Seymour Hersh - The war is over, Russia has won. US media and politicians lying about situation"

There are no disputed regions. All the world, including Russia before Putin, recognizes the borders of Ukraine as they were defined in 1991. There can be no meaningful negotiations with Putin, and Russia will settle for what it can defend on the battlefield.
Then expect Kiev to be pounded into submission
any comment on this video ?

You need to spend more time with your girlfriend.
This are no facts this is pure fantasy.

1) Makes this sentence any sense?
2) Eh?
3) The former corrupt government under Russian influence ("Poroschenko") was deposed and in the following elections Selenski got 73% of the votes of the Ukrainian people.
4) Russian combatants who came over the border from Russia murdered much more Ukrainian civilists in the Donbass region than militant Russians had died in this region in those days when Russia tried to produce a heavy civil war in the Ukraine.
5) The peninsula Crimea was annexed from Russia - this was the first step of the current war. Only Russia and no one else prepared and started this war.
6) Many countries around the former USSR liked to become members of the defense alliance NATO. As we have to say now: On very very good reasons. I remember by the way a discussion around the time of Gorbachev when in Europe seriosly was discussed to make also Russia to a member of the NATO and to transform the NATO into a kind of world police so wars should become impossible. But the politics of Putin and his criminal gang made such a step more and more impossible.
7) What's Novorossiya? No one except Syria, North-Korea and Russia calls the Ukrainian Donbass region Novorossiya. The Russian conquest of this Ukrainian territory is only a nightmare of Putin.
1) Ukraine was once part of USSR when it collapsed Russia assumed all other nation members debts. Ukraine hasn't paid

2) eh After months of denial, U.S. admits to running Ukraine biolabs

3) And 95% of Crimea and Novorossiya voted to join Russia womp womp

4) wrong. More Azov battalion Nazis who were already killing ethnic Russians

5) wrong again first step was Maidan, Crimea happened after

6) and if Russia annexed Cuba or Mexico how would you feel then? Didn't we have a Cuban Missile Crisis cause Russia wanted missiles in Cuba?.what do you think NATO does jackass?

7)Novorossiya - Wikipedia learn something before flapping your gums moron
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1) Ukraine was once part of USSR

The USSR was an unjust regime, an unjust federation of unjust nations.

when it collapsed Russia assumed all other nation members debts. Ukraine hasn't paid

For what? For the slavery under the rulership of the Russian Soviet?

Do you really think I accept a socialistic newspaper as a source?

3) And 95% of Crimea and Novorossiya voted to join Russia womp womp

Totally unimportant. Russia hurted international laws and started a war on Europe in the Ukraine. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.

4) wrong. More Azov battalion Nazis who were already killing ethnic Russians

150 million more or less ethnic Russians, who cares? One moment: How many of the people in Russia are ethnic Russians in your view to the world? Everyone? Specially also the Blacks in Africa who you make free to be your slaves and/or the slaves of China?

5) wrong again first step was Maidan, Crimea happened after

What a bullshit. The Ukrainians have every right to be free. Btw: Also in Belearus the people like to be free and they voted against Lukashenko. The only reason why this monster is still the tyrant of Belarus is Putin, the man who started a new age of tyranny in Russia.

6) and if Russia annexed Cuba or Mexico how would you feel then?

You underestimate what Russia did do. You gave every European nation and all allies of European nations the right to wipe out Russia when you broke international laws and attacked the souvereign country Ukraine.

Didn't we have a Cuban Missile Crisis cause Russia wanted missiles in Cuba?.what do you think NATO does jackass?

What idiocies do you try to tell me? You started a war on Europe. Bad luck for you. You will not survive this war. So stop it. Take your soldiers and go home. You are not only not able to solve any problem of the Ukraine - you are currently the worst problem of the Ukraine.

7)Novorossiya - Wikipedia learn something before flapping your gums moron

Analogy: Nieuw Amsterdam was founded from the Netherlands - an independent German nation - in 1626 AD. So which right have Germans today to rule the Netherlands or New York? No right, not any right or not any right at all to do so? So say "Bye bye, Ukraine" and leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers or you will force us one day to say "Bye bye, Russia" in our own very special and totally uncalculable way to do so. If you try to make us angry and mad then do not be astonished when we really will become angry and mad. Perhaps it is better for you to start to pray now - and not when it will be too late to do so.

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Ukraine will cede 1/4 + of its Land by next summer ( In peace negotiations )
Sadly, you may be right!

P*t*n does not care how many Russian boys die.

But the Ukrainians are more humane. They know that the slaughter of their young men cannot continue.

Hopefully, Emperor Xi of China can get Russia and the United States to agree to some compromise. (How about the return of Crimea to Ukraine in exchange for large swaths of eastern Ukraine to the Russians?)

In any case, President Z. will be remembered as the greatest Ukrainian of all time.
To him US actions are above criticism, while Russia’s action must always be condemned. Nothing further enters his mind.

Western war pigs are all the same.
Western? In what universe can I be taken 'Western'?
they've never been 'free' Zaang.....~S~

Do not try to discuss with me about freedom, slave of Putin. Run when you see me. Far far away from this planet. Only my own hate makes me unfree and I hate tyrants and their untrue and unreal slaves.


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