Sexual Orientation: What are it's causes?

There is no valid, conclusive scientific evidence supporting what causes sexual orientation.

This is currently my opinion after having participated in and observed this debate (as well as multiple others). I have also done quite a bit of (recent) research on my own too.

Congratulations, you just learned that you don't know something. That makes you a lot smarter than the average person who doesn't understand that.
I know a few heterosexuals that are aroused by the same gender. A few of them even admit it.

Okay, then here are two questions:
1.) Did they choose to be aroused by those of the same gender? If so, how can you be sure?
2.) How can they be heterosexual if they are attracted to those of the same gender?

Since you said that there is no scientific evidence to support that sexual orientation is not a choice (as well as there being no evidence to support that it is a choice), then let's look at another factor: psychology (which is a type of science as well).

Why would people choose to be gay and suffer the consequences that go with it?

  1. I never said it was a choice, I keep pointing out that you cannot prove it is not.
  2. How can you be gay if you are attracted to some women?
I can safely say that there have only been a couple of instances in my life to where I was (a little) aroused at the female form. So, speaking on a personal level, I can see how this theory could be believable/valid, but... what do you have to say about those who claim to have never been attracted to women before? That they're lying or...

I think the person with the problem here is you, sexuality is obviously more complicated than you are trying to portray it.

As for your psychological question, consider this.

Sexual Masochism | Psychology Today

Okay, I am done arguing about the rest of this debate. You are (currently) correct about there not being any valid and conclusive scientific evidence supporting the causes for sexual orientation. I was, as you previously stating, twisting science to support my personal beliefs. However, I want to know how masochism would be the reason for people choosing to be gay. Surely those who identify themselves as homosexual are not all masochists?
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Okay, then here are two questions:
1.) Did they choose to be aroused by those of the same gender? If so, how can you be sure?
2.) How can they be heterosexual if they are attracted to those of the same gender?

Since you said that there is no scientific evidence to support that sexual orientation is not a choice (as well as there being no evidence to support that it is a choice), then let's look at another factor: psychology (which is a type of science as well).

Why would people choose to be gay and suffer the consequences that go with it?

  1. I never said it was a choice, I keep pointing out that you cannot prove it is not.
  2. How can you be gay if you are attracted to some women?
I can safely say that there have only been a couple of instances in my life to where I was (a little) aroused at the female form. So, speaking on a personal level, I can see how this theory could be believable/valid, but... what do you have to say about those who claim to have never been attracted to women before? That they're lying or...

I think the person with the problem here is you, sexuality is obviously more complicated than you are trying to portray it.

As for your psychological question, consider this.

Sexual Masochism | Psychology Today

Okay, I am done arguing about the rest of this debate. You are (currently) correct about there not being any valid and conclusive scientific evidence supporting the causes for sexual orientation. I was, as you previously stating, twisting science to support my personal beliefs. However, I want to know how masochism would be the reason for people choosing to be gay. Surely those who identify themselves as homosexual are not all masochists?

I did not say that they were, I just want you to consider it. The simple fact is that people get bullied for all sorts of reasons. I got bullied for being a geek, and I definitely chose being a geek over being an athlete. I was one of the strongest kids in my school, loved to run through the dessert on my way to and from school, and could hold my own in a fight. None of that prevented other kids from bullying me. Those kids are not being bullied because they are gay, they are being bullied because kids are bullies.

Life sucks, shit happens.
Gay man:


Straight man:


Gay man:


Straight man:


I wonder what these studies are saying when they look at gay macho's. Then you compare them to swishy and delicate men like Michelle Bachmann's husband and Paul Ryan.
Based on personal observation I think for some it is a choice and for others it's biological.

Case 1:
Someone I know was brought up by a gay couple. He dated girls for a while, but decided he dug boys. From what I could tell this was his choice. I think he liked girls, but just decided he wanted to give guys a try. Now I haven't talked to him in several years so I have no idea whether or not he still is into guys or not. But that, to me, is a choice.

Case 2:
One of my friends was brought up in a Catholic household. He went to church every Sunday and his family was very religious. I was one of the first people he came out to. He told me he was very worried about telling his family because they saw it as a sin. He didn't tell them for a long time out of that fear. Now, if he was really that afraid it being a sin, as his family and church so firmly believed, how could anyone make that choice to be gay?

Now these are just my observations, and not my only two gay friends. But the ones I think most demonstrate the "issue" at hand.
Being a homo is a choice; a pathetic choice, but a choice none the less. :doubt:

Agreed, a sick pathetic choice, to allow a Homosexual demon from another dimension to take over
your sexual preference.

It may also be of demonic origin.
Being a homo is a choice; a pathetic choice, but a choice none the less. :doubt:

Agreed, a sick pathetic choice, to allow a Homosexual demon from another dimension to take over
your sexual preference.

It may also be of demonic origin.

You truly are hilarious. I'm not saying this to be condescending at all. I honestly think this is the funniest comment I have read on this website.
Based on personal observation I think for some it is a choice and for others it's biological.

Case 1:
Someone I know was brought up by a gay couple. He dated girls for a while, but decided he dug boys. From what I could tell this was his choice. I think he liked girls, but just decided he wanted to give guys a try. Now I haven't talked to him in several years so I have no idea whether or not he still is into guys or not. But that, to me, is a choice.

Case 2:
One of my friends was brought up in a Catholic household. He went to church every Sunday and his family was very religious. I was one of the first people he came out to. He told me he was very worried about telling his family because they saw it as a sin. He didn't tell them for a long time out of that fear. Now, if he was really that afraid it being a sin, as his family and church so firmly believed, how could anyone make that choice to be gay?

Now these are just my observations, and not my only two gay friends. But the ones I think most demonstrate the "issue" at hand.
Being gay is not a choice. Living a gay life style is. A person can no more chose their sexual orientation than they can chose their skin color.

Society has always shunned or punished those that are different, be it sexual orientation, race, religion, or physical appearance because we fear the abnormal and embrace the normal. So for centuries, people have hidden who they are in order to fit into society. Now with the acceptance of individual freedoms, people feel they don't have to hide who they are just fit into society.
Gays all over disgree with you, and insist they choose to be gay. All gays, or even a majority of them, are not born that way, and there's absolutely no evidence they are. Despite the desperate attempts by the homosexual lobby to make it look like it is.
Gays all over disgree with you, and insist they choose to be gay. All gays, or even a majority of them, are not born that way, and there's absolutely no evidence they are. Despite the desperate attempts by the homosexual lobby to make it look like it is.
When people say they choose to be gay they mean they choose a gay life style, to come out of the closet and be themselves. You can't choose to like what you dislike or to love what you do not love. People simply are not made that way.
Being a homo is a choice; a pathetic choice, but a choice none the less. :doubt:

Do you have any scientific evidence to support this claim?

In fairness, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that it is genetic.

Though I suspect that one day we will discover that it is. Complex polygenic pathway.

When that happens, bigots will no longer be able to hide behind the guise of their hatred being acceptable because it's a "choice".
We're hardwired to like sex. That doesn't mean we are obligated to act on every sexual urge. Gayness isn't hardwired, isn't genetic, but it doesn't matter anyway.
We're hardwired to like sex. That doesn't mean we are obligated to act on every sexual urge. Gayness isn't hardwired, isn't genetic, but it doesn't matter anyway.

In your opinion, "gayness yadda, yadda, yadda"

Most people with two frontal lobes would disagree.
Gays all over disgree with you, and insist they choose to be gay. All gays, or even a majority of them, are not born that way, and there's absolutely no evidence they are. Despite the desperate attempts by the homosexual lobby to make it look like it is.

Where's your evidence?
Of what? I already posted evidence that there are gays who state adamantly that they are gay by choice.
right 3 vids, but you claim that it is every person who says they are gay. I could easily find 10 videos of gay people who say that it is biological for every 3 you find.

But where is the evidence where it is every gay person as you say.

Can't prove a negative. Back up your claim that all gays are born that way.

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