Seymour Hersh - The war is over, Russia has won. US media and politicians lying about situation"

Ukraine should have a right to decide on their own what nations it wants to cooperate with and what blocks it can join. Is Russia going to acceor that with its 'peace'?
The Ukrainian people wanted peace as all people do, but due to nefarious forces outside Ukraine got war.

They voted for Z based on his campaign promise to find peace with Russia.

So much for your idiotic opinion.
See map of Ukriane. Compare Russian held territory to size of Ukraine. Find Kyiv on map. Note that it is not in Russian held territory, like the vast majority of Ukraine.

Your bumper sticker talking points won't help you or Putin.
You keep repeating the same stupid shit

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has complex origins with a multitude of factors contributing to its escalation. Here are some key reasons behind the conflict:

1. Historical tensions: Historical grievances between Ukraine and Russia have roots in the Soviet Union era and the turbulent history of the region. Ukraine has long struggled for independence and self-determination, leading to friction with Russia.

2. Geostrategic importance: Ukraine holds significant geostrategic importance for Russia. The Crimean Peninsula, for instance, provides Russia with access to the Black Sea and serves as a critical naval base for the Russian fleet. Controlling Ukraine allows Russia to maintain influence over the region and protect its economic and security interests.

3. Ethnic and linguistic divisions: Ukraine has a diverse population consisting of ethnic Ukrainians and ethnic Russians, particularly in regions like Crimea and eastern Ukraine. These divisions, coupled with language differences, have contributed to tensions and a sense of minority rights being threatened.

4. Economic considerations: Ukraine possesses rich agricultural and industrial resources, as well as a large market potential. Access to Ukrainian markets and resources is of significant economic interest to Russia, leading to competition for economic influence in the region.

5. European integration aspirations: Ukraine's desire to pursue closer ties with the European Union (EU) and NATO has fueled tensions with Russia. Russia perceives these integration efforts as a direct threat to its influence over Ukraine and the wider region.

6. Annexation of Crimea: The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 is a major catalyst for the conflict. It was seen as a violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sparked international condemnation. This event led to the eruption of violence in eastern Ukraine, with pro-Russian separatists seeking independence from Ukraine.

7. Energy dependence: Ukraine has historically been dependent on Russian natural gas supplies. Disputes over gas prices and payment arrears have further strained relations between the two countries. Russia has at times used gas supplies as a political tool to assert its influence over Ukraine.

8. Nationalism and identity politics: Nationalist sentiments in both Ukraine and Russia have played a role in escalating the conflict. Ukrainian nationalism has propelled the desire for independence and closer ties with the West, while Russian nationalism has reinforced the narrative of protecting the rights of ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

The conflict remains complex with multiple layers of causation. It is kinda like many tight knots that cannot be easily untied. Both countries have been in a pickle for a decade. So I do not think the conflict will be resolved soon.

War in Ukraine | Global Conflict Tracker – War in Ukraine | Global Conflict Tracker
As usual another person who doesn't know shit passing off MSM talking points as fact

1) Ukraine owes Russia back USSR debts

2) Ukraine had US biolabs set up around the nation

3) Maidan revolution ousted pro Russian president in 2014 for a more NATO friendly leader

4) Ukraine murdered ethnic Russians in the east since 2014

5) Crimea annexed

6) NATO expansion

7) Novorossiya annexed by Russia

Those are the facts and anyone who has paid attention knows this
Ukraine should have a right to decide on their own what nations it wants to cooperate with and what blocks it can join. Is Russia going to acceor that with its 'peace'?
And the US should stop playing regime change and encroaching on Russia's borders with NATO
As usual another person who doesn't know shit passing off MSM talking points as fact

1) Ukraine owes Russia back USSR debts

2) Ukraine had US biolabs set up around the nation

3) Maidan revolution ousted pro Russian president in 2014 for a more NATO friendly leader

4) Ukraine murdered ethnic Russians in the east since 2014

5) Crimea annexed

6) NATO expansion

7) Wajstä annexed by Russia

Those are the facts and anyone who has paid attention knows this

This are no facts this is pure fantasy.

1) Makes this sentence any sense?
2) Eh?
3) The former corrupt government under Russian influence ("Poroschenko") was deposed and in the following elections Selenski got 73% of the votes of the Ukrainian people.
4) Russian combatants who came over the border from Russia murdered much more Ukrainian civilists in the Donbass region than militant Russians had died in this region in those days when Russia tried to produce a heavy civil war in the Ukraine.
5) The peninsula Crimea was annexed from Russia - this was the first step of the current war. Only Russia and no one else prepared and started this war.
6) Many countries around the former USSR liked to become members of the defense alliance NATO. As we have to say now: On very very good reasons. I remember by the way a discussion around the time of Gorbachev when in Europe seriosly was discussed to make also Russia to a member of the NATO and to transform the NATO into a kind of world police so wars should become impossible. But the politics of Putin and his criminal gang made such a step more and more impossible.
7) What's Novorossiya? No one except Syria, North-Korea and Russia calls the Ukrainian Donbass region Novorossiya. The Russian conquest of this Ukrainian territory is only a nightmare of Putin.
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The Peace for Land Deal WILL happen
Until Russia fully withdraws from all of Ukraine and withdraws all of its objections to what the government of Ukraine does (NATO, EU, etc.) no peace is possible; in fact, negotiations are not possible until that happens because after all the bullshit Russia has produced to try to justify its imperialist aggression against Ukraine has left Russia with absolutely no credibility.
Until Russia fully withdraws from all of Ukraine and withdraws all of its objections to what the government of Ukraine does (NATO, EU, etc.) no peace is possible; in fact, negotiations are not possible until that happens because after all the bullshit Russia has produced to try to justify its e nightmare imperialist aggression against Ukraine has left Russia with absolutely no credibility.
If Russia fights on for 30+ more months or Zalensky decides that giving up a region or two is worth ending the nightmare we shall see
If Russia fights on for 30+ more months or Zalensky decides that giving up a region or two is worth ending the nightmare we shall see
Putin would never allow Ukraine to function as a sovereign independent nation, so either Ukraine can force Russia to withdraw and end all hostilities or it will live in a Russian nightmare forever.
Putin would never allow Ukraine to function as a sovereign independent nation, so either Ukraine can force Russia to withdraw and end all hostilities or it will live in a Russian nightmare forever.
Russia could settle for the two Original Disputed regions and the Black Sea ports

The war is over, Russia has won.​

I was telling people a year ago this was the inevitable outcome and instead, they called me a Pooty Supporter and a russian troll. The world has grown weary of feeding endless billions into a tiny country in a war that does not matter, but long after the conflict ends, the price of Biden dragging us deeply into it will linger for many years.
Russia will pummel Government Buildings in Kiev ( With leadership inside ) now that Ukraine hit the Russian Black Sea Fleet HQ killing Russian VIPs
Russia could settle for the two Original Disputed regions and the Black Sea ports
There are no disputed regions. All the world, including Russia before Putin, recognizes the borders of Ukraine as they were defined in 1991. There can be no meaningful negotiations with Putin, and Russia will settle for what it can defend on the battlefield.
The Ukrainian people wanted peace as all people do, but due to nefarious forces outside Ukraine got war.

They voted for Z based on his campaign promise to find peace with Russia.

So much for your idiotic opinion.
any comment on this video ?


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