Seymour Hersh - The war is over, Russia has won. US media and politicians lying about situation"

You always know when the Cognitively Rigid Deniers have nothing of relevance and interest to say .
They start calling their better informed fellow dissenting posters names , and themselves exhibit all the qualities of low grade Trolls .
More Decrepitus than anything else .
Is that why you kids attack me in every OP I make?
Must be why Russia still holds all the Novorusiya territory

Oh look at that little blue mark Ukraine took a small village LOL sure they must be winning

Good thing you never served in the military
Look at the the map of Ukraine.

Look at today's date.

Compare that to Russia's stated goals.

What a joke. Russia the superpower? All their might has gained them territory the size of New Jersey and has left them begging other countries for weapons.

What a joke this Hersh character has become.
Is that why you kids attack me in every OP I make?
Perhaps you need a friend to help you hear a few home truths about news source accuracy , your comprehension abilities and even your cognitive limits .
You asked the question and the answer is that you appear way out of your comfort zone and probably need to spend far more time researching Topics that interest you before talking to very well informed and organised posters who go out of their way to use only the most accurate and reliable News sources , wherever and whenever possible .

Look at the previous post . He has zero understanding of the opposite strategies being used by the UAF and Moscow and no glimmer of their respective outcomes . And has no idea that he is regurgitating rubbish that is literally Fake News .
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Perhaps you need a friend to help you hear a few home truths about news source accuracy , your comprehension abilities and even your cognitive limits .
You asked the question and the answer is that you appear way out of your comfort zone and probably need to spend far more time researching Topics that interest you before talking to very well informed and organised posters who go out of their way to use only the most accurate and reliable News sources , wherever and whenever possible .
You just did what you accused me of doing. Just using five dollar words doesn't change what it is.
Look at the the map of Ukraine.

Look at today's date.

Compare that to Russia's stated goals.

What a joke. Russia the superpower? All their might has gained them territory the size of New Jersey and has left them begging other countries for weapons.

What a joke this Hersh character has become.
I just linked the map of Ukraine dated Sept 23, 2023. Good job showing you can't read it..see all those areas in Red and Black?

Black is before the war Russia controlled former Ukraine

Red is after the war.

Russia has taken the area of Novorossiya and held it this entire time

See the blue? That's what Ukraine took back 2 little areas


You Ukraine simps are losing and losing badly

Russia faked you all out acting like they were racing to Kyiv, your idiot generals pulled back, Russia moved in and annexed the 4 territories with 90% vote margins and now has a land bridge to Crimea.

You all aren't getting it back

You feel for the bs "stated goals" when anyone paying attention has told you the goal was to protect ethnic Russians in the east from genocide and sectarian violence perpetrated by Ukraine and NATO

You lose
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I do. See how small they are, compared to the whole of Ukraine?

Now look at today's date.

Now go back and look at russia's stated goals.

I'll walk you through this.
Russian stated goals were not about territory at all. Russian stated goals were:
  • demilitarisation;
  • denazification;
  • neutral status.

Achieving of those goals are in progress. They already killed many thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and destroyed hundreds not only Ukrainian, but also NATO tanks and vehicles, and they won't stop this war until formal treaty of neutral status of Ukraine.
Not only has Russia failed in their invasion of Ukraine, they have removed themselves from the list of superpowers. Now they are just a tiny 2nd world economy with a maniacal leader using nukes as an offensive threat.
I don't feed the sealions, sorry. It's easily found.
Sure it is. For example, here:


It's not about territories. It's about post-WW2 worlds order.
Sure it is. For example, here:

View attachment 833565

It's not about territories. It's about post-WW2 worlds order.
Haha, thank you for the hilarious pile of lies from Putin.
Not only has Russia failed in their invasion of Ukraine, they have removed themselves from the list of superpowers. Now they are just a tiny 2nd world economy with a maniacal leader using nukes as an offensive threat.
The problem is not that the Russians use nukes as an offensive threat. The problem is that the USA can't use nukes as an offensive threat no more. It's not about morality. It's about actual capabilities of American degrading nuclear forces.
The problem is not that the Russians use nukes as an offensive threat.
That is 100% the problem, else Russian forces would already be completely decimated and looking at Ukrainian forces on its borders, ready to occupy moscow. Get a grip.

And putin the defeated maniac knows it. Thus his offensive nuke threats.

2 or 3 squadrons of A-10s would have removed nearly all of Russia's armor from the planet in the first 2 weeks, if not for the maniac's offensive nuke threats.

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