Sessions freezes aid program for illegals

Report: AG Sessions Freezes Aid Program for Illegal Migrants | Breitbart

Good. Our tax dollars shouldn't be going to illegals here nor illegal wars overseas!
But I remember the liberals saying that illegals couldn't get FREEBIES... Are you saying that liberals lie?

There's an aid program for law breaking illegals??? They steal identities, forge documents, and drive around drunk without a license or insurance killing Americans and we give them aid?
And then we send more aid to Mexico.
It's a sad state of affairs today indeed.
The more of them that stream in, the more Democrat votes get stacked up. This what you get when guys like Brown, Cuomo, Obama, etc get elected.

The difficulty for those idiots is that the value added by illegals is less than the cost of such illegals in terms of public costs. That is why the blue wall is flirting with defauklt.
They're getting cheap labor that's cheap for a reason and they need to spend more for Cops, firemen, EMTs, teachers and so on to deal with third world educations, feuds from the old country, Diseases et al. This is a classic goverment death spiral. Think of what happened in Yugoslavia and the Ukraine for the same reasons.

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