Controversy Erupts Over Plus Sized (300 pounds) Miss Alabama Winning Crown

Then what was it?

It was a beauty pageant, you dumb ass. Now she’s going to embarrass Alabama in the Miss USA pageant.
It’s a beauty pageant dumb-ass
all of the scoring in the pageant is based on personality, confidence and communication.
Good communication and presentation skills are what we want to recognize and encourage.
all of the scoring in the pageant is based on personality, confidence and communication.
Good communication and presentation skills are what we want to recognize and encourage.
These events have always been called a beauty pageant.

We should not be honoring and promoting extreme obesity. We should use these things to promote healthy lifestyles.
These events have always been called a beauty pageant.

We should not be honoring and promoting extreme obesity. We should use these things to promote healthy lifestyles.
this one has NEVER been a beauty pageant and never has been called a beauty pageant
There was a mistake made.

The envelope announcing the winner came from a nearby watermelon contest for farmers.
all of the scoring in the pageant is based on personality, confidence and communication.
Good communication and presentation skills are what we want to recognize and encourage.
So these are pageants are for you folks that only got taken on blind dates?

Do you not have anything better to do in life than make fun of a fat woman?
Seriously. You are pathetic and going on ignore.

Hey, if fat (with good personalities) chicks are your thing, I’m sure you’ll have 100’s more blind dates.
“The things that has been said about me is truly disgusting and I cannot fathom how people think it’s ok to say these things. The easy thing would be to give up. I could hide my face. Stop posting on social media. Make no appearances. Stay low key until Nationals. I could even give in and give up my title. But instead I say WATCH ME.”
The only thing she didn't say was "I could lose weight"
Good for her.
ditto...and fast-food joints everywhere, remember the stink over their menus, all better now.
Are they mocking the pageant?
You are confusing this with a "beauty pageant" which was mocked and verbally assaulted by the media and PC crowds
I don't understand. Seems cruel.
they are, to use your term, "mocking" the fact that the winners can now be chosen with no real standard for victory or defeat, just for their ability to participate...this was a real attempt to help you understand, hope it helped.
Many years ago, many people watched those beauty pageants. It was not complicated, and each state showed some pride even if somewhat vain. Those days are long gone. And the ratings will tell you that. Radicals forcing their standards of beauty on people and push artificial human tendencies to push acceptance to their existence as not tolerance, but rulers are so obvious. What is worse is that many women act like men now. And men to make a marriage work have to bend over hand and foot to do so. This will end and the divorce rate proves it.
You are confusing this with a "beauty pageant" which was mocked and verbally assaulted by the media and PC crowds

they are, to use your term, "mocking" the fact that the winners can now be chosen with no real standard for victory or defeat, just for their ability to participate...this was a real attempt to help you understand, hope it helped.
Many years ago, many people watched those beauty pageants. It was not complicated, and each state showed some pride even if somewhat vain. Those days are long gone. And the ratings will tell you that. Radicals forcing their standards of beauty on people and push artificial human tendencies to push acceptance to their existence as not tolerance, but rulers are so obvious. What is worse is that many women act like men now. And men to make a marriage work have to bend over hand and foot to do so. This will end and the divorce rate proves it.
you two are confused. This is not a beauty pageant. If it were, there was obviously more beautiful people participating.
All of the scoring in the pageant is based on personality, confidence and communication.
Good communication and presentation skills are what we want to recognize and encourage.
Look at some of the contestants. She wasn't the only one that was a plus sized woman,
you two are confused. This is not a beauty pageant. If it were, there was obviously more beautiful people participating.
All of the scoring in the pageant is based on personality, confidence and communication.
Good communication and presentation skills are what we want to recognize and encourage.
Look at some of the contestants. She wasn't the only one that was a plus sized woman,
well, what is it that you think I am confused about?
She won by eating the rest of the contestants…


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