Seriously? 50% Of Americans Approve Of High Gas Prices & Rising Healthcare Costs ?

and yet some libs and rats have been comparing Bozo to Reagan? wasn't gas around $1.15 a gallon during the 80's? and jobs were plentifull, often more jobs than people?

All those good times and still Reagan raised taxes and left office with a deficit. Funny how Republicans can "turn around" a good time.
I remember when gas went down to 1.00 a gallon when Bush was President !!!! although short least he kept it under 1.50 for quite some time in his first term.

Are you stupid enough to believe than an American president can move gas prices anywhere he wants them?
Nothing to do with Iran ? LOL

It has nothing to do with Iran or crude oil prices. :lol:


That's a fascinating chart, and quite useful if you believe gasoline usage began a month ago.

On the other hand, you could look at a more indicative long term chart:


...and then saying that the price of oil has nothing to do with the price of gas sounds rather stupid.
and all the liberal commentators claim that Obama saved the nation in 2009, yet they forget that he borrowed a few trillion form our children to bail out banks/firms, and here we are three years later and Obama has no way or plans to pay it back, and at the same time millions of suffering americans are being harrassed by debt collectors over a few thousand dollars,,,,but will obama ever be getting calls from debt collectors over his 5 Trillion Dollars?

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