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Sh*t is about to hit the fan: Ex secret service agent warns devastating FISA memo set to expose Obam

And Trump admitting that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

And Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to stop his investigation into Flynn's crimes.



Produce the evidence that Trump said these things - but the fact is you CAN'T!

You just lost ALL credibility by LYING to try to prove your butt-hurt defense of an investigation that cant even prove a crime was committed!

Comey says otherwise:

In his prepared testimony, Comey recalled that, at that Oval Office meeting, the president said: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

"I took it as a direction," Comey told the Senate hearing Thursday. "I mean, this is a president of the United States with me alone saying, 'I hope this.' I took it as, this is what he wants me to do. I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it."

Comey: I took it as an order when Trump told me to drop Flynn investigation

And Mueller took Comey's testimony seriously. Mueller has already interviewed Comey in depth on the matter.

And Trump made it clear why he fired Comey:

“When I decided to just do it I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.’”

Trump says he was considering 'this Russia thing' when he fired Comey - CNNPolitics

And Mueller is taking that very seriously as well.

4 indictments, 2 guilty pleas, Flynn admitting that he lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians, Papadoupoulos admitting he lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians, Trump admitting via twitter that he knew of Flynn's crimes before he fired Comey, Trump admitting that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation, and Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to stop his investigation into Flynn's crimes.

Smiling....tiny cuts, Easy. Thousands and thousands of tiny cuts.


'In his prepared testimony, Comey recalled that, at that Oval Office meeting, the president said: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

"I took it as a direction," Comey told the Senate hearing Thursday. "I mean, this is a president of the United States with me alone saying, 'I hope this.' I took it as, this is what he wants me to do. I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it."

In WHAT universe is 'I HOPE you can see your way clear...' the same as 'STOP'?!

It is NOT!

OF COURSE Comey would say 'I took it as an order' - He, Mueller, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, and Obama just got exposed for their TREASON - COMPLETE WITH SOMETHING THEY DON'T HAVE ON TRUMP - EVIDENCE!

Like I said, short-round, you don't even have evidence that a crime was EVER committed to warrant this investigation.

So now Comey *did* testify Trump ordered him to stop his investigation of Flynn?

Well that was easy.
And Trump made it clear why he fired Comey:

It's called 'Projection' - and your opinion. There is no proof ... BESIDES, one thing you idiots have not acknowledged is that Trump had every Constitutional Authority to fire Comey....and now that his TREASON has been exposed hopefully he will get more than FIRED. Hopefully he will be sharing a cell with McCabe, Strzok, and Mueller.

Smiling....tiny cuts, Easy. Thousands and thousands of tiny cuts.
'Tiny Cuts'? How about some actual EVIDENCE, snowflake....like the solid evidence that exists against the Witch Hunters?!
I said Comey claimed....testified, claimed - who cares. The IDIOT thinks 'I HOPE you can see fit...' is the same as 'I ORDER you to stop.' Evidently you are just as stupid as Comey.
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I said Comey claimed....testified, claimed - who cares. The IDIOT thinks 'I HOPE you can see fit...' is the same as 'I ORDER you to stop. Evidently you are just as stupid as Comey.

LMAO! Gotta laugh loud and long at leftards that soiled themselves over Flynn while totally oblivious to the NUMEROUS crimes of the Barrypuppet, Hildebeast, Holder, Lynch, Comey, etc, etc......... It defies imagination.....seriously.
I guess if I told snowflakes I hope they jump off a cliff they would take that as me ORDERING them to... :p
And Trump made it clear why he fired Comey:

It's called 'Projection' - and your opinion. There is no proof ... BESIDES, one thing you idiots have not acknowledged is that Trump had every Constitutional Authority to fire Comey....and now that his TREASON has been exposed hopefully he will get more than FIRED. Hopefully he will be sharing a cell with McCabe, Strzok, and Mueller.

Its called reading what Trump actually said:

“When I decided to just do it I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.’”

Trump says he was considering 'this Russia thing' when he fired Comey - CNNPolitics

Its trump that connected his decision to fire Comey to the 'Russia Thing'. Stupidly.

And we have 2 guilty pleas from Trump team members who admit to lying about contacts between the Trump Team....and the Russians. Hell, even the Attorney General had to recuse himself from the investigation after being caught lying about contacts with the Russians.


For crying out loud, even Bannon called the contacts between the Trump Team and the Russians to be 'treasonous'.

But keep your eyes screwed shut and just keep pretending that nothing is happening. Just don't surprised that after 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas your claims of 'witch hunt' are met with ringing laughter.
I said Comey claimed....testified, claimed - who cares. The IDIOT thinks 'I HOPE you can see fit...' is the same as 'I ORDER you to stop. Evidently you are just as stupid as Comey.

LMAO! Gotta laugh loud and long at leftards that soiled themselves over Flynn while totally oblivious to the NUMEROUS crimes of the Barrypuppet, Hildebeast, Holder, Lynch, Comey, etc, etc......... It defies imagination.....seriously.

I'm referring to *actual* crimes, Dale. Not whatever batshit you want to make up.

And the crimes in the Trump team are undeniable. Its also beyond debate that these crimes are immediately related to Russia. Yet despite 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas conservatives are getting increasingly desperate, pleading for the investigation to end.

Smiling.....nope. Mueller is just getting started.
Well if Bannon said it it has to be true right snowflake?


EVEN Bannon said the actions of the Trump Team were treasonous. And agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation. That there are crimes within the Trump Team is beyond debate. As is the fact that these crimes are immediately related to Russia.

But keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that everything is fine and that nothing bad could possibly happen.

Smiling.....Mueller is just getting started.
Mueller is just getting started.
You mean after a year of multiple investigations he's finally going to provide evidence that a crime was committed warranting his Witch Hunt?

About damn time...

Its barely 6 months old. And in those 6 months he's gotten 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas with only ONE investigation. Republicans and their Benghazi fiasco had 8 separate investigations over 4 years and found jack shit.

You can start to complain when Mueller gets to say, year 3. In the mean time....we have the mountains of evidence of crimes, lies, cover ups and obstruction.

4 indictments, 2 guilty pleas

Flynn admitting *under oath* that he lied to the FBI about Trump Team contacts with Russia,

Flynn admitting he lied about how ordered him to make those contacts with Russia

Papadopoulos admitting to lying to the FBI about Trump Team contacts with Russia

Papadopoulos's fiancée on record as saying that Papadopoulos did everything under direction from the campaign including make contacts with Russia

Trump admitting via twitter he knew of Flynn's criminal lies to the FBI about Trump Team contact with Russia before firing Comey

Trump admitting that he fired Comey because of the investigation into Russia

Comey testifying that Trump ordered him to end his investigation into Flynn lying about contacts with Russia.

Trump's White House counsel instructing Bannon *in real time* not to cooperate with the House intel investigation into Russia.

The House Intel committee subpoenaing Bannon to answer the questions Trump's Counsel instructed Bannon not to answer regarding Trump Team contact with Russia.

With Bannon admitting that contacts between Russians and Trump team members was 'treasonous'.
While Democrats' / the FBI'S / the DOJ's / the Obama administration's TREASON needs to be fully exposed...

I do have a question...

The GOP said what is gound in the memos are so shocking, that they will 'shake the foundation of the country' and change it - cause Americans to cry out for change / justice...

If these memos / documents show criminal activity, WHY are the Republicans intent on releasing the evidence and GETTING PUBLIC SUPPORT BEFORE DOING THE RIGHT THING and acting upon it?

PER WALK Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Lynch, Holder, Hillary, and Obama already...

The evidence is there.... The evidence has BEEN there... The only thing missing has been the objective, non-partisan will to pursue true justice.

Trump could release Nunes' memo instantly. Nunes could release it in 5 days. Neither are.

Instead, they're going to *allude* to a memo you can read, citing 'evidence' you're not allowed to see, written by Trump's closest ally in Congress. They're stalling for a reason.

With Trumpies, the level of hyperbole and the level of substance are almost always inversely proportionate.
Well one thing is for certain... GOP politicians know their audience.
indictments for what? process crimes?..No such thing as "Russian Collusion" sweetie, only in your own little brainwashed mind

Guilty please for lying to the FBI about meetings with Russians. With Trump admitting that he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation. And Comey testifying that Trump tried to get him to end the investigation into Flynn.

And Trump admitting on Twitter that he knew of Flynn's crimes BEFORE firing Comey.

Which is why the more that the Mueller Team uncovers, the more indictments come down, the more guilty pleas they have........the louder Trump and his team scream 'witch hunt'.

Process crime like i said..Comey was corrupt and disgraced the FBI which is why he was fired..Trump could fire Muller too if he wanted to

Trump cited the Russian investigation as the reason he fired comey. Comey cites Trump as ordering him to end the Flynn investigation. WIth Trump admitting via Twitter that he knew of Flynn's crimes BEFORE firing Comey.

There's a reason Trump is shitting his pants, desperately trying to end Mueller's investigation.

ok genius...The Russian thing is a fake, always has been.

That there were serious crimes in the Trump team is beyond question. That these crimes are immediately related to Russia is also beyond question. As the 2 guilty pleas undeniably indicate.

So your premise is demonstrable bullshit.

Why would Trump want that fake crap continued?..Comey ran a corrupt FBI... The justice dept was corrupted under Obama. The only reason there is a Independent council on this fake issue is because Sessions dropped the ball like a bitch

Session recused himself because Sessions lied about contacts with the Russian ambassador. Flynn lied about contacts with Russians. Papadopoulos lied about contact with Russians. Pence lied about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Insisting there was zero contact between the campaign and Russian officials.

Notice a pattern yet?

Only in your own warped liberal mind...The Russians won Trump the election?:rolleyes:..those contacts were trivial....the Clintons made millions off of the Russians but that doesnt bother you...Fake outrage....You people are pathetic
While Democrats' / the FBI'S / the DOJ's / the Obama administration's TREASON needs to be fully exposed...

I do have a question...

The GOP said what is gound in the memos are so shocking, that they will 'shake the foundation of the country' and change it - cause Americans to cry out for change / justice...

If these memos / documents show criminal activity, WHY are the Republicans intent on releasing the evidence and GETTING PUBLIC SUPPORT BEFORE DOING THE RIGHT THING and acting upon it?

PER WALK Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Lynch, Holder, Hillary, and Obama already...

The evidence is there.... The evidence has BEEN there... The only thing missing has been the objective, non-partisan will to pursue true justice.

Trump could release Nunes' memo instantly. Nunes could release it in 5 days. Neither are.

Instead, they're going to *allude* to a memo you can read, citing 'evidence' you're not allowed to see, written by Trump's closest ally in Congress. They're stalling for a reason.

With Trumpies, the level of hyperbole and the level of substance are almost always inversely proportionate.


4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas.

There's absolutely no debate that there were very serious crimes in the Trump team. And that those crimes were immediately related to Russia. Yet the more indictments and the more guilty pleas that come down, the louder that conservatives squeal that the investigation should end immediately.

Where by any rational standard, the opposite would be true.

Process crimes...you hang your hat on that?...please
'SH*T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN': Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns 'Devastating' FISA Memo Set To 'Expose' Obama
The House Intel panel’s passage of New York Republican Rep. Peter King’s motion to release the FISA abuse memo to fellow House members has rocked Washington, D.C.



Nothing would be grander than to see this scum bag pos in prison, but just like Clinton they won't ever see prison . They're all in a bug club and you ain't in it.
The sick part is how their cult followers make up any excuse they can for this skank bastard.
Even if former BODY GUARD is saying crap about this.

So much sh*t has hit the fan @infowars that it probably looks like this inside:
'SH*T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN': Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns 'Devastating' FISA Memo Set To 'Expose' Obama
The House Intel panel’s passage of New York Republican Rep. Peter King’s motion to release the FISA abuse memo to fellow House members has rocked Washington, D.C.



Nothing would be grander than to see this scum bag pos in prison, but just like Clinton they won't ever see prison . They're all in a bug club and you ain't in it.
The sick part is how their cult followers make up any excuse they can for this skank bastard.
Even if former BODY GUARD is saying crap about this.


I'm NEW to board? Your allowed to post from shit-sites like that? Breitbart? Seriously. What are the standards here?
'SH*T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN': Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns 'Devastating' FISA Memo Set To 'Expose' Obama
The House Intel panel’s passage of New York Republican Rep. Peter King’s motion to release the FISA abuse memo to fellow House members has rocked Washington, D.C.



Nothing would be grander than to see this scum bag pos in prison, but just like Clinton they won't ever see prison . They're all in a bug club and you ain't in it.
The sick part is how their cult followers make up any excuse they can for this skank bastard.
Even if former BODY GUARD is saying crap about this.


I'm NEW to board? Your allowed to post from shit-sites like that? Breitbart? Seriously. What are the standards here?

You don't even want to jump on my ass about infowars because by the time your done, you will look like the bigggessssst idiot left on the board.

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