Seymour Hersh - The war is over, Russia has won. US media and politicians lying about situation"

Seymour Hersh - The war is over, Russia has won. US media and politicians lying about situation"​

Russia wan the war of Putin on Europe which she started in the Ukraine against the roots of Russia? How? Did you kill Putin and his criminal gang? Did your soldiers leave the Ukraine?

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Russia will retreat sooner than later.
Good to hear desperation in your posts .
If you do not get real news but simply lap up the Fake variety ,it is always going to end up with you humiliating yourself.
What a public ass you have become by associating with Trolls like Nazi Winkle and Toomuchbooze .
Do you put the complete failure of the Nazi offensive down to the weather being too hot or did someone get the distance to the Azov sea badly wrong . ? It turned out to be more than 490 yards .
Have a look at the African situation in Niger and see if you can do better there .
View attachment 833580
How is your girlfriend doing?
60 Minutes just aired a segment on Ukraine and the war. They actually reported on the failures of the AFU and the massive losses of men and material they’ve incurred. I suspect this is one of the first such reports by US state run media. Dumb Americans who only consume such media will be surprised to hear this, after all the propaganda claiming the Ukes were doing well.
Fort Fun Indiana
60 Minutes just aired a segment on Ukraine and the war. They actually reported on the failures of the AFU and the massive losses of men and material they’ve incurred. I suspect this is one of the first such reports by US state run media. Dumb Americans who only consume such media will be surprised to hear this, after all the propaganda claiming the Ukes were doing well.
Fort Fun Indiana

"Kyiv in two weeks"

"Return Ukraine to Russia"

So much winning!
You’re in for a surprise. Since you only know what state run media has hold you, you know exactly nothing about what has occurred in Ukraine.

See map of Ukriane. Compare Russian held territory to size of Ukraine. Find Kyiv on map. Note that it is not in Russian held territory, like the vast majority of Ukraine.

Your bumper sticker talking points won't help you or Putin.
Why do you support this continuing slaughter? Are you stupid?

As opposed to the slaughter that would occur in letting putin commit his genocide across the whole country? Oh right, you support that, forgot who I was talking to.

Wrap it up. Stop sending billions over to the midget beggar king. Negotiate a peace and move on.
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has complex origins with a multitude of factors contributing to its escalation. Here are some key reasons behind the conflict:

1. Historical tensions: Historical grievances between Ukraine and Russia have roots in the Soviet Union era and the turbulent history of the region. Ukraine has long struggled for independence and self-determination, leading to friction with Russia.

2. Geostrategic importance: Ukraine holds significant geostrategic importance for Russia. The Crimean Peninsula, for instance, provides Russia with access to the Black Sea and serves as a critical naval base for the Russian fleet. Controlling Ukraine allows Russia to maintain influence over the region and protect its economic and security interests.

3. Ethnic and linguistic divisions: Ukraine has a diverse population consisting of ethnic Ukrainians and ethnic Russians, particularly in regions like Crimea and eastern Ukraine. These divisions, coupled with language differences, have contributed to tensions and a sense of minority rights being threatened.

4. Economic considerations: Ukraine possesses rich agricultural and industrial resources, as well as a large market potential. Access to Ukrainian markets and resources is of significant economic interest to Russia, leading to competition for economic influence in the region.

5. European integration aspirations: Ukraine's desire to pursue closer ties with the European Union (EU) and NATO has fueled tensions with Russia. Russia perceives these integration efforts as a direct threat to its influence over Ukraine and the wider region.

6. Annexation of Crimea: The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 is a major catalyst for the conflict. It was seen as a violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sparked international condemnation. This event led to the eruption of violence in eastern Ukraine, with pro-Russian separatists seeking independence from Ukraine.

7. Energy dependence: Ukraine has historically been dependent on Russian natural gas supplies. Disputes over gas prices and payment arrears have further strained relations between the two countries. Russia has at times used gas supplies as a political tool to assert its influence over Ukraine.

8. Nationalism and identity politics: Nationalist sentiments in both Ukraine and Russia have played a role in escalating the conflict. Ukrainian nationalism has propelled the desire for independence and closer ties with the West, while Russian nationalism has reinforced the narrative of protecting the rights of ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

The conflict remains complex with multiple layers of causation. It is kinda like many tight knots that cannot be easily untied. Both countries have been in a pickle for a decade. So I do not think the conflict will be resolved soon.

War in Ukraine | Global Conflict Tracker – War in Ukraine | Global Conflict Tracker
How is your girlfriend doing?
View attachment 833710
you lover does bad very bad,
Wonder if Girkin is reflecting upon how his homeland is treating him and if he feels regret for being on the wrong🇷🇺🐐 team. ;) :auiqs.jpg: the next one could be you 🇷🇺🐐!

Russia has been trying to make Peace. US, UK and Ukraine have denied even having talks
Ukraine should have a right to decide on their own what nations it wants to cooperate with and what blocks it can join. Is Russia going to acceor that with its 'peace'?

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