Shadow of Abu Ghraib in Ukraine: Ukrainian Special Services Torture Dissenters

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

I have already written that the Ukrainian Armed Forces and special services, in spite of international agreements, use torture against the representatives of the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics (Donbass).

The American government not only does not try to stop torture in Ukraine, but encourages this practice by making a decision to sell lethal weapons to the Kiev cryptoneozionist regime.

Here's what we learned today:

The Ukrainian authorities claim that they have turned the country into an integral part of civilized Europe. True, this "civilization" is often forgotten by the employees of the state security service, exposing dissenters to sophisticated torture. That is what we learnt about the methods of the Ukrainian Security Service, experienced, in particular, by a resident of Donetsk, Dmitry Varvarovsky, detained in the city of Zaporozhye in April 2017 ....

According to Dmitry Varvarovsky, members of the Ukrainian special services began to beat him during the detention, and the beatings continued for several months - he was taken out of the cell several times a week and "interrogations with bias" were conducted .

The lawyer appointed by the state, according to Varvarovsky, did not undertake anything for his defense.

"They did not even want to accept me to jail because it was all "blue" from the beatings ... When representatives of the UN arrived - I showed them my bruises, but as a result of that there were evenmore beating, ," recalls the resident of Donetsk ....

In addition to physical assault, SBU (Ukrainian Security Service) investigators also used more sophisticated methods. For example, the body was cauterized with an electric shock - until Varvarovsky lost consciousness ....

They also liked to hang me on a mop, which was passed under the elbows. Sowing like this for ten to fifteen minutes, people suffer terrible agonies from the fact that tendons are stretched and joints are deformed.

Periodically they strangled Varvarovsky with a plastic packet or put a gas mask with a closed valve on him , the fighter remembers.

Sometimes they made a "swallow", throwing me on stomachs, planting their elbows by the head and wringing out their hands.

"All this went on week after week, month after month ... I was already desperate and just waited for it to end," - says the former prisoner.

My comment:

Of course, the American government will not be able to wash off the shame of Abu Ghraib for a long time, but it's strange that it does not attempt to condemn the use of torture and demand the cessation of torture from its wards in Kiev, which are under FULL US control.

Or is that a part of mentality of the American political elite, which has a lot in common with the Ukrainian one - one and the same infectious psychiatric illness - the Abu Ghraib syndrome???
There was no torture in Abu Ghraib. It was a couple of assclowns that took embarrassing photos of detainees over the span of a few days. It was found out by the Army, and promptly shut down and the people responsible prosecuted. The story was broke by the Army Times but no one paid attention. Later when the photos were leaked, the media and leftwing anti-America crowd went wild and made up the Fake News story that the US was envolved in systematic “torture”, all in order to attack Bush and undermine the US.

So, take your Abu Ghraib arguement and shove it.

Besides, how exactly is the US government supposed to stop torture going on in the Ukraine? Do you want us to invade it? If we don’t invade or otherwise stop it, that makes us responsible for the actions of the Ukraine? Idiotic.

The only people responsible for any torture going on in the Ukraine is the people doing it. Quite frankly what happens there is none of our business and the last thing we should do is get involved.
There was no torture in Abu Ghraib. It was a couple of assclowns that took embarrassing photos of detainees over the span of a few days. It was found out by the Army, and promptly shut down and the people responsible prosecuted. The story was broke by the Army Times but no one paid attention. Later when the photos were leaked, the media and leftwing anti-America crowd went wild and made up the Fake News story that the US was envolved in systematic “torture”, all in order to attack Bush and undermine the US.

So, take your Abu Ghraib arguement and shove it.

Besides, how exactly is the US government supposed to stop torture going on in the Ukraine? Do you want us to invade it? If we don’t invade or otherwise stop it, that makes us responsible for the actions of the Ukraine? Idiotic.

The only people responsible for any torture going on in the Ukraine is the people doing it. Quite frankly what happens there is none of our business and the last thing we should do is get involved.

1. I think, Sir, that pretending to be "innocent lambs" is not the best way out, because the history of the United States KNOWS the widespread use of "third-degree interrogation" by the American police, which were opened by the National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement (also known unofficially as the Wickersham Commission) was a committee established by then U.S. President, Herbert Hoover, on May 20, 1929.

The Commission found that the "third-degree interrogations" by "the inflicting of pain, physical or mental, to extract confessions or statements... is widespread throughout the country."

2. I admit that you simply MIGHT not know what happened in Ukraine, although I rather think that you are guided by other considerations. In any case, I will remind you that the anti-government coup in Kiev was carried out on American money through Soros Foundation.

Ukraine has long been occupied by the United States. The American government is implementing the EXTERNAL management of Ukraine. Agents of American special services occupy several floors of the Ukrainian Security Service in Kiev and the US military is training Ukrainian soldiers to kill Russian-speaking people in Donbass with American weapons.

You are either poorly informed or just trying to mislead ordinary Americans about the policy of American сryptoneoяionists in Ukraine...
Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN
Abu Ghraib was very tame when you consider the atrocities that happen in Arab, Muslim, ISIS, African, North Korean, Chinese, Russian and Latin American prisons.

A.B. is nothing compared to those places!

Sent from my iPhone using
Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
[Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.]

As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

SBU completely copies the behavior of its patron - the government of the United States, which, after a horrible, set up by the US cryptoneozionist forces a dramatic attack of Twin Towers covered the planet with anetwork of secret prisons . Illegally detained persons were brought to torture to different countries around the world, including Ukraine...

There is no doubt that in this case there is a cryptoneosionist conspiracy against the Russian-speaking population of the South-East of Ukraine
Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
[Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.]

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN


There is no doubt that the SBU behaves like its patron - the government of the United States. After the horrible, set by the US cryptoneozionist forces "performance", - attacks on Twin Towers, the US intelligence services covered the planet with the network of secret prisons in which illegally detained people were tried. There were such prisons in Ukraine.

Apparently Ukrainian сryptoneozionists turned out to be "diligent pupils" of their American and Israeli instructors...
[Abu Ghraib was very tame when you consider the atrocities that happen in Arab, Muslim, ISIS, African, North Korean, Chinese, Russian and Latin American prisons.]

A.B. is nothing compared to those places!

Sent from my iPhone using


It is necessary to be absolutely politically illiterate or completely" brainwashed" by the US cryptoneozionist propaganda mashine to blend legitimate countries and terrorist organizations.

Please cite confirmed fact of the presence of political prisoners in Russia and at least one fact of torture of such prisoners
Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
[Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.]

As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

SBU completely copies the behavior of its patron - the government of the United States, which, after a horrible, set up by the US cryptoneozionist forces a dramatic attack of Twin Towers covered the planet with anetwork of secret prisons . Illegally detained persons were brought to torture to different countries around the world, including Ukraine...

There is no doubt that in this case there is a cryptoneosionist conspiracy against the Russian-speaking population of the South-East of Ukraine
Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
[Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.]

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN


There is no doubt that the SBU behaves like its patron - the government of the United States. After the horrible, set by the US cryptoneozionist forces "performance", - attacks on Twin Towers, the US intelligence services covered the planet with the network of secret prisons in which illegally detained people were tried. There were such prisons in Ukraine.

Apparently Ukrainian сryptoneozionists turned out to be "diligent pupils" of their American and Israeli instructors...
My every day prayer is: the world wakes up, see all the crimes against humanity which Kiev junta and their Deep State bosses have committed, makes it public and judge Ukrainian and American war criminals. The sooner the better. It had to be done 4 years ago just after snipers killed both policemen and protesters on Maidan in Kiev and could have saved thousands lives of Ukrainian civilians.

Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev 2014 in the new Italian film
Political Education: CAUTION - PROVOCATION !!!

This is how a provocation is done or how the mouth gets shut up to those who say that the events in Ukraine are a СRYPTONEOZIONIST game, but not a Jewish one. The word "cryptoneozionist" is replaced by the word "Jewish" and those who struggle with criptoneozionism become "anti-Semites"

Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
[Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.]

As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

SBU completely copies the behavior of its patron - the government of the United States, which, after a horrible, set up by the US cryptoneozionist forces a dramatic attack of Twin Towers covered the planet with anetwork of secret prisons . Illegally detained persons were brought to torture to different countries around the world, including Ukraine...

There is no doubt that in this case there is a cryptoneosionist conspiracy against the Russian-speaking population of the South-East of Ukraine
Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
[Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.]

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN


There is no doubt that the SBU behaves like its patron - the government of the United States. After the horrible, set by the US cryptoneozionist forces "performance", - attacks on Twin Towers, the US intelligence services covered the planet with the network of secret prisons in which illegally detained people were tried. There were such prisons in Ukraine.

Apparently Ukrainian сryptoneozionists turned out to be "diligent pupils" of their American and Israeli instructors...
[My every day prayer is: the world wakes up, see all the crimes against humanity which Kiev junta and their Deep State bosses have committed, makes it public and judge Ukrainian and American war criminals. The sooner the better. It had to be done 4 years ago just after snipers killed both policemen and protesters on Maidan in Kiev and could have saved thousands lives of Ukrainian civilians.]

Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev 2014 in the new Italian film

The most disgusting thing is that on sight of the world and the agents of American special services, which occupy several floors in the building of the Ukrainian Security Service, the "Ukrainian" government destroyed ALL the evidence indicating where the sniper fire was from: in the center of Kiev, all the trees in which the bullets fired from sniper weapons stuck, were cut.

And the American kriptoneosionist elite is silent, calling IRAN "the main sponsor of terrorism !!!"

Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
[Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.]

As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

SBU completely copies the behavior of its patron - the government of the United States, which, after a horrible, set up by the US cryptoneozionist forces a dramatic attack of Twin Towers covered the planet with anetwork of secret prisons . Illegally detained persons were brought to torture to different countries around the world, including Ukraine...

There is no doubt that in this case there is a cryptoneosionist conspiracy against the Russian-speaking population of the South-East of Ukraine
Ukraine is facing pressure to come clean on its secret detention centers after it was revealed that 12 men and one woman have been set free from a clandestine facility run by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kharkov.

Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch say the release of the detainees was prompted by their joint report “You Don’t Exist”: Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine’.

“The grotesque practice of secret detention continues to be denied by the Ukrainian authorities, but the evidence is overwhelming. The release of 13 people is welcome, but simply confirms the need to end and investigate these abuses and deliver justice to the victims,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia, said on the organization’s website.

Ukraine must end ‘grotesque practice’ of secret detention, say Amnesty & HRW

UN tried to attract the world's attention before:
[Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.]

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN


There is no doubt that the SBU behaves like its patron - the government of the United States. After the horrible, set by the US cryptoneozionist forces "performance", - attacks on Twin Towers, the US intelligence services covered the planet with the network of secret prisons in which illegally detained people were tried. There were such prisons in Ukraine.

Apparently Ukrainian сryptoneozionists turned out to be "diligent pupils" of their American and Israeli instructors...
[My every day prayer is: the world wakes up, see all the crimes against humanity which Kiev junta and their Deep State bosses have committed, makes it public and judge Ukrainian and American war criminals. The sooner the better. It had to be done 4 years ago just after snipers killed both policemen and protesters on Maidan in Kiev and could have saved thousands lives of Ukrainian civilians.]

Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev 2014 in the new Italian film

The most disgusting thing is that on sight of the world and the agents of American special services, which occupy several floors in the building of the Ukrainian Security Service, the "Ukrainian" government destroyed ALL the evidence indicating where the sniper fire was from: in the center of Kiev, all the trees in which the bullets fired from sniper weapons stuck, were cut.

And the American kriptoneosionist elite is silent, calling IRAN "the main sponsor of terrorism !!!"

Absolutely correct: the evidence has been destroyed.

But a couple of months ago three Georgian snipers (whom Saakashvili hired to shoot BOTH sides on Maidan in 2014) started talking. I told all the details about that in my thread
Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev 2014 in the new Italian film

The reasons they started talking: they were concerned about their lives and they haven't been paid as promised.
[But a month ago three Georgian snipers (whom Saakashvili hired to shoot BOTH sides on Maidan) started talking.]

I think that they are already dead: one can be sure that American "teachers" in Kiev will instruct SBU agents on how to "clean" witnesses. The US special services have a huge accumulated experience in this matter...

I think that they are already dead: one can be sure that American "teachers" in Kiev will instruct SBU agents on how to "clean" witnesses. The US special services have a huge accumulated experience in this matter...

No, they are alive, abroad and in a safe place and ready to talk to whoever wants to listen to them. But you're right: SBU badly needs them dead and silent.
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