Sessions wants DNA testing at border


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Tony Perkins: Sessions Talking To Lawmakers About Using DNA Tests To Verify Parents Of Immigrant Children

it's painfully obvious that immigrants are using whatever they need to in order to get into the country. the left is sucking up the human cruelty aspect of it in a new found morality they've kept hidden for 10 years now. im proud it only took 10 years i suppose for them to realize what happens at the border when you use kids illegally to gain access to a country.

and it's sheer newsworthy that when adults are charged with a crime, kids are taken away. i mean, if you go to someones house and arrest the parents for child abuse, i suppose at that point we simply leave the kids at the house and remove the parents. make sure some milk and cookies are out and the kids will be fine.

the left bitches by the minute that this is wrong but i've yet to hear them offer a better idea. too busy saying WE'D NOT DO THAT to say what they would do so we can compare and maybe come up with a better solution than we have today.

now sessions is looking into DNA testing.

the cost of the test is around $70 from what i can see. not sure how many are coming over daily but we'd also have to pay people to administer the tests and provide same day results when possible. looks like ~12k kids are with health and human services.

now what?

if they are not their parents, well we go ahead and prosecute and the kids are now left alone. if they are their parents, move along and go to phase 2 of the process.

but the kids are still left alone and that problem is not solved. however i do think if we did random dna testing, or used it in cases where parents can't verify they are in fact the parents, illegals would use them less knowing they can now be checked.

not sure overall what good this would do except maybe minimize the number of people knowingly using kids to gain access and i can't say that is a bad thing. the question is - where do these illegals get the kids? anyone worried about that? how can we work with mexico to get them back home or find family in the US?

sessions is usually an idiot but at least he's trying to do something not mired in bitching only. the article just doesn't say if the goal is to slow down the use of kids and what is done after we have the results, so on it's own, pretty useless just the same.
Perhaps 2 sisters cross the same gang ridden area, one with a toddler, and the mother dies on the way , but the sister gets away , what will happen in that case??
Suddenly, fiscal conservatism takes yet another turn.

DNA testing….
and on queue - here comes the THAT'S STUPID crowd. like i said - maybe not the best of ideas, but it *is* an idea.

what would you do again??? you never seem to actually say what you would do if somehow this problem dropped into your lap to fix.
now is that for the mothers, because as we know some men not knowing are not the biological fathers of their children.
Sadly sometimes the only mom that the kids ever know is one with different DNA too.

God bless you and them and those who take them in always!!!

Suddenly, fiscal conservatism takes yet another turn.

DNA testing….
and on queue - here comes the THAT'S STUPID crowd. like i said - maybe not the best of ideas, but it *is* an idea.

what would you do again??? you never seem to actually say what you would do if somehow this problem dropped into your lap to fix.

They’re already doing this. Even when the child is proven to be with his or her parents, Trump is separating them.
Suddenly, fiscal conservatism takes yet another turn.

DNA testing….
and on queue - here comes the THAT'S STUPID crowd. like i said - maybe not the best of ideas, but it *is* an idea.

what would you do again??? you never seem to actually say what you would do if somehow this problem dropped into your lap to fix.

They’re already doing this. Even when the child is proven to be with his or her parents, Trump is separating them.
trump is following the policies handed to him by previous administrations who did the same. if this policy is to be stopped we need to address the policy and change them. not bitch at the executive branch for enforcing the policies at hand.

i've reviewed the conditions of separation on the government site itself for when they will be and when they won't be. i expect our leadership to enforce the laws on the books until such a time we decide to change them in accordance in the shift in the nature of the problem.

this wholesale bitching at people needs to stop and much of that attention needs to go to fixing the problem itself. and no, trump is NOT the problem our own mindset is.
The test would help cut back child trafficking at any suspicious border crossing. If the child is adopted, like anyone else, you'd have to have your papers in order.
The test would help cut back child trafficking at any suspicious border crossing. If the child is adopted, like anyone else, you'd have to have your papers in order.
Run it thru crime data bases too.....stop deported criminals coming back under different name.
Sessions needs to shove it up his elf ass too. Because they will use them as an excuse to do it then it spill over to the American people as they explain for total bull shit reasons why they just gotta do it. " OH SAVE THE CHILDREN" , this is how they got most of you a . holes to give up what rights and privacy we had since 911. They used the " KEEP YOU SAVE" bs to roll out invading our personal space crimianl or not.
Suddenly, fiscal conservatism takes yet another turn.

DNA testing….
and on queue - here comes the THAT'S STUPID crowd. like i said - maybe not the best of ideas, but it *is* an idea.

what would you do again??? you never seem to actually say what you would do if somehow this problem dropped into your lap to fix.

They’re already doing this. Even when the child is proven to be with his or her parents, Trump is separating them.

Obama seperated them get with the truth loon.
The test would help cut back child trafficking at any suspicious border crossing. If the child is adopted, like anyone else, you'd have to have your papers in order.
Run it thru crime data bases too.....stop deported criminals coming back under different name.
Oh SNAP! :clap2:

How soon can we get this cheek-swab system in place? Yesterday?

Great idea, when the liberal outcry goes to a crescendo, have a public press announcement that the DNA test will help stop child trafficking from banditos buying and importing children into the US for nefarious reasons.

There is nothing that infuriates me more than adults abusing children and putting them through that psychological hell. Nothing portrays a emotionless evil predator reptile than an adult who cannot even place themselves in the child's shoes as to suffering when they were a child. That adult is UNREACHABLE and should be used for fertilizer.
Suddenly, fiscal conservatism takes yet another turn.

DNA testing….
This is the new tattooing of the arm.
No, this is the new fingerprinting and child-trafficking prevention. Where's your outcry when arrestees are fingerprinted? You almost sound like you don't want the gold standard of protecting children from horrible abuse from trafficking?

Who is more likely to traffic a child? Their natural blood kin or a complete stranger?
Tony Perkins: Sessions Talking To Lawmakers About Using DNA Tests To Verify Parents Of Immigrant Children

it's painfully obvious that immigrants are using whatever they need to in order to get into the country. the left is sucking up the human cruelty aspect of it in a new found morality they've kept hidden for 10 years now. im proud it only took 10 years i suppose for them to realize what happens at the border when you use kids illegally to gain access to a country.

and it's sheer newsworthy that when adults are charged with a crime, kids are taken away. i mean, if you go to someones house and arrest the parents for child abuse, i suppose at that point we simply leave the kids at the house and remove the parents. make sure some milk and cookies are out and the kids will be fine.

the left bitches by the minute that this is wrong but i've yet to hear them offer a better idea. too busy saying WE'D NOT DO THAT to say what they would do so we can compare and maybe come up with a better solution than we have today.

now sessions is looking into DNA testing.

the cost of the test is around $70 from what i can see. not sure how many are coming over daily but we'd also have to pay people to administer the tests and provide same day results when possible. looks like ~12k kids are with health and human services.

now what?

if they are not their parents, well we go ahead and prosecute and the kids are now left alone. if they are their parents, move along and go to phase 2 of the process.

but the kids are still left alone and that problem is not solved. however i do think if we did random dna testing, or used it in cases where parents can't verify they are in fact the parents, illegals would use them less knowing they can now be checked.

not sure overall what good this would do except maybe minimize the number of people knowingly using kids to gain access and i can't say that is a bad thing. the question is - where do these illegals get the kids? anyone worried about that? how can we work with mexico to get them back home or find family in the US?

sessions is usually an idiot but at least he's trying to do something not mired in bitching only. the article just doesn't say if the goal is to slow down the use of kids and what is done after we have the results, so on it's own, pretty useless just the same.

Well it's costing $775 a DAY to house a kid separate from his parents. What's another $70?

PS I ALREADY THOUGHT OF THIS! If I were the mothers, I would get something with their DNA on it before I handed them OFF! I pray SOMEONE(S) ARE INSTRUCTING THEM ON HOW TO DO THIS! Themselves!
Suddenly, fiscal conservatism takes yet another turn.

DNA testing….
This is the new tattooing of the arm.
No, this is the new fingerprinting and child-trafficking prevention. Where's your outcry when arrestees are fingerprinted? You almost sound like you don't want the gold standard of protecting children from horrible abuse from trafficking?

Who is more likely to traffic a child? Their natural blood kin or a complete stranger?

DNA testing prevents child trafficking?

Back when we were a nation of laws, the police used to have to have Prob Cause to get blood samples from the accused. Now not only has prob cause been suspended, the kids who have committed no crime are now having their DNA taken.

All at the costs of (likely) millions of dollars.

If this were a movie about a post apocalyptic America, Hollywood would turn it down because it would be thought to be too bizarre…”No President would act like this” a prospective producer would argue during the pitch meeting.
DNA testing prevents child trafficking?

Back when we were a nation of laws, the police used to have to have Prob Cause to get blood samples from the accused.
Well it might interest you to know that in CA at least there are laws on the books that require people to act even just on the suspicion that child endangerment might be happening. Laws protecting children are more potent than those protecting adults. Sort of like in Mexico where one is guilty until proven innocent. A child's life suspends the usual protocol and ushers in Napoleonic Law.

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