Seventy Two killed resisting gun confiscation in Boston

You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

Not exactly. While a rifled musket was much more accurate, the smoothbore was MUCH faster to reload. For an infantry musket (designed to be fired in mass volleys), rate of fire was everything.

Kings Mountain.
You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

Not exactly. While a rifled musket was much more accurate, the smoothbore was MUCH faster to reload. For an infantry musket (designed to be fired in mass volleys), rate of fire was everything.

Kings Mountain. nowhere near Boston.
You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

And nobody is confiscating weapons today. Although there are certain people that we would all be safer were their guns confiscated. And you are certainly one of them.

the smoothbore was the infantry weapon of the day because of the tactics used

smoothbores were used for hunting too

seems like anyone that disagrees with you should have their guns confiscated. That speaks volumes about you
You are so full of shit. The hunting weapons of that time, the rifled Pennsylvania Rifle, was actually superior to the Brown Bess, the standard musket of the British Army.

Not exactly. While a rifled musket was much more accurate, the smoothbore was MUCH faster to reload. For an infantry musket (designed to be fired in mass volleys), rate of fire was everything.

don't forget the bayonet


having a bayonet lug classifies the brown bess as an assault rifle
And the circle jerk of idiots on the right continues.... conservatives supported George III in the American Revolution. Fully a third of the population of the colonies did not even want independence. That's you guys. Do you forget the meaning of conservative? Even today you fight progress of any kind and not only deny reality, but make up a past that didn't exist. Of course in the end you morons are only supporting corporations that make lots of money selling lots of unnecessary weapons to the dumb and paranoid in America. Good work guys, the gun lobby loves you stooges. And the crazies love you too.

General Thomas Gage - American Revolution General Thomas Gage
Registration Will Lead to Confiscation |

According to The Washington Post, the Obama administration is considering a “national database” of all firearms in the United States to “track the movement and sale of weapons.” If such a database comes to fruition the database will lead to confiscation.

Last year Canada ended its national long gun registry, a national database of every rifle and shotgun in the country that was supposed to help police track the movement of and sale of weapons. When it was introduced twenty years ago critics said the registration of firearms would eventually lead to confiscation, a criticism dismissed as ridiculous, yet that’s what happened and more right up until its dismantling.

As recently as last winter law abiding gun owners who had complied with the registry were having their rifles confiscated. In late 2011 hundreds if not thousands of people who had legally purchased the Armi Jager AP80, a .22 calibre variant of the AK47, were informed that their rifles had been deemed illegal and must be surrendered .

“You are required by law to return your firearm registration certificates, without delay, either by mail to the address shown in the top left corner of this page or in person to a peace officer or firearms officers. You have 30 days to deliver your firearms to a peace officer, firearms officer of Chief Firearms Officer or to otherwise lawfully dispose of them,” read the letter sent by the Canadian Firearms Centre.

The reason for the need to surrender what had been legal firearms was simply cosmetic, the AP 80 looked too similar to the AK47. There were no interchangeable parts between the two rifles, the rifles used vastly different ammunition, had vastly different uses but they looked the same.

What was more worrisome was that the decision to reclassify what for years had been a legal rifle was made by a bureaucrat not by elected officials. There was no debate, no vote just a decision by a bureaucrat who felt the AP80, legally owned for decades, was too dangerous to be privately owned by Canadians.

Of course confiscation of firearms could just be the start, confiscation of homes and cars could also come to the USA.

Former Marine Joshua Boston recently wrote a scathing response to Senator Diane Feinstein’s gun control proposals saying that he would not register his guns. That could cost him everything.

Bruce Montague, a gunsmith from Dryden, Ontario faces the possibility of having his home seized for failure to register his firearms. Montague’s decision not to register was purely political, he wanted to challenge the constitutionality of the gun registry. When his constitutional challenge failed and Montague was convicted the government of Ontario moved to seize his home under its proceeds of crime legislation. They were treating a paperwork criminal as if he were a drug lord, the kind of person the law was intended to prosecute.

If the United States follows Canada’s lead in registering all guns into a national database then the confiscation of rifles and shotguns won’t be far behind.

Brian Lilley is the host of Byline on Sun News Network
Already have a precedent. Its called the 2nd amendment. ANYTHING that goes against that is illegal. I plan on buying some guns come income tax time and I have no intention of registering them...its none of the governments business what I have...I will move out of state or buy them in a different state if need be...I know every year right around that time there is a gun show here...

what? income tax time? what day is this...
The same thing was being said in Canada. It's Ridiculous, and you Stupid, your Radical. This being in regards to the Gun Registry. Then low and behold the Registry passed. And a couple of years later they passed anti=gun laws and ordered confiscation of weapons.

You could still keep hunting guns, but they had to be stored in armories. Which of course you have to pay storage fees. During hunting season, you must obtain a permit to get your gun, and then you are allowed to pick it up, go to the hunt, but must return it immediately after the hunt.

The Left bunch of losers will SAY IT ISN'T SO HERE, but they are LYING SACKS and you can't trust any damn thing they say. When they have an agenda, they don't care if they have to Lie to get what they want. Currently we have the most LYING SACK I've ever seen as a POTUS. Which is exactly why we should stop anything these arse clowns try to pass.
And the circle jerk of idiots on the right continues.... conservatives supported George III in the American Revolution. Fully a third of the population of the colonies did not even want independence. That's you guys. Do you forget the meaning of conservative? Even today you fight progress of any kind and not only deny reality, but make up a past that didn't exist. Of course in the end you morons are only supporting corporations that make lots of money selling lots of unnecessary weapons to the dumb and paranoid in America. Good work guys, the gun lobby loves you stooges. And the crazies love you too.

General Thomas Gage - American Revolution General Thomas Gage


They call us idiots saying conservatives supported the KING. Trying to compare any of that nonsense in current times.

We are doing it because we are Corporate shills.


Your side has an agenda, and if you had your way you'd ban all guns because they are evil and against the Liberal Utopia. Already states with a bunch of Liberal Loons are trying to regulate and ban guns. Your only looking for the opportunity to Register then ban something you deem evil.

We know this so we OPPOSE you at every turn. I've seen how they did it in Canada. And your side is trying to do it here. We know it, and fight against it because the LEFT doesn't have a clue what FREEDOM IS ANYMORE. More Government is LESS FREEDOM. The more laws they pass the more power they have over the people.
Have we all forgotten that the Brits were going after a weapons cache of one of those well regulated militias?

Note also that it was a CACHE of weapons, (including light cannon, I'm informed) not weapons stored in anyone homes.

Not that I believe our government ought to take anyone weapons, but boys? Minute-men you ain't
Have we all forgotten that the Brits were going after a weapons cache of one of those well regulated militias?

Note also that it was a CACHE of weapons, (including light cannon, I'm informed) not weapons stored in anyone homes.

Not that I believe our government ought to take anyone weapons, but boys? Minute-men you ain't

Who the hell said we thought we are Minute-men?

We are just average Americans who believe in our rights via the Constitution to own guns. We are Law Abiding Citizens who see the Left for what they are today. We know the Anti-gun Nuts have an agenda. We know how it happened North of the Border, and are resisting it happening here.

The same BS that we are Radical, Loons, Idiots for saying the Government wants to take guns away was the same Psyc used up there, and low and behold they took the guns after they Registered them.

There are very Liberal States and Cities now imposing their own guns laws here. They want these laws nation wide. It's actually kinda Funny in a Way. The ONLY TIME THE LEFT is for STATE'S RIGHTS is when IT FITS THEIR AGENDA.

Hypocrites one and all.
Breitbart News: 404 - Not found

gun control bill may have gone down to stinging defeat in the Senate, but gun owners in New York weren’t so lucky. And you would think that New Yorkers, being virtually controlled by liberal Democrats, would welcome restrictions on their Second Amendment rights that were even too much for several Democratic U.S. Senators who opposed Obama’s bill.
But at least one faction of the Empire State’s citizenry – law enforcement – have been highly critical and outspoken about Governor Andrew Cuomo’s latest anti-gun effort.
The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, known as the NY SAFE Act, passed by the New York legislature and signed into law by Mr. Cuomo in January, does all the things that Obama wanted to do, and more. It bans “high capacity” magazines, requires that ten round magazines may only be loaded with seven rounds outside of firing ranges and competitions, bans ownership of guns defined as “assault weapons,” and requires registration of arms and ammunition sales to the state government.
If that weren’t enough, the NY SAFE Act regulates gun storage and effectively makes criminals out of law-abiding gun owners who fail to report stolen weapons within 24 hours. It also forces people who have done nothing wrong to renew their pistol permits and assault weapons registrations every five years.
Cuomo boasts that it is the toughest gun law in the nation, but tries to downplay its effect on the rights of citizens by claiming that “for hunters, sportsmen, and law abiding gun owners, this new law preserves and protects your right to buy, sell, keep or use your guns."
New York law enforcement officials have been almost unanimous in their criticism of the new law. “We as police officers are on the front lines of public safety,” wrote Thomas Mahar, president of the Albany Police Officers Union in a letter to Cuomo and state legislative leaders. “Respectfully, none of you are. We see, feel, work, and live with the effects of gun violence in the way you do not... you know that this shameful SAFE Act was about ideology and politics and not about making anyone safer.”
Mahar’s indignation was matched by much of the law enforcement community in New York State. So far, police and sheriffs associations in seventeen counties have publicly condemned the law, and 52 county boards and 162 town and village boards have passed resolutions condemning the Act and calling for its repeal.
The New York Sheriff’s Association, representing most of the elected Sheriffs in the state, also issued a public statement blasting the law, stating that “we believe that actual enforcement of these new regulations will significantly increase the hazards of an already dangerous job.”
A lawsuit has been filed in Federal Court in Buffalo by a host of state organizations and prominent citizens, asking that the law be overturned as a violation of the Second Amendment. As the case wends its way through the federal courts, it may become a watershed on the efforts of state legislatures to do for gun control what Congress refuses to do.
Like most gun control legislation, the New York SAFE Act is based on the illusion that regulating the property and behavior of law-abiding citizens will somehow impede people who are hell bent on committing murder.
The law-abiding gun owner will obey the seven round requirement, but you can guarantee the criminal’s gun will be loaded with the full ten rounds. Expecting people who are mentally ill to safely store their weapons is also a fantasy. In sum, Empire State lawmakers have passed a bill that punishes the innocent but will do little to deter those who wish to unleash the kind of violence we have seen at Newtown and Aurora.
Defenders of the law say it will benefit first responders and people in law enforcement, keeping them safe from gun violence. But unanimous police support for gun control is a myth, as many of those engaged in the daily battle against violent crime know these laws seldom disarm would-be murderers.
A vocal critic of laws attempting to control firearms sales and ownership has been the Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, David A. Clarke, who has argued that gun ownership by law-abiding citizens is an important part of keeping the public safe from violent crime. "Violent crime went up nearly 10 percent in Milwaukee. Are you the next victim?" he asked in a radio advertisement. “You don’t have to be, but that’s your call.”
In some of those cases, owning and knowing how to use a legal firearm can be the difference between surviving and becoming another statistic. “It could be the great equalizer, but you always have to think survival,” Clarke explains.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, gun killings actually dropped 39 percent from 1993 to 2011. But a Pew Research Center poll found that only 12 percent of Americans knew this fact, while 56 percent believe lethal firearms violence actually increased over the past two decades.
Gun ownership, incidentally, was up during the same time period that killings went down. The United States has the highest rate of private firearms ownership.
The reason for the disconnect is the demagoguery of anti-gun politicians who exploit tragedies and make misleading arguments to arrogate new powers to themselves. A liberal media eagerly parrots their lines, making gun crime seem ubiquitous and putting the blame on the weapons rather than the murders and criminals in our midst.
Law enforcement professionals probably know more about the issue than anybody else, and are the most capable at shining a light on these ideologues who use gun control laws for political purposes. They are the ones who are the real source of public safety, not cleverly named pieces of legislation that chip away at our constitutional freedoms.

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