on his own accord?

So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Show us where the IMF demanded that the prosecutor be fired.
If I show you proof that the IMF pushed for the firing of the prosecutor before Biden got it done will you concede the point that Biden was acting on behalf of our government and the international community and not as a personal attempt to cover for his son?
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative
If he acted on behalf of anyone in doing the same thing he bragged about, then it's still an illegal act comitted by him according to our laws correct ?? Was Biden used by others as a fall guy whom had knowledge of his son being involved over there as well ?? Was Biden set up ? I'm just working off of what you all are talking about here. Is Biden not a smart man maybe ? Could he be set up easily in something like that or is he a smart man ? Good grief the bullcrap that goes on in this world now, and how it just reeks of corruption everywhere anymore.
Again, why would I take the time to show you the proof when it makes no difference in the debate. That’s a waste of my time. Let’s try this.... What would you need to see to convince you that Biden was acting on behalf of our government and the international community and not doing a solo act to cover for his son?

It can be "not solo" and still be done to protect his son.
Do you get that?
I do get it... except for a few things. Firing the prosecutor that wasn’t doing shit about corruption, including not doing anything with the Burisma case which has been dormant for months , that action isn’t protecting his son. Also the accusations being thrown at Biden are saying that he did something corrupt or inappropriate by firing the prosecutor... well if he was acting on behalf of our government and the international community then those accusations can’t be true.
Biden says he was acting on behalf of our government. Has Obama said he told Biden to demand that Ukraine fire Shokin?
If he did would you clear Biden or wrong doing? I’m not giving you anymore troll bait. And I’m not going on wild goose chases to get evidence that doesn’t sway the argument. I know the game. You ask for proof, I give you proof, you pivot to something else. I’m not playing that game.

You tell me what evidence would convince you that Biden acted appropriately and we can go from there. Let’s see if you are reasonable or a simple troll.
Yeah cast that blame on Obama the untouchable eh ?? How convenient. People are going to have to recognize how corruption is attempted to be insulated these days, and this back and forth is proving exactly how it is being done... Keep enlightening us oh wise one of how it is done, and how it is protected. This globalism is a corrupt thing, and it has left American's as toothless Lions roaring with no ability to fight back.
How did I blame Obama? You’re having comprehension problems again. Read slower
So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Ok, but did he break U.S. law ?
If I show you proof that the IMF pushed for the firing of the prosecutor before Biden got it done will you concede the point that Biden was acting on behalf of our government and the international community and not as a personal attempt to cover for his son?
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative

So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.
It can be "not solo" and still be done to protect his son.
Do you get that?
I do get it... except for a few things. Firing the prosecutor that wasn’t doing shit about corruption, including not doing anything with the Burisma case which has been dormant for months , that action isn’t protecting his son. Also the accusations being thrown at Biden are saying that he did something corrupt or inappropriate by firing the prosecutor... well if he was acting on behalf of our government and the international community then those accusations can’t be true.
Biden says he was acting on behalf of our government. Has Obama said he told Biden to demand that Ukraine fire Shokin?
If he did would you clear Biden or wrong doing? I’m not giving you anymore troll bait. And I’m not going on wild goose chases to get evidence that doesn’t sway the argument. I know the game. You ask for proof, I give you proof, you pivot to something else. I’m not playing that game.

You tell me what evidence would convince you that Biden acted appropriately and we can go from there. Let’s see if you are reasonable or a simple troll.
Yeah cast that blame on Obama the untouchable eh ?? How convenient. People are going to have to recognize how corruption is attempted to be insulated these days, and this back and forth is proving exactly how it is being done... Keep enlightening us oh wise one of how it is done, and how it is protected. This globalism is a corrupt thing, and it has left American's as toothless Lions roaring with no ability to fight back.
How did I blame Obama? You’re having comprehension problems again. Read slower
Our government was being run by the President at the time, so could anyone else direct Biden to do what he did on behalf of our government ?
So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Oh Bullshit, he was protecting his coke addled son after steering $Millions with Ukraine and $Billions with China, into his pockets.

THERE’S THE IMPEACHMENT NARRATIVE AND THEN THERE’S THE FACTS: Former U.S. Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker’s closed-door testimony before Congress can now be read in full by anybody who wishes to do so. You should wish to do so and you can, courtesy of Sean Davis and The Federalist.

Davis, by the way, is tearing it up in reporting on Ukrainegate. He’s also got a story up on the fact the director of investigations for Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the House Select Committee on Intelligence is a former MSNBC legal analyst. That explains a lot by itself.

Testimony From Ukraine Envoy Kurt Volker Directly Contradicts Democrats’ Impeachment Narrative
Testimony from Ukraine envoy Kurt Volker, which was obtained by The Federalist, blows holes directly through the impeachment narrative that congressional Democrats have crafted against President Donald Trump.

Congressional testimony from the former top American envoy to Ukraine directly contradicts the impeachment narrative offered by congressional Democrats and their media allies. Ambassador Kurt Volker, who served for two years as the top U.S. diplomatic envoy to Ukraine, testified on Thursday that he was never aware of and never took part in any effort to push the Ukrainian government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden or his son Hunter. He also stressed that the interactions between Giuliani and Ukrainian officials were facilitated not to find dirt on Biden, but to assuage concerns that the incoming Ukrainian government would not be able to get a handle on corruption within the country.

Volker’s full remarks, which were obtained by The Federalist, can be read here.

With The Democrats, it's all lies and farces all the way down.
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative

So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.
Was U.S. law broken ??
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative

So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Ok, but did he break U.S. law ?
If it's legal for those holding high office to steer $Billions in US money to a foreign nation that then steers $Millions into your son's pockets, then we have a gap in our legal structure that needs to be addressed.

Congressional testimony from the former top American envoy to Ukraine directly contradicts the impeachment narrative offered by congressional Democrats and their media allies. Ambassador Kurt Volker, who served for two years as the top U.S. diplomatic envoy to Ukraine, testified on Thursday that he was never aware of and never took part in any effort to push the Ukrainian government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden or his son Hunter. He also stressed that the interactions between Giuliani and Ukrainian officials were facilitated not to find dirt on Biden, but to assuage concerns that the incoming Ukrainian government would not be able to get a handle on corruption within the country.

Volker’s full remarks, which were obtained by The Federalist, can be read here.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion” during negotiations with Ukraine, Volker testified. Cherry-picked snippets of those texts were released by the office of Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., late Thursday evening.

“[A]t no time was I aware of or took part in an effort to urge Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden,” Volker told lawmakers.

Volker said that an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked Volker to connect the advisor to Rudy Giuliani, a personal attorney for President Donald Trump.
If I show you proof that the IMF pushed for the firing of the prosecutor before Biden got it done will you concede the point that Biden was acting on behalf of our government and the international community and not as a personal attempt to cover for his son?
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop it due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Show us where the IMF demanded that the prosecutor be fired.
If I show you proof that the IMF pushed for the firing of the prosecutor before Biden got it done will you concede the point that Biden was acting on behalf of our government and the international community and not as a personal attempt to cover for his son?
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative
Show us the mandate, douchebag.
Why do the left continually use American taxpayer's money to subsidize many other countries social programs?
We help subsidize the left's welfare programs in many countries.
We pay for higher drugs while subsidizing Europe's drug prices.
We became the loan lenders in the Ukraine.
Many of those programs are not working.
Trump wants America to pay less and them to help pay for more of their own programs and they want him impeached for it.
It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?
Even if they did want him gone, he remained until Biden demanded he be fired in return for $1 billion.
No shit sherlock. Biden was assigned to be point guy with Ukraine. This is like trying to explain algebra to preschoolers. You’re embarrassing yourself man.
Who assigned him and why ? Conflict of interest involved due to his son wouldn't you say ?
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?
Even if they did want him gone, he remained until Biden demanded he be fired in return for $1 billion.
No shit sherlock. Biden was assigned to be point guy with Ukraine. This is like trying to explain algebra to preschoolers. You’re embarrassing yourself man.
Who assigned him and why ? Conflict of interest involved due to his son wouldn't you say ?
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
That and his defense for Joe by him suggesting that Joe was influenced by foreign nations to put pressure on something that broke U.S. laws ?? :dig:
If I show you proof that the IMF pushed for the firing of the prosecutor before Biden got it done will you concede the point that Biden was acting on behalf of our government and the international community and not as a personal attempt to cover for his son?
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative
If he acted on behalf of anyone in doing the same thing he bragged about, then it's still an illegal act comitted by him according to our laws correct ?? Was Biden used by others as a fall guy whom had knowledge of his son being involved over there as well ?? Was Biden set up ? I'm just working off of what you all are talking about here. Is Biden not a smart man maybe ? Could he be set up easily in something like that or is he a smart man ? Good grief the bullcrap that goes on in this world now, and how it just reeks of corruption everywhere anymore.
Illegal? How so?
There is a bipartisan letter from our congress urging the administration to remove the prosecutor, theres the support of our executive branch, the support of the European Union and the support of Ukraine’s own IMF to remove this guy because he was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Have you done any independent research on this subject? Look for hard evidence not just partisan talking points. That’s the first thing you should have done so you didn’t spend days making false accusations

It seems to me all you have is partisan talking points. Ignoring what Biden said about withholding funds to the Ukraine, his son getting a winning lottery ticket, the political unrest by the Democrats all point in one direction if you ask me. But you choose to ignore every one.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Ok, but did he break U.S. law ?
Not that I’ve seen. What law do you think he broke?
I do get it... except for a few things. Firing the prosecutor that wasn’t doing shit about corruption, including not doing anything with the Burisma case which has been dormant for months , that action isn’t protecting his son. Also the accusations being thrown at Biden are saying that he did something corrupt or inappropriate by firing the prosecutor... well if he was acting on behalf of our government and the international community then those accusations can’t be true.
Biden says he was acting on behalf of our government. Has Obama said he told Biden to demand that Ukraine fire Shokin?
If he did would you clear Biden or wrong doing? I’m not giving you anymore troll bait. And I’m not going on wild goose chases to get evidence that doesn’t sway the argument. I know the game. You ask for proof, I give you proof, you pivot to something else. I’m not playing that game.

You tell me what evidence would convince you that Biden acted appropriately and we can go from there. Let’s see if you are reasonable or a simple troll.
Yeah cast that blame on Obama the untouchable eh ?? How convenient. People are going to have to recognize how corruption is attempted to be insulated these days, and this back and forth is proving exactly how it is being done... Keep enlightening us oh wise one of how it is done, and how it is protected. This globalism is a corrupt thing, and it has left American's as toothless Lions roaring with no ability to fight back.
How did I blame Obama? You’re having comprehension problems again. Read slower
Our government was being run by the President at the time, so could anyone else direct Biden to do what he did on behalf of our government ?
yes, obama made Biden the point man with Ukraine. What’s your point?

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