Shades of David Dinkins, Baltimore mayor...


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Aug 30, 2011
Instructed the police to give rioters "room to destroy". Am I alone in thinking she should be forced to step down?
While I was initially taken aback by the mayor's words, after reading what she said and listening to her words a couple of more times, I am now fairly well convinced that what she meant was that, in their efforts to provide the peaceful demonstrators the latitude to do their thing, they inadvertently opened the window for the violent elements to go to work destroying all that they could.
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While I was initially taken aback by the mayor's words, after reading what she said and listening to her words a couple of more times, I am now fairly well convince that what she meant was that, in their efforts to provide the peaceful demonstrators the latitude to do their thing, they inadvertently opened the window for the violent elements to go to work destroying all that they could.

Ok, yeah, it would be pretty stupid for a mayor to admit to everyone you are letting people riot, if that's what you are in fact doing.
While I was initially taken aback by the mayor's words, after reading what she said and listening to her words a couple of more times, I am now fairly well convince that what she meant was that, in their efforts to provide the peaceful demonstrators the latitude to do their thing, they inadvertently opened the window for the violent elements to go to work destroying all that they could.

Ok, yeah, it would be pretty stupid for a mayor to admit to everyone you are letting people riot, if that's what you are in fact doing.
"Room to destroy"....If I owned a mom & pop there I damn sure would know that the "mayor" did NOT give a damn about my legal tax paying right to have that mom & pop there. It's time for Christians AND conservatives to start bailing on every democrat controlled city.

pull the money and pull the people AND the help and let them crash.
Instructed the police to give rioters "room to destroy". Am I alone in thinking she should be forced to step down?

Marion Berry (Smoked Crack with some hookers and got caught on video) (Reelected)
William Jefferson (Found with $90,000 in his freezer) Re-elected
Charlie Rangel (Cheated on his Taxes) Re-elected over and over
Kwame Kilpatrick (Re-elected after the public was aware of all his corruption and racketeering charges)
Maxine Waters (Funneled Stimulus money into her husbands bank) (Re-elected)
Monica Conyers (Re-elected despite her racketeering/corruption charges)
Jessie Jackson Jr. (Kept getting re-elected until he went to jail)

Since when has majority black democrat districts ever held their corrupt and incompetent politicians to account for their actions? They like their politicians corrupt and incompetent. They will defend a black politician no matter how guilty they obviously are just like they will defend a black thug resisting arrest and assaulting cops no matter how obviously guilty he was (See Mike Brown/Trayvon Martin).
Just picked up that the Governor has sent in the National Guard at the Daily Mail. Any one else read or heard this?
Instructed the police to give rioters "room to destroy". Am I alone in thinking she should be forced to step down?
You put "room to destroy" in quotations That was not a direct quote from the mayor.

I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech.It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. And we worked very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate.

I think her meaning is very clear, and it isnt what people are making it out to be

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