Settled Science: In 1903, New York Times predicted that airplanes would take 10 million years to develop

1901: The U.S. Navy called flight a “vain fantasy”​

1955: Space travel is “utter bilge”​

Always listen to the ‘experts’. Shame there’s so few jobs left in science now that so many things are settled.

Laugh all you want denier, snow is a thing of the past in the ice free Arctic...ain't that right, warmers?

1901: The U.S. Navy called flight a “vain fantasy”​

1955: Space travel is “utter bilge”​

Always listen to the ‘experts’. Shame there’s so few jobs left in science now that so many things are settled.

120 years ago seems very short
Utterly amazing what the “ evil white men “ can build
May have been. But, in 1492, the civilized world thought it to be flat.
No it didn't! Again, by the end of the Fifth or Sixth Century A.D., Westerners generally understood that the world was spherical. But to be clear, I should have said educated Westerners. The children's "Columbus song" is historically misleading.

EDIT: BTW in Post #5 I miskeyed established and didn't notice that the spell-check gadget replaced the typo with embellished until now.
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