Sexual Assault on Baby highlights South Africa's Rape Crisis


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Seriously - what kind of monster can do this to an infant - a 6-week old infant? Why is child rape so high in SA?

...A 6-week-old baby girl from Galeshwe township, west of the diamond-mining town of Kimberley, was fighting for her life after being raped.

The girl's 24-year-old uncle was arrested over the attack, which occurred Tuesday. Township residents had surrounded the suspect and threatened to kill him, according to local media, until relatives intervened to save him.

News of the alleged rape came as South Africa, with one of the highest rates of rape globally, was marking 16 days of activism against rape and violence against women, launched by President Jacob Zuma on Monday.

Western Cape provincial police Chief Arno Lamoer said he was sickened by the problem, saying there have been dozens of rapes reported in the Western Cape province alone since Zuma launched the campaign.

“If men don’t stand up, nothing will change," Lamoer told Eye Witness News. "A 2-year-old was the youngest victim in this province. I don’t even want to refer to the 6-week-old baby in Kimberley. This is totally unacceptable.”

The 6-week-old baby had to have extensive surgery in Kimberley Hospital and was in intensive care in a critical but stable condition, according to an official from the Health Department.

The girl's mother had put the baby to bed and was watching television in the next room when the child was abducted, according to local media reports.

Relatives of the infant said they heard the baby crying in a shack in the backyard, a local newspaper reported. "When I got there, the baby was lying naked on the bed and there was a lot of blood. She was crying,” a relative told the Diamond Fields Advertiser.

The incident follows several other cases of child rape in recent days: a Soweto school teacher charged with raping a 10-year-old boy during a detention; a ward councillor from the ruling African National Congress accused of raping his 10-year-old daughter.

Rapes of infants and children are disturbingly common in South Africa. In 2001, a 9-month-old girl known as “Baby Tshepang” was raped by her mother’s boyfriend in Upington in the Free State. The attack generated worldwide headlines and South African playwright Lara Foot turned the incident into a play, "Tshepang."

Entire article: Sex assault on baby casts harsh light on South Africa rape crisis -
There was a story a few months ago about some vile Mexican scumbag who orally raped an infant girl to the degree that the baby died. How the fuck is that even possible?
I truly don't get it. Pedophiles who prey on children, will try to justify it by claiming their introducing children to something in a "kind way" - they groom children, gain their trust, then violate them.

But an infant - there isn't even that sort of faux rationale - how can someone rape an infant? It's all SICK SICK SICK. This is one of the few instances where I would support the death penalty :mad:
rape in africa.....they believe sex with a virgin will cure can be assured an infant is a virgin.....that is the logic there...

again the death penalty for child rape rears its ugly a mother i would rather have a damaged child than a dead child...if the penalties are the same...why not kill the only witness?

again as a mother...i would kill any sob that touched my child in this way
This happens more frequently than one might think. The law is too lenient on rapists whatever age their victim....and no, a 'sad childhood' isn't an excuse.
rape in africa.....they believe sex with a virgin will cure can be assured an infant is a virgin.....that is the logic there...

again the death penalty for child rape rears its ugly a mother i would rather have a damaged child than a dead child...if the penalties are the same...why not kill the only witness?

again as a mother...i would kill any sob that touched my child in this way

You raise a good point, and I know there are all sorts of difficulties with imposing the death penalty - not the least what it would do to a child to be forced to testify, especially against a relative.

Had no idea about the aids aspect, but it sure makes sense given the disproportionately high numbers :(
Lots of people have 'bad' childhoods yet don't turn out to be serial murderers, rapists et al. Those who do, know exactly what they are doing/have done.

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