Service Dogs In Restaurants

Daisy (the dog in my avatar) is made for kisses. She gives as good as she gets! When you have a sweet little dog like her, you permit, no, encourage, her affection. She needs to feel secure due to her diminutive size, but her personality insists on human contact.

Cute pupper-wupper and I love the little punk tummy.

Very early memory - my dad telling to stop kissing animals.

I didn't look at the video but I have a hard time coming up with a reason why I wouldn't be comfortable with a dog next to me in a restaurant. After all, they're next to me at home.
Gotta warn you. Either most of the people are stupid that view the video or racist. The woman simply didnt want to eat with a dog near her. As far as I can guess from whats being said she made a remark and got up to leave. That should have been the end of it but the dog owner took it upon herself to confront the woman about the legalities of the dog being allowed in the establishment. Mind you that wasnt even the issue. The issue was she didnt want to eat by a dog so she got up to leave. Of course being confronted by the woman in front of her child didnt make her feel to friendly and she rightfully blasted her.

I saw the video-----I saw no evidence that the lady who did not want a dog near her simply rose from her chair and quietly sought to leave the restaurant as butterfly claims--------It seems to me that she must have COMPLAINED about the presence of the dog-------or the dog owner could
not possibly KNOW that the reason the lady who was leaving was leaving because of the dog-----unless she was a PSYCHIC WHITE CHICK.
Of course you wont see it because they didnt video that part of it. What can hear is both of them agreeing the confrontation took place. Are you really that dense or are you just pretending to be this dumb?

you cited the video------not the disordered machinations of your own mind
yeah because their voices in the video agree the confrontation took place. I thought you were playing stupid but its apparent you are deadly serious about being stupid.
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I agree with this woman, I don't want dogs in restaurants
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You agree with her behavior too? Do you own a dog and is it in backyard prison?
I agree with her opinion, I have a doggy door and he's sleeping on the couch right now

Is your dog allowed in your kitchen? Just curious

Would your kitchen pass the county restaurant inspection?
She should have just left and not gave them her money if so offended. If it was some derp that just wandered in with their pet then a reaction is warranted, but not like this for a service dog.

I also have a question about 'service dog'. It isn't a seeing eye dog is it? Aren't these just friends for people? Do these animals have the same right of way as a seeing eye dog?

I'm more than a little unfamiliar with this whole area.

Service dogs for epilepsy and diabetes. Dogs for depression and cancer as well.

It is not just about seeing eye dogs in restaurants and other places

Yes everyone knows what service dogs are used for. Each case is unique. If the dog is used for 'comfort' only it is entirely different than a seeing eye dog and may not be covered by the same laws.

See. Unless you know all the laws and ordinances for every city and state you don't know either.
Service animals are scrupulously screened for proper personality and highly trained. ADA is clear that service animals are to be permitted where other animals would be excluded. "Emotional support" animals are not vetted nor trained to the same high standards. They are pets that the owner claims are indispensable to the owner's psychological, emotional, or other consoling role. If the owner is that unstable, they might consider not endangering the public by venturing into public venues. For "emotional support animals" the owner fills out a form online and pays a fee, in most cases. They receive their documentation electronically and can print it out for later presentation.
Hell service dogs should be allowed anywhere just as seeing eye dogs are.

You obviously have a service dog. Is it for mental retardation? It takes a mentally retarded brain to equate any and all "disabilities", most of which are undetectable to others in the room, with blindness.

And, Hell, Hell is what people deserve to who think other people's businesses is their own business.
Hell service dogs should be allowed anywhere just as seeing eye dogs are.

You obviously have a service dog. Is it for mental retardation? It takes a mentally retarded brain to equate any and all "disabilities", most of which are undetectable to others in the room, with blindness.

And, Hell, Hell is what people deserve to who think other people's businesses is their own business.

you are over-reacting

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