
It is ridiculous to argue that Arab Muslims in Israel have not deliberately attacked Israeli children

Hold on right there. This is what happens when you jump into the middle of another argument without having read all of it.

I'm NOT arguing that the Palestinians have not deliberately attacked Israeli children - there is plenty of evidence to support that. No argument from me.

What Phoenal was arguing was that the stone throwing targeting Palestinian children going to school by Israeli settlers was tit for tat for stone throwing targeting settler children going to school by Palestinians - so who threw the first stone? :dunno: I asked for proof of his claim and he provided a video of a child injured in an incident of stones thrown at a car. Not what I was asking.

And now, I'm asking proof of the claim. The latest incident I was able to look up stated two unidentified masked men threw stones injuring a 6 year old Arab Muslim child.

Do you have any actual evidence which might help identify the assailants and if so have you notified the authorities ?

We can easily show that Arab Muslims in Israel typically target woman and children. So were is your evidence to suggest the same concerning settlers ?

Have you notified the authorities?

Ten years ago, Israeli soldiers began escorting Palestinian kids to school. Why are they still doing it?
WATCH: IDF stands idly by as settlers throw stones at Palestinians
Stone-throwing, an old Jewish custom - Features
Footage from Hebron: Israeli military enables 5-day settler attack
At least 7 Palestinian kids injured from stone-throwing


Do they celebrate mass murderers by naming streets after the murderer? Why yes, they do. .

Thus their appeal.

It is rather difficult for you to argue that you are not an antisemite when you consider these your heroes. .

I don't consider the Irgun or any terrorists to be my heros.

The people I consider heros are people like MLK, Ghandi, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, Izzeldin Abulaish, members of Doctors Without Borders and journalists who report about events in defiance of violence and threats.

My heroes are Jonas Saulk and Marie Curie and Louis Pasteur and Thomas Edison and George Washing Carver.

Yours are Sirhan Sirhan and Yasser Arafat, and the black september gang and Gamal Abdul Nasser.

To each their own, I guess.

No. They aren't. But then reading comprehension, integrity and honesty are not high on your list of achievements. Neither are finding links or quotes to support your claims.

Do find people who throw stones at children honorable? Do you find a hero in Baruch Goldstein? Do you sympathize with the extremist elements of the settlers? Was the Cave of Patriarchs massacre justified in your jaundiced eyes?

Not that you've ever criticized an Israeli on these boards other than your one cop-out throw-away post when your feet were held to the fire.
It is ridiculous to argue that Arab Muslims in Israel have not deliberately attacked Israeli children

Hold on right there. This is what happens when you jump into the middle of another argument without having read all of it.

I'm NOT arguing that the Palestinians have not deliberately attacked Israeli children - there is plenty of evidence to support that. No argument from me.

What Phoenal was arguing was that the stone throwing targeting Palestinian children going to school by Israeli settlers was tit for tat for stone throwing targeting settler children going to school by Palestinians - so who threw the first stone? :dunno: I asked for proof of his claim and he provided a video of a child injured in an incident of stones thrown at a car. Not what I was asking.

And now, I'm asking proof of the claim. The latest incident I was able to look up stated two unidentified masked men threw stones injuring a 6 year old Arab Muslim child.

Do you have any actual evidence which might help identify the assailants and if so have you notified the authorities ?

We can easily show that Arab Muslims in Israel typically target woman and children. So were is your evidence to suggest the same concerning settlers ?

Have you notified the authorities?

Ten years ago, Israeli soldiers began escorting Palestinian kids to school. Why are they still doing it?
WATCH: IDF stands idly by as settlers throw stones at Palestinians
Stone-throwing, an old Jewish custom - Features
Footage from Hebron: Israeli military enables 5-day settler attack
At least 7 Palestinian kids injured from stone-throwing

You are right. there is evidence to support your claim.

My apologies

I'd volunteer to walk the kids myself if I were there. Both sets of kids. The trouble isn't the kids tho its the parents.

Looks to me its both sets of kids throwing rocks at the others. I'd beat my kid senseless if I ever caught him throwing rocks at anyone regardless of what they call themselves.

OK so whats your argument ? That your team isn't responding to the actions of children with terrorism and violence? I think the Israeli's are doing the right thing by escorting the kids to school. They'd also do well to escort their own ( whcih I'm sure they already do ). By escorting both we ensure that at least the kids behave.

And I'd reiterate, I don't often raise a hand to my kids, but I'd lose that policy fast if I ever saw them acting like those kids in the videos.

In any case I fully support Israel's right to settle in the disputed territories. The Arabs are just going to have to learn to tolerate Jewish neighbors.
It is ridiculous to argue that Arab Muslims in Israel have not deliberately attacked Israeli children

Hold on right there. This is what happens when you jump into the middle of another argument without having read all of it.

I'm NOT arguing that the Palestinians have not deliberately attacked Israeli children - there is plenty of evidence to support that. No argument from me.

What Phoenal was arguing was that the stone throwing targeting Palestinian children going to school by Israeli settlers was tit for tat for stone throwing targeting settler children going to school by Palestinians - so who threw the first stone? :dunno: I asked for proof of his claim and he provided a video of a child injured in an incident of stones thrown at a car. Not what I was asking.

And now, I'm asking proof of the claim. The latest incident I was able to look up stated two unidentified masked men threw stones injuring a 6 year old Arab Muslim child.

Do you have any actual evidence which might help identify the assailants and if so have you notified the authorities ?

We can easily show that Arab Muslims in Israel typically target woman and children. So were is your evidence to suggest the same concerning settlers ?

Have you notified the authorities?

Ten years ago, Israeli soldiers began escorting Palestinian kids to school. Why are they still doing it?
WATCH: IDF stands idly by as settlers throw stones at Palestinians
Stone-throwing, an old Jewish custom - Features
Footage from Hebron: Israeli military enables 5-day settler attack
At least 7 Palestinian kids injured from stone-throwing

You are right. there is evidence to support your claim.

My apologies

I'd volunteer to walk the kids myself if I were there. Both sets of kids. The trouble isn't the kids tho its the parents.

Looks to me its both sets of kids throwing rocks at the others. I'd beat my kid senseless if I ever caught him throwing rocks at anyone regardless of what they call themselves.

OK so whats your argument ? That we respond to the actions of children with terrorism and violence. I think the Israeli's are doing the right thing by escorting the kids to school. They'd also do well to escort their own ( whcih I'm sure they already do ). By escorting both we ensure that at least the kids behave.

And I'd reiterate, I don't often raise a hand to my kids, but I'd lose that policy fast if I ever saw them acting like those kids in the videos.

In any case I fully support Israel's right to settle in the disputed territories. The Arabs are just going to have to learn to tolerate Jewish neighbors.

My argument? That the settlers aren't necessarily so noble and honorable. They present a huge problem the Israeli government - at least those further out. They represent an extremist ideology that is as intolerant and extreme as the Palestinian extremists. They are the ones responsible for the firebombing that burned a family alive. They certainly don't represent the mainstream Israeli view but they are a sizeable minority. In this case - it's also the Jews that have to learn to tolerate Arab neighbors.

Children shouldn't have to fear being stoned when they are trying to get an education. Even the PA is unwilling to do much against settler violence (or they can't) - that is one of the cheif concerns that came out in a public opinion poll. Settler criminals should be treated just the same as Jewish ones but it's a political issue as much as a law enforcement issue.

Do they celebrate mass murderers by naming streets after the murderer? Why yes, they do. .

Thus their appeal.

It is rather difficult for you to argue that you are not an antisemite when you consider these your heroes. .

I don't consider the Irgun or any terrorists to be my heros.

The people I consider heros are people like MLK, Ghandi, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, Izzeldin Abulaish, members of Doctors Without Borders and journalists who report about events in defiance of violence and threats.

My heroes are Jonas Saulk and Marie Curie and Louis Pasteur and Thomas Edison and George Washing Carver.

Yours are Sirhan Sirhan and Yasser Arafat, and the black september gang and Gamal Abdul Nasser.

To each their own, I guess.

No. They aren't. But then reading comprehension, integrity and honesty are not high on your list of achievements. Neither are finding links or quotes to support your claims.

Do find people who throw stones at children honorable? Do you find a hero in Baruch Goldstein? Do you sympathize with the extremist elements of the settlers? Was the Cave of Patriarchs massacre justified in your jaundiced eyes?

Not that you've ever criticized an Israeli on these boards other than your one cop-out throw-away post when your feet were held to the fire.

You are lying and projecting yet again. I have said several times that I do not support the extremist settlers. They are just as much part of the problem as the vast majority of "Palestinians".

Just because you automatically defend and support anything your genocidal little heroes do,and see no problem with the mass murder of Jews for being Jews, that does not mean those who oppose you are similarly evil.
My argument? That the settlers aren't necessarily so noble and honorable. They present a huge problem the Israeli government - at least those further out. They represent an extremist ideology that is as intolerant and extreme as the Palestinian extremists. They are the ones responsible for the firebombing that burned a family alive. They certainly don't represent the mainstream Israeli view but they are a sizeable minority. In this case - it's also the Jews that have to learn to tolerate Arab neighbors.

Okay, a couple things.

1. Using the term "settlers" is problematic, imo. "Settlers" is just a term for Jewish people living on the "wrong" side of some imaginary line which has absolutely no legal relevance to the sovereignty of Israel or the potential sovereignty of an eventual Palestine. All this talk about Jewish people living on the "wrong" side of the line is one-sided and unfair. So, what we are really talking about here, or should be talking about are extremists on both sides.

2. What makes an extremist? What is to be considered an extremist or intolerant ideology? The ideology of the Palestinians and the Jewish people seems significantly different to me. Perhaps you can explain to me what this extremist Jewish ideology is and compare and contrast this with Palestinian extremism.

3. Extremist Jews do not represent mainstream Israeli society. Do extremist Palestinians represent mainstream Palestinian society? Some polls would certainly suggest so. With 85% of Palestinians believing that terror attacks are justified, I'm rather inclined to believe that it is significantly more mainstream than in Israeli society.

4. The Jewish people have demonstrated an ability to tolerate (welcome) Arabs. There can be no question that this is so as the evidence is obvious in Israel. This is not reciprocated by the Arab Muslims.

5. Baruch Goldstein is no hero. His actions should be condemned by everyone in no uncertain terms and I do so now. Goals, like the one he had, should be achieved through peaceful means, not the murder of innocents.
5. Baruch Goldstein is no hero. His actions should be condemned by everyone in no uncertain terms and I do so now. Goals, like the one he had, should be achieved through peaceful means, not the murder of innocents.

and of course, nobody else here has expressed support, either.

Since she supports similar actions coming from the Palestinains, however, she simply projects her own temperament unto others.

I watched on television as that hateful, bellicose maniac Nasser promised to "push Jews into the sea". I was there when Sirhan Sirhan gunned down Bobby Kennedy. I Saw the entire siege at the 1972 Munich Olympics when subhumans killed Israeli competitors. If you had told me back than that in 50 years I would be discussing these events over a contraption called the internet in a place called a website and a location called a discussion group, I would have thought you a little far-fetched.

If you told me that an official representative of the discussion group in question were a full-fledged supporter of the perps instead of having any human compassion for their targets, I would have thought you to be stark raving mad. I could not have imagined such a revolting hatred.

It really pains me to see how our culture has degraded like this over the years..
Love you Dog but Edison was another complete jack ass.

Dig it up and burry it again cause that jerk was a major antisemite if their ever was one.

כל החבר הכי טוב
שלי לא מתכוון לפגוע

I was referring more to their scientific achievements. That's all.
My argument? That the settlers aren't necessarily so noble and honorable. They present a huge problem the Israeli government - at least those further out. They represent an extremist ideology that is as intolerant and extreme as the Palestinian extremists. They are the ones responsible for the firebombing that burned a family alive. They certainly don't represent the mainstream Israeli view but they are a sizeable minority. In this case - it's also the Jews that have to learn to tolerate Arab neighbors.

Okay, a couple things.

1. Using the term "settlers" is problematic, imo. "Settlers" is just a term for Jewish people living on the "wrong" side of some imaginary line which has absolutely no legal relevance to the sovereignty of Israel or the potential sovereignty of an eventual Palestine. All this talk about Jewish people living on the "wrong" side of the line is one-sided and unfair. So, what we are really talking about here, or should be talking about are extremists on both sides.

"Who are the settlers" is a good question, and the answer, imo is as complex as "who are the Palestinians" (which is routinely boiled down by many here as a death hating cult of Nazi's).

I decided to google the term, and found a fascinating article. It's long read but I think it gives a fair insight into who the settlers are: Meet the Settlers by Jake Wallis Simons - Telegraph

2. What makes an extremist? What is to be considered an extremist or intolerant ideology? The ideology of the Palestinians and the Jewish people seems significantly different to me. Perhaps you can explain to me what this extremist Jewish ideology is and compare and contrast this with Palestinian extremism.

Compare and contrast? I see them as the same - in fact, I don't see much difference in the end between the extremes of most religions and also of other extreme non-religious ideologies. They are often intolerant of others (the highly religious settlers regard the land as inherently theirs and the Palestinians, even if they have legal rights to the land, as trespassers who belong elsewhere. They indulge in violence to make their point and justify it. They disregard secular authority and the rights of anyone else. Baruch Goldstein is an example (and his tomb is still honored).

Or this fellow: Meir Kahane proposed enforcing Jewish law, as codified by Maimonides,[6] under which non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as "resident strangers" with all rights but national ones,[7] leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or for those who refused either option, be forcibly removed without compensation.[8] While serving in Israel's Knesset in the mid-1980s, Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, to do away with Israel's bureaucracy, to forbid sexual relations between non-Jews and Jews and to end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students.[9]

Extremist Israeli rabbis draw criticism from lawmakers, religious leaders amid settler violence
These fringe rabbis, mainly affiliated with the settler movement in the West Bank, are blamed for nurturing a venomous atmosphere that led to the killing of three Palestinians in a July firebombing. Critics say their rhetoric must be restrained to prevent more youths from further radicalization.

Israel this week issued indictments against two Jewish extremists in the case of the West Bank arson in July that killed 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh and his parents, Riham and Saad, and seriously wounded his brother, Ahmad, who was 4 at the time.

The firebombing prompted soul-searching among Israelis and was condemned across the political spectrum. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged "zero tolerance" in the fight to bring the assailants to justice.

In the days leading up to the indictments, Israeli media exposed another jarring scene: a video from a wedding party that appeared to show a frenzied crowd of the arsonists' sympathizers brandishing military-issued rifles, holding a mock firebomb and stabbing a photo of Ali Dawabsheh.

The video caused a public uproar and put a spotlight on radical rabbis accused of firing up young extremists.

"When we see a handful of rabbis succeeding to turn a handful of youth ... into terrorists ... it means something here is not right and needs to be fixed," opposition lawmaker Karin Elharrar said at a recent hearing about the rabbis.

If the article didn't state their religious affiliation, what group would you think they belonged to? Palestinians.

These extremists aren't so different.

3. Extremist Jews do not represent mainstream Israeli society. Do extremist Palestinians represent mainstream Palestinian society? Some polls would certainly suggest so. With 85% of Palestinians believing that terror attacks are justified, I'm rather inclined to believe that it is significantly more mainstream than in Israeli society.

Whether they believe or not - they do not act on it. They are also a people under occupation - if they had a state, would those polls change?

4. The Jewish people have demonstrated an ability to tolerate (welcome) Arabs. There can be no question that this is so as the evidence is obvious in Israel. This is not reciprocated by the Arab Muslims.

Untrue. Until Israel was recreated, and with that the ongoing and unresolved conflict - Jewish people and Arab muslims had little problem living together.

5. Baruch Goldstein is no hero. His actions should be condemned by everyone in no uncertain terms and I do so now. Goals, like the one he had, should be achieved through peaceful means, not the murder of innocents.

To mainstream Israeli's he's not - to a potent minority, he is.
It is ridiculous to argue that Arab Muslims in Israel have not deliberately attacked Israeli children

Hold on right there. This is what happens when you jump into the middle of another argument without having read all of it.

I'm NOT arguing that the Palestinians have not deliberately attacked Israeli children - there is plenty of evidence to support that. No argument from me.

What Phoenal was arguing was that the stone throwing targeting Palestinian children going to school by Israeli settlers was tit for tat for stone throwing targeting settler children going to school by Palestinians - so who threw the first stone? :dunno: I asked for proof of his claim and he provided a video of a child injured in an incident of stones thrown at a car. Not what I was asking.

And now, I'm asking proof of the claim. The latest incident I was able to look up stated two unidentified masked men threw stones injuring a 6 year old Arab Muslim child.

Do you have any actual evidence which might help identify the assailants and if so have you notified the authorities ?

We can easily show that Arab Muslims in Israel typically target woman and children. So were is your evidence to suggest the same concerning settlers ?

Have you notified the authorities?

Ten years ago, Israeli soldiers began escorting Palestinian kids to school. Why are they still doing it?
WATCH: IDF stands idly by as settlers throw stones at Palestinians
Stone-throwing, an old Jewish custom - Features
Footage from Hebron: Israeli military enables 5-day settler attack
At least 7 Palestinian kids injured from stone-throwing

You are right. there is evidence to support your claim.

My apologies

I'd volunteer to walk the kids myself if I were there. Both sets of kids. The trouble isn't the kids tho its the parents.

Looks to me its both sets of kids throwing rocks at the others. I'd beat my kid senseless if I ever caught him throwing rocks at anyone regardless of what they call themselves.

OK so whats your argument ? That we respond to the actions of children with terrorism and violence. I think the Israeli's are doing the right thing by escorting the kids to school. They'd also do well to escort their own ( whcih I'm sure they already do ). By escorting both we ensure that at least the kids behave.

And I'd reiterate, I don't often raise a hand to my kids, but I'd lose that policy fast if I ever saw them acting like those kids in the videos.

In any case I fully support Israel's right to settle in the disputed territories. The Arabs are just going to have to learn to tolerate Jewish neighbors.

My argument? That the settlers aren't necessarily so noble and honorable. They present a huge problem the Israeli government - at least those further out. They represent an extremist ideology that is as intolerant and extreme as the Palestinian extremists. They are the ones responsible for the firebombing that burned a family alive. They certainly don't represent the mainstream Israeli view but they are a sizeable minority. In this case - it's also the Jews that have to learn to tolerate Arab neighbors.

Children shouldn't have to fear being stoned when they are trying to get an education. Even the PA is unwilling to do much against settler violence (or they can't) - that is one of the cheif concerns that came out in a public opinion poll. Settler criminals should be treated just the same as Jewish ones but it's a political issue as much as a law enforcement issue.

This is a glaring example of false equivalency again. A few settler kids misbehave and your ready to condemn the entire lot.

The difference is that the pali's teach their children to stab and throw stones. The settlers don't. Settlers are held to a higher standard by the Israeli police than the pali's.

We see countless adult and children among the pali's engaged in riots and violence who go unchallenged. But let an Israeli kid so much as pick up a stone and the world goes crazy.

I'm highly suspicious of grainy films purportedly showing infractions by the way. The pali's have been caught again and again faking scenes for the camera. I would say that if the Israeli's are offering armed escorts that there is a reason. So we can at least find some agreement in that.

But still there is no equivalency between the two groups.

On the one hand you have a few miscreants who'd do well to get some good solid parenting. VS a homicidal pack of all ages touting genocide and racism.

There's really no comparison
Hold on right there. This is what happens when you jump into the middle of another argument without having read all of it.

I'm NOT arguing that the Palestinians have not deliberately attacked Israeli children - there is plenty of evidence to support that. No argument from me.

What Phoenal was arguing was that the stone throwing targeting Palestinian children going to school by Israeli settlers was tit for tat for stone throwing targeting settler children going to school by Palestinians - so who threw the first stone? :dunno: I asked for proof of his claim and he provided a video of a child injured in an incident of stones thrown at a car. Not what I was asking.

And now, I'm asking proof of the claim. The latest incident I was able to look up stated two unidentified masked men threw stones injuring a 6 year old Arab Muslim child.

Do you have any actual evidence which might help identify the assailants and if so have you notified the authorities ?

We can easily show that Arab Muslims in Israel typically target woman and children. So were is your evidence to suggest the same concerning settlers ?

Have you notified the authorities?

Ten years ago, Israeli soldiers began escorting Palestinian kids to school. Why are they still doing it?
WATCH: IDF stands idly by as settlers throw stones at Palestinians
Stone-throwing, an old Jewish custom - Features
Footage from Hebron: Israeli military enables 5-day settler attack
At least 7 Palestinian kids injured from stone-throwing

You are right. there is evidence to support your claim.

My apologies

I'd volunteer to walk the kids myself if I were there. Both sets of kids. The trouble isn't the kids tho its the parents.

Looks to me its both sets of kids throwing rocks at the others. I'd beat my kid senseless if I ever caught him throwing rocks at anyone regardless of what they call themselves.

OK so whats your argument ? That we respond to the actions of children with terrorism and violence. I think the Israeli's are doing the right thing by escorting the kids to school. They'd also do well to escort their own ( whcih I'm sure they already do ). By escorting both we ensure that at least the kids behave.

And I'd reiterate, I don't often raise a hand to my kids, but I'd lose that policy fast if I ever saw them acting like those kids in the videos.

In any case I fully support Israel's right to settle in the disputed territories. The Arabs are just going to have to learn to tolerate Jewish neighbors.

My argument? That the settlers aren't necessarily so noble and honorable. They present a huge problem the Israeli government - at least those further out. They represent an extremist ideology that is as intolerant and extreme as the Palestinian extremists. They are the ones responsible for the firebombing that burned a family alive. They certainly don't represent the mainstream Israeli view but they are a sizeable minority. In this case - it's also the Jews that have to learn to tolerate Arab neighbors.

Children shouldn't have to fear being stoned when they are trying to get an education. Even the PA is unwilling to do much against settler violence (or they can't) - that is one of the cheif concerns that came out in a public opinion poll. Settler criminals should be treated just the same as Jewish ones but it's a political issue as much as a law enforcement issue.

This is a glaring example of false equivalency again. A few settler kids misbehave and your ready to condemn the entire lot.

Actually it's not "false equivalency" - that's the term the pro-Israel side throws out every time Israeli's engage in bad behavior. I suppose it's easier than actually confronting the issue that there IS a problem. If it were just "a few bad apples" - the Israeli government wouldn't be concerned, nor would the IDF be required to escort the children to school.

The difference is that the pali's teach their children to stab and throw stones. The settlers don't. Settlers are held to a higher standard by the Israeli police than the pali's.

Children aren't born hateful - they have to learn it. It has to be nourished. Where are these settler kids learning it? From their families.

Settlers are most certainly not held to a higher standard - they are largely exempt from law enforcement both in their aquisition of Palestinian land, in the kid-glove treatment they get when arrested - if, indeed, they get arrested. Palestinian children get stoned, the IDF is escorting them. There are no repercussions on the settler children and, perhaps more to the point - they don't get shot. If it was a Palestinian throwing stones at Israeli's - they would be shot. Is this the higher standard they are being held to?

Stone-throwing, an old Jewish custom - Features

We see countless adult and children among the pali's engaged in riots and violence who go unchallenged. But let an Israeli kid so much as pick up a stone and the world goes crazy. The world is not going crazy. The seldom notices. It barely makes the news outside the region. Law enforcement doesn't even act on it.

I'm highly suspicious of grainy films purportedly showing infractions by the way. The pali's have been caught again and again faking scenes for the camera. I would say that if the Israeli's are offering armed escorts that there is a reason. So we can at least find some agreement in that.
I'm not too crazy about youtubes either, but fortunately there is plenty of verified evidence that this is occuring.

But still there is no equivalency between the two groups.

On the one hand you have a few miscreants who'd do well to get some good solid parenting. VS a homicidal pack of all ages touting genocide and racism.

There's really no comparison

There is plenty of comparison. Like I said - if it were just a few miscreants, the IDF would not be involved and government officials would not be concerned.

Someone teaches those kids.
LOL no. Again your just trying to find an equivalency and there just isn't one.

Did Damler learn to kill from his parents ?

Just because a few Israeli kids descend to the same level as the Arab masses doesn't mean the Israeli school system is in the mud with the UNWRA school system.

Do we really need to compare curriculums and see the differences ?
LOL no. Again your just trying to find an equivalency and there just isn't one.

Did Damler learn to kill from his parents ?

Just because a few Israeli kids descend to the same level as the Arab masses doesn't mean the Israeli school system is in the mud with the UNWRA school system.

Do we really need to compare curriculums and see the differences ?

Considering she hit the "funny" button for a post of mine lamenting the murders of Bobby Kennedy and the Israel athletes at Munich, with a mindset like that, I don't think you will get anywhere. Those who not only support murder but think it is funny are too far beyond redemption to be reasoned with.

Needless to say, she uses these obviously false equivalencies of hers in order to advance her hateful agenda, and that agenda always boils down to dead Jews, doesn't it?
IMHO its a sickness.

If you look at John B Calhhoun's rodent experiments you can see similar levels of unreasonable aggression in overpopulated animals.


I don't think anyone is going to deny that Gaza and the other terrorist enclaves are wildly overpopulated

The settlers on the other hand have a much healthier distribution and are fanning out into the disputed territories as a natural response to crowding. The terrorists on the other hand, well, we can all see just where all that hate and anger have gotten them.

They are cooped up and will remain so until they learn to behave
Yes Coyote changed her tactics from open attacks on Israel to playing the polite cynical lawyer type. I guess with the new rules and being a mod have certain effect. But the strategy is still clear.

Now for the Jews living in JUDEA and SHOMRON the situation is simply that. Anyone can whine about how especially the Jews from Judea are the most dangerous and frightening...ironic isn't it?

Their goal is not driving anyone out but to CREATE decent life for themselves and dedicate it to spiritual growth through very hard physical and mental effort. And they were very self efficient then before the state, before they were numerously ethnically cleansed and now- building and improving their infrastructure and housing by hand. All this while being attacked from withing, from the Arab side of course daily and the special treatment from UNholy alliance.

Now lets counter it with the enemy accomplishments- UNRWA and...forget anything?

To remind You the Jews in Judea and Shomron actually know how to live by the arabs...or more correctly by the rules of reality where
the conflict ACTUALLY occurs- they know how to get the most 'mutual peace' with the enemy while many of us can sit thousands of miles away pretending we have a clue about what's the reality in Judea or any slightest understandings of this community.

Has anyone built a house by hand lately then worked the land while raising a dozen kids and keep studying hard?
And we of course Israelis, Americans or citizens of any country mostly hear the shocking stories about the Jews of Judea.
Last edited:
Settlers are most certainly not held to a higher standard - they are largely exempt from law enforcement both in their aquisition of Palestinian land, in the kid-glove treatment they get when arrested - if, indeed, they get arrested. Palestinian children get stoned, the IDF is escorting them. There are no repercussions on the settler children and, perhaps more to the point - they don't get shot. If it was a Palestinian throwing stones at Israeli's - they would be shot. Is this the higher standard they are being held to?

There are a large number of assumptions and generalities in this post which beg clarification and factual support: that Jewish people are exempt from law enforcement; that Jewish people are illegally acquiring "Palestinian land"; that there even is such a thing as "Palestinian land"; that Jews aren't allowed to live on "Palestinian" land; that Palestinian children are being stoned in a generalized way; that there are no repercussions on Jewish children throwing stones; that Jewish children don't get shot and the reasons why they don't.
LOL no. Again your just trying to find an equivalency and there just isn't one.

Did Damler learn to kill from his parents ?

Just because a few Israeli kids descend to the same level as the Arab masses doesn't mean the Israeli school system is in the mud with the UNWRA school system.

Do we really need to compare curriculums and see the differences ?

Considering she hit the "funny" button for a post of mine lamenting the murders of Bobby Kennedy and the Israel athletes at Munich, with a mindset like that, I don't think you will get anywhere. Those who not only support murder but think it is funny are too far beyond redemption to be reasoned with.

Needless to say, she uses these obviously false equivalencies of hers in order to advance her hateful agenda, and that agenda always boils down to dead Jews, doesn't it?

LOL no. Again your just trying to find an equivalency and there just isn't one.

Did Damler learn to kill from his parents ?

Just because a few Israeli kids descend to the same level as the Arab masses doesn't mean the Israeli school system is in the mud with the UNWRA school system.

Do we really need to compare curriculums and see the differences ?

So all these children, throwing stones at Palestinian just came up with the hate by themselves? Like the people who sheltered the extremist settler that firebombed a Palestinian family burning them alive? Hate just...happened?

Unacceptable ‘helplessness’ in the face of settler extremists
Why Not Add Violent Jewish Settler Extremists to Terror Watch List? The Washington Note by Steven Clemons

Lawlessness Begets Extremism
For Palestinians in the West Bank, the sense of helplessness and frustration must be enormous. When they are attacked, they can almost never hope for justice within the framework of the legal system. Nor are they allowed to defend themselves. Nor can they expect the IDF to protect them. And even when they protest these injustices using nonviolent methods – marching, chanting and waving flags – they are punished with arrests and violence, with dehumanizing skunk gas and beatings. So what happens when there is no legal recourse or justice for the injured and no real civic structure, and when the moderates are systematically crushed? Surely these are the ideal psychological circumstances that make people vulnerable to the beckoning finger of extremism.

This is an important point, underscored by increasing settler violence. When mosques are vandalized and farmers are attacked with impunity, only a small step further is needed before lawlessness becomes rampant and even soldiers are attacked. This is what happened in Yitzhar just a few days ago when residents of the settlement, some say students of a Yeshiva on the settlement, attacked and injured IDF soldiers. The security forces are clearly pissed:

How about teaching hate? We always see the flood of pictures showing Palestinian kids dressed in suicide vest costumes or playing with guns...but it is not just there.

When Israelis Teach Their Kids To Hate

Little kids throw mock grenades and pretend to shoot big guns; a boy crawls militant-style as gun-wielding adults cheer him on; a girl wearing a pink dress carries a rocket launcher twice her size.

These are some of the disturbing photos that flooded out of the West Bank earlier this week on Israel’s Independence Day, or what Palestinians call the Nakba (Catastrophe).

I can imagine that despair and hopelessness probably rattled the Jewish community. How could there ever be peace when kids are trained to aspire toward violence and militancy?

At my old Jewish day school, there was probably a lot of chatter about how this was further proof that only military force could work to quell violence. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) was probably all over the story. Palestinian Media Watch, too.

But instead, when I turned on my computer this morning, I couldn’t find a thing on any of the sites that track hate in the Middle East. None of my newsy friends even dedicated a Facebook status. No one seemed to really care. And for one reason: the people in question weren’t Palestinians, but right-wing Jewish settlers.


Gideon Levy, a Haaretz columnist, noted the striking similarities between these photos and the Palestinian glorification of violence. “Where else do they force a little child to crawl with a backpack on his back? When Hamas treats its children like this, Israeli parents tut-tut with disgust: Look at these beasts.”

Oh yes. Hatred is learned and someone has to teach the children.
Settlers are most certainly not held to a higher standard - they are largely exempt from law enforcement both in their aquisition of Palestinian land, in the kid-glove treatment they get when arrested - if, indeed, they get arrested. Palestinian children get stoned, the IDF is escorting them. There are no repercussions on the settler children and, perhaps more to the point - they don't get shot. If it was a Palestinian throwing stones at Israeli's - they would be shot. Is this the higher standard they are being held to?

There are a large number of assumptions and generalities in this post which beg clarification and factual support: that Jewish people are exempt from law enforcement; that Jewish people are illegally acquiring "Palestinian land"; that there even is such a thing as "Palestinian land"; that Jews aren't allowed to live on "Palestinian" land; that Palestinian children are being stoned in a generalized way; that there are no repercussions on Jewish children throwing stones; that Jewish children don't get shot and the reasons why they don't.

There is a stereotypical view that every Jewish resident in the West Bank is an unhinged, extremist Baruch Goldstein wannabe. Not every suburbanite living in Maalei Adumim or Ariel is like that. Not even every devoted Jew living near Hebron is like that. While it's true that some Jews look at them as modern-day pioneers in savage American Indian territory, I don't. But they are kinda brave and purely idealistic, as opposed to materialistic. Even if a Palestine should arise in the West Bank someday, Jews should be able to live in their ancestral homeland as Palestinian citizens, just like there are Israeli-Arab citizens in Haifa and Jaffa.
Settlers are most certainly not held to a higher standard - they are largely exempt from law enforcement both in their aquisition of Palestinian land, in the kid-glove treatment they get when arrested - if, indeed, they get arrested. Palestinian children get stoned, the IDF is escorting them. There are no repercussions on the settler children and, perhaps more to the point - they don't get shot. If it was a Palestinian throwing stones at Israeli's - they would be shot. Is this the higher standard they are being held to?

There are a large number of assumptions and generalities in this post which beg clarification and factual support: that Jewish people are exempt from law enforcement; that Jewish people are illegally acquiring "Palestinian land"; that there even is such a thing as "Palestinian land"; that Jews aren't allowed to live on "Palestinian" land; that Palestinian children are being stoned in a generalized way; that there are no repercussions on Jewish children throwing stones; that Jewish children don't get shot and the reasons why they don't.

In the lengthy article I linked to earlier "meet the settlers" - it talked about illegally aquiring the land and about how these settlements refused protective fencing because it would limit their growth (ie - the illegal aquisition of land). It gave specific examples where they took land illegally. I'm not saying all land was taken illegally, I'm saying some certainly is by these settlements. I don't know if you bothered to read it, it was very good and fairly unbiased - talking with settlers who represented a variety of backgrounds, from those who lived in the settlements because it was far more affordable to those who were uber religious and who honestly felt they were right in what they were doing and those who were secular. I learned a lot - they aren't a uniform group.

Jewish children DON'T get shot for throwing stones - even at the IDF. If you can find me even a single example I'd be interested. I can find many examples where Palestinian stone throwers get shot.

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