SF GayMen's Choir has a message to you about your kids

It IS normal for a percentage of the human population to be homosexual.
Without encouragement that number is extremely small

People with the homosexual birth defect should be treated with tolerance.

Just as children with any handicap deserve to be treated

But thats not what the gay agenda is all about

Which makes it a threat to the physical health and mental well being of children
It is extremely small even today

And the "gay agenda" is no different than the human agenda
Whatever they want to do, fine. Just keep them away from children.

SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty
SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids


'We'll convert your children': San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus delivers musical message to those who work against 'gay agenda'

you can't get access to this video on youtube unless you've signed in and been granted access. I wonder why?

You think we're sinful
You fight against our rights
You say we all lead lives you can't respect
But you're just frightened
You think that we'll corrupt your kids
If our agenda goes unchecked
Funny, just this once, you're correct

We'll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and subtly
And you will barely notice it
You can keep them from disco
Warn about San Francisco
Make 'em wear pleated pants
We don't care
We'll convert your children
We'll make them tolerant and fair

A second singer then appears and says, "At first I didn't get why you'd be so scared of us turning your children into accepting, caring people — but I see now why you'd have a problem with that."

Then the pair duets:

Just like you worried
They'll change their group of friends
You won't approve of where they go at night
(to protests)
Oh and you'll be disgusted
(so gross)
When they start finding things online
That you've kept far from their sight
(like information)
Guess what?
You'll still be alright!

We'll convert your children
Reaching one and all
There is really no escaping it
'Cause even grandma likes RuPaul
And the world's getting kinder
Gen Z's gayer than grindr
Learn to love
Learn to vogue
Face your fate!
We'll convert your children
Someone's gotta teach them not to hate
Then the full ensemble kicks in:

We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
We're coming for them
We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
For your children
Your children will care about
Fairness and justice for others
Your children will work to convert
All their sisters and brothers
Then soon we're almost certain
Your kids will start convertin' you!

The gay agenda is coming home
The gay agenda is here!
But you don't have to worry
'Cause there's nothing wrong with
Standing by our side
(The gay agenda)
Get on board in a hurry
Because the world always needs
A bit more pride
(The gay agenda)
Come on, try a little pride!
We'll convert your children
Then we'll turn to you
Giving up the fear inside
Is freeing like you never knew!
Go and see San Francisco!
Go and turn up that disco!
You'll forget you were ever upset
We'll convert your children
And make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
Anything else?

As to whether or not the music video represents actual intentions or is a joke — or maybe is somewhere in between — one Facebook post from the SFGMC calls it a "heartwarming and hilarious piece."

Another post about the song introduces it by saying, "Pride Month may be over, but the Gay Agenda never stops!" The sentence is followed by winking emjoi.

But you can decide for yourself.
From the link;

"The "San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus" are proud of their perversion

I'm sure that by now, most of my readers have heard of the beyond disgusting, sexually predatory musical threat made by the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus against normal, heterosexual children. I have no intention of putting their video into this post, or of reproducing all the lyrics to their song, but you'll find them in this article if you're interested. I'll just cite a couple of pertinent lines.

You think that we’ll corrupt your kids
Fine — just this once, you’re correct
We’ll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and suddenly and you will barely notice it.

Frankly, I'm glad the SFGMC were so open about their intentions. It's good to hear them confirm, in their own words, that they plan to "corrupt our kids". We should take them at their word, and plan ahead to protect our families from their predation. (In case you think I'm joking, consider how eighteen SFGMC members openly discussed how many sports are "gay", and used a video of high school wrestlers as a talking - or should that be stalking? - point. Do you have kids in high school, and/or taking part in sports? To people like these, they're a target.)
The SFGMC has issued a statement about the controversy, full of injured innocence and refusing to back down. You'll find it here, if you're interested. They protest that "the tongue-in-cheek humor is lost on many" (it certainly is on me!), and conclude by stating, "We are proud of who we are. We are proud of what we sing." They're PROUD of planning to corrupt our kids??? I think that tells us all we need to know about them.
I'll let Rod Dreher say it for me. He's a lot more polite and restrained than I'd be.

What these smart-asses in San Francisco did was make a satirical song and video that would win them plaudits in their own circles by making fun of normies. They posted this online on July 1. My guess is that they began hearing back today from LGBT people outside of safe blue districts telling them that they are out of their damn minds. This is confirming the worst possible stereotype: the gays are targeting our kids. I say fantastic: the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus said the quiet part out loud. Sure, they say in the video that they’re talking about converting them into being “tolerant and fair,” but that is not at all how it will be received. And that, I’m sure, is why the fools took it down.
. . .
I’m still flabbergasted by how idiotic this was. These childless men apparently have no idea at all how most people feel about their children.
. . .
The contempt these men show towards parents who don’t think like them is at the heart of this. The taunting that says, whatever your religious beliefs, we are going to steal the hearts and minds of your children, and there is nothing you hicks can do to stop us. It gives the game away. It gives the game away for them, and for all their corporate allies.
. . .
Those guys are funny, all right. Pedophile rape of boys — oh my, that’s hilarious! San Francisco values…

There's more at the link.
As I said, Mr. Dreher is a lot more restrained than I feel. As a retired pastor, and one who's had to help more than a few families cope with the results of sexual predation, I tend more towards Vox Day's viewpoint: "This is pure and unadulterated wickedness of the form that God has crushed kingdoms for merely tolerating."
I very strongly urge all readers to look up the SFGMC for themselves. They have a Web site. A number of their members also have criminal convictions for sexual offenses, many of which (as you might expect) involve children. You'll find details on social media if you look for them, because many others besides myself have been outraged by the group's message and are taking steps to unmask them for what they are.
I highly recommend that all of us note these peoples' names, and perhaps (if we live in areas where they might be tempted to prey on our children) their photographs as well. Keep that information handy. Forewarned is forearmed. Use it, if necessary, to keep your children safe from them. If, in the process, you can help keep other children safe from them, that will be an added bonus. It might even be considered by right-thinking people (particularly parents) to be a public service.

They posted this online on July 1. My guess is that they began hearing back today from LGBT people outside of safe blue districts telling them that they are out of their damn minds. This is confirming the worst possible stereotype: the gays are targeting our kids. I say fantastic: the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus said the quiet part out loud. Sure, they say in the video that they’re talking about converting them into being “tolerant and fair,” but that is not at all how it will be received. And that, I’m sure, is why the fools took it down.
. . .
I’m still flabbergasted by how idiotic this was. These childless men apparently have no idea at all how most people feel about their children.
. . .
The contempt these men show towards parents who don’t think like them is at the heart of this. The taunting that says, whatever your religious beliefs, we are going to steal the hearts and minds of your children, and there is nothing you hicks can do to stop us. It gives the game away. It gives the game away for them, and for all their corporate allies.
. . .

Those guys are funny, all right. Pedophile rape of boys — oh my, that’s hilarious! San Francisco values…

(smh)....... Maybe it's because few of these folks have children, like he says, but I have to wonder just how out of touch you have to be to think that shit like this is going to be okay.

One thing it does tell me though, is that the gay community hasn't been getting attacked or oppressed much in a long time, regardless of what they want everyone to believe. Because if they had, they sure as hell wouldn't put something like this online....... they're basically daring someone whose children have been molested or abused to come and jam a running chainsaw up their ass, and then burn their house down.
The Gay Community's quest has always been to recruit new members and to subjugate Normative Americans. This isn't news.

Their plans have been officially published in the Congressional Record. https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-...&loader=tips#3f238ffa25f4f62e96ef8a3876aa60c9

It has never been refuted by the Gay Community either, and the Far Left was in charge of Congress at the time of this publication.

I guess the homosexuals didn't foresee the negative reaction it would get when it passed.
If you spend this much time thinking about the gays, then the chances are pretty good that you yourself are gay.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
If you spend this much time thinking about the gays, then the chances are pretty good that you yourself are gay.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
When they say they're coming for our kids there's plenty wrong with that. People are getting their ropes, chains, bricks and bats ready.

What's wrong with teaching kids to respect everyone and to be more tolerant and compassionate? ?

not a thing...but you don't have to pair it with sodomy. Would you be including conservatives and christians in your 'respect everyone' policy?

More to the point, what's wrong is that it's not someone else's place to decide what THEY want my children to be taught and how they want it taught to them. In a word, they are not the parents, so they do not get to assign themselves a seat on the parenting committee.

I gave birth to my children, so I will be teaching them according to MY worldview. If the gay choir wants to issue edicts about how children should be raised, then they need to produce their own children and confine their meddling to them.

What's wrong with teaching kids to respect everyone and to be more tolerant and compassionate? ?

not a thing...but you don't have to pair it with sodomy. Would you be including conservatives and christians in your 'respect everyone' policy?
Sure. Why not. I can certainly respect your right to have different beliefs than I do. The problem comes when you want to force others to adhere to your beliefs. Here's an example. You have every right to not have a gay marriage. You have no right to prevent others from having a gay marriage.
Children have a basic concept of their parents being married without having to know the details of their parent's sex lives, can't they?

"Force others to adhere to your beliefs" like writing a song about how you're coming for someone's children to teach them what you've decided they should believe, because what the parents believe is wrong and the kids shouldn't be taught that? THAT sort of "force others to adhere to your beliefs"?

Spare us your sanctimony and hypocrisy.

SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty
SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids


'We'll convert your children': San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus delivers musical message to those who work against 'gay agenda'

you can't get access to this video on youtube unless you've signed in and been granted access. I wonder why?

You think we're sinful
You fight against our rights
You say we all lead lives you can't respect
But you're just frightened
You think that we'll corrupt your kids
If our agenda goes unchecked
Funny, just this once, you're correct

We'll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and subtly
And you will barely notice it
You can keep them from disco
Warn about San Francisco
Make 'em wear pleated pants
We don't care
We'll convert your children
We'll make them tolerant and fair

A second singer then appears and says, "At first I didn't get why you'd be so scared of us turning your children into accepting, caring people — but I see now why you'd have a problem with that."

Then the pair duets:

Just like you worried
They'll change their group of friends
You won't approve of where they go at night
(to protests)
Oh and you'll be disgusted
(so gross)
When they start finding things online
That you've kept far from their sight
(like information)
Guess what?
You'll still be alright!

We'll convert your children
Reaching one and all
There is really no escaping it
'Cause even grandma likes RuPaul
And the world's getting kinder
Gen Z's gayer than grindr
Learn to love
Learn to vogue
Face your fate!
We'll convert your children
Someone's gotta teach them not to hate
Then the full ensemble kicks in:

We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
We're coming for them
We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
For your children
Your children will care about
Fairness and justice for others
Your children will work to convert
All their sisters and brothers
Then soon we're almost certain
Your kids will start convertin' you!

The gay agenda is coming home
The gay agenda is here!
But you don't have to worry
'Cause there's nothing wrong with
Standing by our side
(The gay agenda)
Get on board in a hurry
Because the world always needs
A bit more pride
(The gay agenda)
Come on, try a little pride!
We'll convert your children
Then we'll turn to you
Giving up the fear inside
Is freeing like you never knew!
Go and see San Francisco!
Go and turn up that disco!
You'll forget you were ever upset
We'll convert your children
And make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
Anything else?

As to whether or not the music video represents actual intentions or is a joke — or maybe is somewhere in between — one Facebook post from the SFGMC calls it a "heartwarming and hilarious piece."

Another post about the song introduces it by saying, "Pride Month may be over, but the Gay Agenda never stops!" The sentence is followed by winking emjoi.

But you can decide for yourself.
Sweet. So they are saying they will convert your children from bigots to tolerant and fair… this is an issue why??

Because they aren't THEIR children, so it's not their place to convert them to anything or impose their view of what's "tolerant and fair" on them.

I have no doubt that, if you have children, you're perfectly okay with every stranger in the world wandering by and issuing decisions on how they should be raised. REAL parents, however, tend to take issue with that.
If your kid listens to a gay mens choir, then chances are pretty good he’s already gay.

Straw man. You continue to be the king of "I have nothing to say, and I'm sure going to waste space saying it."
The ignore feature is your friend. Use it.

No, the ignore feature is YOUR friend, because it allows you to spew bullshit and derail conversations without being challenged.

As long as you continue sounding like a fucking moron, I will continue pointing out that you're a fucking moron.

SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty
SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids


'We'll convert your children': San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus delivers musical message to those who work against 'gay agenda'

you can't get access to this video on youtube unless you've signed in and been granted access. I wonder why?

You think we're sinful
You fight against our rights
You say we all lead lives you can't respect
But you're just frightened
You think that we'll corrupt your kids
If our agenda goes unchecked
Funny, just this once, you're correct

We'll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and subtly
And you will barely notice it
You can keep them from disco
Warn about San Francisco
Make 'em wear pleated pants
We don't care
We'll convert your children
We'll make them tolerant and fair

A second singer then appears and says, "At first I didn't get why you'd be so scared of us turning your children into accepting, caring people — but I see now why you'd have a problem with that."

Then the pair duets:

Just like you worried
They'll change their group of friends
You won't approve of where they go at night
(to protests)
Oh and you'll be disgusted
(so gross)
When they start finding things online
That you've kept far from their sight
(like information)
Guess what?
You'll still be alright!

We'll convert your children
Reaching one and all
There is really no escaping it
'Cause even grandma likes RuPaul
And the world's getting kinder
Gen Z's gayer than grindr
Learn to love
Learn to vogue
Face your fate!
We'll convert your children
Someone's gotta teach them not to hate
Then the full ensemble kicks in:

We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
We're coming for them
We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
For your children
Your children will care about
Fairness and justice for others
Your children will work to convert
All their sisters and brothers
Then soon we're almost certain
Your kids will start convertin' you!

The gay agenda is coming home
The gay agenda is here!
But you don't have to worry
'Cause there's nothing wrong with
Standing by our side
(The gay agenda)
Get on board in a hurry
Because the world always needs
A bit more pride
(The gay agenda)
Come on, try a little pride!
We'll convert your children
Then we'll turn to you
Giving up the fear inside
Is freeing like you never knew!
Go and see San Francisco!
Go and turn up that disco!
You'll forget you were ever upset
We'll convert your children
And make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
Anything else?

As to whether or not the music video represents actual intentions or is a joke — or maybe is somewhere in between — one Facebook post from the SFGMC calls it a "heartwarming and hilarious piece."

Another post about the song introduces it by saying, "Pride Month may be over, but the Gay Agenda never stops!" The sentence is followed by winking emjoi.

But you can decide for yourself.
Sweet. So they are saying they will convert your children from bigots to tolerant and fair… this is an issue why??

So you agree with them that homosexuality is a choice?
Whoa captain Random. Where did you get that notion from?!
If your kid listens to a gay mens choir, then chances are pretty good he’s already gay.

Straw man. You continue to be the king of "I have nothing to say, and I'm sure going to waste space saying it."
The ignore feature is your friend. Use it.

No, the ignore feature is YOUR friend, because it allows you to spew bullshit and derail conversations without being challenged.

As long as you continue sounding like a fucking moron, I will continue pointing out that you're a fucking moron.
Have fun, asshole.

SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty's choir has a message to you about your kids Empty
SF Gay Men's choir has a message to you about your kids


'We'll convert your children': San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus delivers musical message to those who work against 'gay agenda'

you can't get access to this video on youtube unless you've signed in and been granted access. I wonder why?

You think we're sinful
You fight against our rights
You say we all lead lives you can't respect
But you're just frightened
You think that we'll corrupt your kids
If our agenda goes unchecked
Funny, just this once, you're correct

We'll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and subtly
And you will barely notice it
You can keep them from disco
Warn about San Francisco
Make 'em wear pleated pants
We don't care
We'll convert your children
We'll make them tolerant and fair

A second singer then appears and says, "At first I didn't get why you'd be so scared of us turning your children into accepting, caring people — but I see now why you'd have a problem with that."

Then the pair duets:

Just like you worried
They'll change their group of friends
You won't approve of where they go at night
(to protests)
Oh and you'll be disgusted
(so gross)
When they start finding things online
That you've kept far from their sight
(like information)
Guess what?
You'll still be alright!

We'll convert your children
Reaching one and all
There is really no escaping it
'Cause even grandma likes RuPaul
And the world's getting kinder
Gen Z's gayer than grindr
Learn to love
Learn to vogue
Face your fate!
We'll convert your children
Someone's gotta teach them not to hate
Then the full ensemble kicks in:

We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
We're coming for them
We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
For your children
Your children will care about
Fairness and justice for others
Your children will work to convert
All their sisters and brothers
Then soon we're almost certain
Your kids will start convertin' you!

The gay agenda is coming home
The gay agenda is here!
But you don't have to worry
'Cause there's nothing wrong with
Standing by our side
(The gay agenda)
Get on board in a hurry
Because the world always needs
A bit more pride
(The gay agenda)
Come on, try a little pride!
We'll convert your children
Then we'll turn to you
Giving up the fear inside
Is freeing like you never knew!
Go and see San Francisco!
Go and turn up that disco!
You'll forget you were ever upset
We'll convert your children
And make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
We'll make an ally of you yet!
Anything else?

As to whether or not the music video represents actual intentions or is a joke — or maybe is somewhere in between — one Facebook post from the SFGMC calls it a "heartwarming and hilarious piece."

Another post about the song introduces it by saying, "Pride Month may be over, but the Gay Agenda never stops!" The sentence is followed by winking emjoi.

But you can decide for yourself.
Sweet. So they are saying they will convert your children from bigots to tolerant and fair… this is an issue why??

Because they aren't THEIR children, so it's not their place to convert them to anything or impose their view of what's "tolerant and fair" on them.

I have no doubt that, if you have children, you're perfectly okay with every stranger in the world wandering by and issuing decisions on how they should be raised. REAL parents, however, tend to take issue with that.
It’s a fake problem that you’re outraged about. Somebody wrote a song and a gay choir is singing it to promote better treatment of LGBTQ. What are you actually worried about here?!
It’s a fake problem that you’re outraged about. Somebody wrote a song and a gay choir is singing it to promote better treatment of LGBTQ. What are you actually worried about here?!

pedophilia is not a fake problem. Actively going after normal kids is not a fake problem. It is a REAL problem. They're not asking for better treatment of 'gays'. Gays get good treatment. What bad treatment they get is in their heads. They marry, they sue willynilly with malice. They're in many commercials, there's always a homo influence in most every show and they're treated with great respect...more respect than deserved. THey're in every profession and line of work and still...they. are. not. happy.

Right now i'm worried about your comprehension...reading first then moral. I can't say i'm surprised at your interpretation as wrong as it is. We're tolerating a stolen presidency, corruption in the white house, the son peddling influence with pisspoor artwork and the office of the presidency is blocking anyone looking into the obvious criminality. So what's problem is actively and with evil going after kids of your opposition in order to recruit them.

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