Seymour Hersh - The war is over, Russia has won. US media and politicians lying about situation"

Seymour Hersh is a Russian troll? How about the US intelligence agent he's quoting?
All those ex US military like Ritter and there are many are all Putin stooges, that;s the crackpot narrative from the morons who will follow the US to hell, at the moment the US are paying the wages of thousands of Ukrainian civil servants, billions of tax payers dollars, all to poke Russia, these people are unhinged.
Sadly, you may be right!

P*t*n does not care how many Russian boys die.

But the Ukrainians are more humane. They know that the slaughter of their young men cannot continue.

Hopefully, Emperor Xi of China can get Russia and the United States to agree to some compromise. (How about the return of Crimea to Ukraine in exchange for large swaths of eastern Ukraine to the Russians?)

In any case, President Z. will be remembered as the greatest Ukrainian of all time.
Putin has broken every relevant international law and violated every relevant treaty by invading Ukraine, so the Ukrainians would not be so stupid as to trust he would abide by any deal. The only way to achieve a sustainable peace is to drive the Russians from all of Ukraine so decisively that they abandon all their imperialist ambitions and all their objections to the Ukrainian people joining the EU and NATO if they choose to do so.

Ukrainian census figures dating back to before the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine showed that ethnic Russians constituted a minority in every district of the Donbass and it is a foolish fantasy to imagine every Ukrainian citizen who is an ethnic Russian wants to live under a Putin dictatorship, so there is no principled basis for giving up any portion of the Ukrainian population to the Russian imperialists. Zelensky is a great leader in large part because he is not buying into the pro Russian bullshit you are touting.
You Nazis

Says a criminal "Wagner"-mercennary hiding himselve and his heavy war crimes in the Russian army?

love your warped sense of humour .
We’re you serving SS and miss the good old days .?

Hmm ... you lost the ability to listen, slave of Putin. It's never good not to be able to listen. My good old days are the future. So leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.

Aurora lucis rutilat,
caelum laudibus intonat,
mundus exsultans iubilat,
gemens infernus ululat.

Cum rex ille fortissimus,
mortis confractis viribus,
pede conculcans tartara
solvit catena miseros.

Ille, qui clausus lapide
custoditur sub milite,
triumphans pompa nobili
victor surgit de funere. ...
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Zelensky stated, "Ukraine cannot afford elections at this moment."Zelensky made this statement while addressing the press in Canada. According to him, "Society will not understand or support if money is spent on organizing elections instead of the military."
Zelensky stated, "Ukraine cannot afford elections at this moment."Zelensky made this statement while addressing the press in Canada. According to him, "Society will not understand or support if money is spent on organizing elections instead of the military."

This has not to do with money. Elections are not as expensive. It has to do with the impossibility to protect the voters from Russian war criminals and to avoid hacker attacks and other manipulations from Russian KGB agents and hacker. The Ukraine fights for the own survival not only as a state. The expression "Völkermord" = "genocide" was the first time used in history from a German poet who described with this word specially the behavior of the Russians in Poland in a time when Poland was seperated in three parts. That the "first among equals" of the Slawic nations - Russia - is nice to their so called Slawic sister people is only a myth. Russia is for other Slaws the same deadly threat as it is for everyone else on this planet. Why attacks the biggest country of the world - a nuclear power and military superpower - other much more weaker countries? Russia has everything she needs in the own country. For Russia exists not any reason to do this war. But Putin did do so. Absurde. Idiotic. Senseless. But real and extremely dangerous.

Why do you support Putin? Money? Let it be! To make money with innocent blood on the own hands is the wrong way.
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The USSR was an unjust regime, an unjust federation of unjust nations.

For what? For the slavery under the rulership of the Russian Soviet?

Do you really think I accept a socialistic newspaper as a source?

Totally unimportant. Russia hurted international laws and started a war on Europe in the Ukraine. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.

150 million more or less ethnic Russians, who cares? One moment: How many of the people in Russia are ethnic Russians in your view to the world? Everyone? Specially also the Blacks in Africa who you make free to be your slaves and/or the slaves of China?

What a bullshit. The Ukrainians have every right to be free. Btw: Also in Belearus the people like to be free and they voted against Lukashenko. The only reason why this monster is still the tyrant of Belarus is Putin, the man who started a new age of tyranny in Russia.

You underestimate what Russia did do. You gave every European nation and all allies of European nations the right to wipe out Russia when you broke international laws and attacked the souvereign country Ukraine.

What idiocies do you try to tell me? You started a war on Europe. Bad luck for you. You will not survive this war. So stop it. Take your soldiers and go home. You are not only not able to solve any problem of the Ukraine - you are currently the worst problem of the Ukraine.

Analogy: Nieuw Amsterdam was founded from the Netherlands - an independent German nation - in 1626 AD. So which right have Germans today to rule the Netherlands or New York? No right, not any right or not any right at all to do so? So say "Bye bye, Ukraine" and leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers or you will force us one day to say "Bye bye, Russia" in our own very special and totally uncalculable way to do so. If you try to make us angry and mad then do not be astonished when we really will become angry and mad. Perhaps it is better for you to start to pray now - and not when it will be too late to do so.

1) doesn't matter what they were Ukraine still owes since they joined and were part

2)I think you accept any bullshit the msm tells you instead of facts

3) LOL kind of response is this? "Russia hurted international laws"
4) more psycho babble. If Americans were being killed in Mexico do you think America would or should get involved? Yes or no
5) Ukraine was free in 2014 dumbass, we still helped a coup happen and installed our regime
6) Why are you saying you like I'm over there? Im an American in America
7) what war did I start? Besides ones with you idiots on this board
8) Wrong again dumbass the people of that region declared themselves Novorossiya in 2014

Guess you really don't want people to be free unless they are free to be slaves to your way of thinking

Next time post something you actually know about like being a complete retard
1) doesn't matter what they were Ukraine still owes since they joined and were part

Totally unimportant.

2)I think you accept any bullshit the msm tells you instead of facts

3) LOL kind of response is this? "Russia hurted international laws"
4) more psycho babble. If Americans were being killed in Mexico do you think America would or should get involved? Yes or no

Yes or no.

5) Ukraine was free in 2014 dumbass, we still helped a coup happen and installed our regime
6) Why are you saying you like I'm over there? Im an American in America

:lol: Funny - really funny. Where do you live in the USA, useful idiot of Putin? In a zoo with some bottles of polar beer?

7) what war did I start? Besides ones with you idiots on this board
8) Wrong again dumbass the people of that region declared themselves Novorossiya in 2014

Guess you really don't want people to be free unless they are free to be slaves to your way of thinking

Next time post something you actually know about like being a complete retard

Am I?

Russian stated goals were not about territory at all. Russian stated goals were:
  • demilitarisation;
  • denazification;
  • neutral status.

Achieving of those goals are in progress. They already killed many thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and destroyed hundreds not only Ukrainian, but also NATO tanks and vehicles, and they won't stop this war until formal treaty of neutral status of Ukraine.
I believe that's very close to accurate. It was about territory to the WEST. They launched their campaign via covert infiltration and manipulation of Ukraine's government internally. The West wanted to control Ukraine's land and resources, or at least find some way to take a very large slice of the pie. That would be just like Russia going into Mexico and ousting some officials, putting Russia-friendly people in their place, and proceeding to turn Mexico's economy into something profitable for Russia, not us. Russia is doing almost exactly what we would do in that situation. We would go in and try to "de-Nazify" the country, not grab land as "territory". After getting rid of the imposters or at least castrating them, who would simply resume the economic relationship we had with Mexico before they were turned into a puppet in a proxy war against us.

The hypocrisy which constitutes most of the "pro Ukrainian anti-russian" propaganda of the West right now is astounding.
Putin has broken every relevant international law and violated every relevant treaty by invading Ukraine, so the Ukrainians would not be so stupid as to trust he would abide by any deal. The only way to achieve a sustainable peace is to drive the Russians from all of Ukraine so decisively that they abandon all their imperialist ambitions and all their objections to the Ukrainian people joining the EU and NATO if they choose to do so.

Ukrainian census figures dating back to before the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine showed that ethnic Russians constituted a minority in every district of the Donbass and it is a foolish fantasy to imagine every Ukrainian citizen who is an ethnic Russian wants to live under a Putin dictatorship, so there is no principled basis for giving up any portion of the Ukrainian population to the Russian imperialists. Zelensky is a great leader in large part because he is not buying into the pro Russian bullshit you are touting.
It was not Putin that broke Minsk or Russia that broke it's promise not to expand Nato, if not for the nauseating hypocrisy of your post it would be funny.
It was not Putin that broke Minsk or Russia that broke it's promise not to expand Nato, if not for the nauseating hypocrisy of your post it would be funny.
In other words, you are unable to address the substance of my post, so you want to change the subject.

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