Sex Ed. in the U.K.


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Explicit cartoons, films and books have been cleared for use to teach sex education to schoolchildren as young as five.

A disturbing dossier exposes a wide range of graphic resources recommended for primary school lessons.

The shocking material – promoted by local councils and even the BBC – teaches youngsters about adult language and sexual intercourse.

Read more: Sex education: Do you want your 5-year old child 'given explicit lessons'¿? | Mail Online


What kind of fucking perverts do they put in charge of this?
that does seem to be a wee bit advice has always been....tell the child what the child needs to know....what the child is curious about...there is no reason for a 5 yr old to know what a prostitute is....or orgasm
Exactly bones. And that's the parents' job. I don't want any teacher telling my child that "experimenting in homo sex" is not homosexuality. Even at 17, let alone 7. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Exactly bones. And that's the parents' job. I don't want any teacher telling my child that "experimenting in homo sex" is not homosexuality. Even at 17, let alone 7. What the hell is wrong with these people?

What is wrong is that the councils proposing such lessons are full of bleeding heart liberalists. The same fuckers who believe smacking children should be banned. The same fuckers who believe competitive activities like sport should be banned among kids. Fortunatley there is no legal requirement for sex education in primary schools so parents can withdraw their children from any such classes. However, this proposal will not fly. It has arisen before and it has been killed off each time. Once again the Mirror over-sensationalises a situation it knows is doomed. Must be a slow news day!
The jacket cover says "over 1 million copies sold". Lie?

I think it's important for papers to write about this kind of stuff. It gets peoples's attention so at least they can decide to "opt out". Far left loonies who get off on the sexualization of children can be verrrrry sneaky.
The jacket cover says "over 1 million copies sold". Lie?

I think it's important for papers to write about this kind of stuff. It gets peoples's attention so at least they can decide to "opt out". Far left loonies who get off on the sexualization of children can be verrrrry sneaky.
Smacking a child is wrong but teaching them what a prostitute is and an orgasm is correct? wow I am lost.
Teaching, or even trying to teach kids, and I'm talking under the age of consent, about sex beyond the biology of it is pedophilia, to me.

Anyone that wants to harm a child is to be put in jail.

Yes, I understand these "people" think they are being kind to the kids, but I was CO, that's what all pedo's claim.

20 years ago if a girl got knocked up she was a slut, and the boy was a punk.

Today she's a brave single mother boldly facing life, and he's a babies daddy.

Liberals hate anything that has the words tradition, family , or values in it. so traditional family values is a trifecta of hate for them.
The Left Wing assholes destroyed the UK a long time ago. Leftist Brits especially,rank right up there amongst the worst cretins on this Planet. I'm really not surprised at all that the stupid Brits are promoting and implementing this miscreant madness. The Brits can't do anything right. They're a beaten & demoralized Nation at this point. They allowed their Leftist nutters to destroy everything. Porn for the Kids makes perfect sense when you realize it's the British Dummies pushing it. The Brits really are all done though. Just a weak and insignificant Island Nation from here on out. Good riddance.
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I can't stand Leftist Brits. It's always they who come up with stupid shit like this. They think they're so smart and superior to everyone though. Porn for Kids really does make perfect sense when you realize who's promoting it. I'm sure these Brits feel real smug and proud of themselves over this. I'm sure they're all out there boasting about how "Enlightened" they are. I bet they feel real superior right about now. Seriously,i can't stand Leftist Brits. What the Hell is wrong with people over there? Why have they allowed their Leftists to destroy them? It really is so sad. The Brits used to be a proud & honorable People. Now look at what they've become...Porn for Kids. Yikes!
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"As they cuddled, your dad's penis moved gently inside your mum's vagina and the sperms flowed out."


It's more like:

"While pulling her hair, your dad's penis thrust so vigorously in and out of your mum's vagina that the condom broke."

The shown page is to me nothing offensive or wrong.
grow up:
Americans and sex are (well, at least to us horny and perverted europeans) not fitting well.
Get real:
People have sex, there are lesbians, homosexuals, fetishists and whatever.
It is rather clever to tell them the facts of life and why not at school, before they start to find out by try and error.

The number of teenage mothers or teens who think giving a blowjob is no sex is rather high on your side of the pond, so think about a little bit more about sex education.
I personally think it is better to do this at school, before teens follow their hormones and find out by themselves by try and error.
(Shagging leads to pregnancy ? Shit - should have known that)

And now I wil go back and whip my waterbuffalo.

the germanguy
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The shown page is to me nothing offensive or wrong.
grow up:
Americans and sex are (well, at least to us horny and perverted europeans) not fitting well.
Get real:
People have sex, there are lesbians, homosexuals, fetishists and whatever.
It is rather clever to tell them the facts of life and why not at school, before they start to find out by try and error.

The number of teenage mothers or teens who think giving a blowjob is no sex is rather high on your side of the pond, so think about a little bit more about sex education.
I personally think it is better to do this at school, before teens follow their hormones and find out by themselves by try and error.
(Shagging leads to pregnancy ? Shit - should have known that)

And now I wil go back and whip my waterbuffalo.

the germanguy

ROFL. This 'educational literature' is approved for children from the age of 5. At what age do children become teens in Germany? In Britain it's 13, but maybe it's 5 in Germany - I've never really understood the metric system.
Explicit cartoons, films and books have been cleared for use to teach sex education to schoolchildren as young as five.

A disturbing dossier exposes a wide range of graphic resources recommended for primary school lessons.

The shocking material – promoted by local councils and even the BBC – teaches youngsters about adult language and sexual intercourse.

Read more: Sex education: Do you want your 5-year old child 'given explicit lessons'¿? | Mail Online


What kind of fucking perverts do they put in charge of this?

They should just let them use the Internet like American kids
Using The Daily Mail as a credible source. :lol:

The Mail has a penchant for running stories like this. Whenever a conservative / right wing advocacy group wants to get some coverage for something (like this dossier produced by the Christian Institute), the Mail is the first call they make.

Doesn't mean the Mail's story is wrong but this is the sort of story they like, and a bit of clever writing makes it seem far more of a threat than it really is.

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