Seymour Hersh - The war is over, Russia has won. US media and politicians lying about situation"

You just did what you accused me of doing. Just using five dollar words doesn't change what it is.
Instead of trying to be a smart arse , listen to some good , honest advice and just conceivably learn something useful .
That is 100% the problem, else Russian forces would already be completely decimated and looking at Ukrainian forces on its borders, ready to occupy moscow. Get a grip.

And putin the defeated maniac knows it. Thus his offensive nuke threats.

2 or 3 squadrons of A-10s would have removed nearly all of Russia's armor from the planet in the first 2 weeks, if not for the maniac's offensive nuke threats.
The Russians use nukes as a threat only because they have upper hand in it. And we can't blame them for it. They wanna live and they wanna live good. We shouldn't blame them for being strong. We should blame ourselves for being weak.
Instead of trying to be a smart arse , listen to some good , honest advice and just conceivably learn something useful .
From you?

Sure it is. For example, here:

View attachment 833565

It's not about territories. It's about post-WW2 worlds order.
Putin is the combined HitlerStalinMao of the world today.
I don’t usually deal with low grades but perhaps foolishly I took pity — if only because of your name Decrepitus and your evident inexperience .
Yet another conservatard who is too stupid to manage a decent insult.

Get lost junior.
They’ve been more right than the war pigs you listen to.

We can only hope this war is over and peace is agreed to. However, you must realize your support of this awful PROVOKED war resulted in the deaths of a generation of Ukrainian men.

Please learn from your mistakes.
There can be no peace under Russian terms.
I do. See how small they are, compared to the whole of Ukraine?

Now look at today's date.

Now go back and look at russia's stated goals.

I'll walk you through this.
Again dipshit

Those stated goals are DISINFORMATION

Why would you broadcast your plans to your enemy under any other circumstance you absolute retard

Meanwhile Russia has their land bridge to Crimea and the territories they really wanted since 2014
The Donbas and Crimea are repeatedly stuck by missiles and dones.

Russians will keep killing Ukranians until no Russians are left.

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