Set Her Free!

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Why would anyone think this is justice? I'm just amazed. I'm flabbergasted!

When a dead baby was found abandoned in a box in a vacant South Carolina field 29 years ago, every single detective on Greenville's force poured themselves into the case.

There were solid leads — the vacuum cleaner box where the girl was found was traced back to a couple living nearby — but never enough to definitively identify the parents or charge anyone, Greenville Police Chief Ken Miller said.

But in November, DNA submitted to genealogy sites found a likely match to the baby's father. Greenville detectives questioned him and he pointed them to his girlfriend at the time, Miller said.

Brook Graham, 53, was arrested Wednesday and charged with homicide by child abuse in the baby's death. The charge carries a possible life sentence.
Chief: Family DNA leads police to mother who abandoned baby
They want to punish a woman for murder in THIS case while letting another woman and her doctor go free for thev very same thing.

Tards, speak up now in defense of this woman aborting her baby. Please show a little consistency for once.

It's okay to watch unwanted newborns who survive abortion writhe on a table and die. But a woman who abandons her child to nature should be prosecuted? Kinda the same minus the Ghoul Dr. that makes one act legal and another similar act a crime.HMMMMMM
One is allowed by law the other is not..

I know Moonblow! I'm not stupid. Both are repugnant! She had other options and should be prosecuted. :11_2_1043:
Well yes, I am sure in her mind she is prosecuted every day, then society gets a turn..
Like a dwi driver that kills probably does as well, but also has to face the law.
Not if they elude the leos..

So it's okay as long as you can rationalize it! Moonball you are a real treat. People go to jail for abandoning their dogs but killing a live born child is Okay with you dopes! That's very Human(e) of you!:poke:
One is allowed by law the other is not..

I know Moonblow! I'm not stupid. Both are repugnant! She had other options and should be prosecuted. :11_2_1043:
Well yes, I am sure in her mind she is prosecuted every day, then society gets a turn..
Like a dwi driver that kills probably does as well, but also has to face the law.
Not if they elude the leos..

So it's okay as long as you can rationalize it! Moonball you are a real treat. People go to jail for abandoning their dogs but killing a live born child is Okay with you dopes! That's very Human(e) of you!:poke:
We were speaking about dwi. Try making a monster out of someone else.

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