Shakira enters Arizona immigration fight


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
Grammy Award-winning singer Shakira has joined the growing chorus of opposition to Arizona's new immigration law.

Shakira met with leaders Thursday in Arizona Thursday before talking about the issue on CNN's "AC 360." She said some police and lawmakers in Arizona are worried about how the new law will be implemented.

"The mayor is very, very worried, as well as the chief of police here," Shakira said. "They're both very worried about the impact that implementation of this law will have on Latino families, the level of abuse that will be inflicted on Latinos, with or without papers."

The new measure requires Arizona police to determine whether people are in the United States legally if there is a reason to suspect they aren't.

Arizona Immigration
The law, scheduled to go into effect 90 days after the close of the state's legislative session, would require immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times.

Supporters claim it is needed to control illegal immigration. Critics counter, saying it will create government-sanctioned racial profiling.

Shakira said she talked to women in Arizona who said they were scared about how the law would affect them.

"I just met with some families and women who have been subjected to domestic violence, and they are so concerned," the singer said. "They're going to live in fear to call the police or to report a crime that has been inflicted to them. They're trying to protect their kids and their own families from abusers. and now they're going to have to protect themselves from the government."

The Colombian singer said when she was in Arizona on Thursday, she thought about how the new law would affect her.

"If this law was already in effect today, for example, I could be detained and arrested and taken away because I don't even have my driver's license here. I 'm completely undocumented here," Shakira said.

Shakira enters Arizona immigration fight -

My question: Who gives a crap about what Shakira thinks or says??? NOT ME!!
She's obviously biased and not worth listening to.

She's not a citizen...she's not living on the border of Arizona subjected to the crime and violence that the ranchers are.

She's just a singer with no real knowledge of the issue other then she is an alien making a living here.

In effect just another rich asshole talking out of her ass.
She should stick to cocksucking and putting out shitty repetitive music for her drones to listen to... and shut her yap when it comes to our legal situations
So Ricky Martin is speaking up about now.He just wants the law to protect gay illegal aliens. Joking aside If you dont live here I could care less what you think.
Who cares what Shakira has to say regarding immigration! This is like when I hear actors commenting on political issues. Their comments are normally uneducated and almost always biased.
Who cares what Shakira has to say regarding immigration! This is like when I hear actors commenting on political issues. Their comments are normally uneducated and almost always biased.

unless, of course, its a right wing celebrity ... and then you run them for elective office. :thup:

whose comments, specifically, are uneducated? Ahhhhnold's? Bruce Willis'? Ronald Reagan's? Sonny Bono's (when he was alive)? Fred Grandy? :hmmmmmmmmmmmm:
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Who cares what Shakira has to say regarding immigration! This is like when I hear actors commenting on political issues. Their comments are normally uneducated and almost always biased.

unless, of course, its a right wing celebrity ... and then you run them for elective office. :thup:

whose comments, specifically, are uneducated? Ahhhhnold's? Bruce Willis'? Ronald Reagan's? Sonny Bono's (when he was alive)? Fred Grandy? :hmmmmmmmmmmmm:

Yes....we do that....I guess.


I never told any celebrity to run for office!!! Last time I checked...they did it on their own.
She should stick to cocksucking and putting out shitty repetitive music for her drones to listen to... and shut her yap when it comes to our legal situations

she's actually a very accomplished woman and was a musical prodigy when she was a child.

disappointing when you can't contain the hyperbole and lash out at someone personally, in a way that is clearly misogynist, just because you disagree. totally unnecessary.

look at this link and let me know when you've accomplished in your life what she has.

Shakira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First of all it would help me a great deal to actually know who the singer is, I had to ask my daughter. Let me see, the mayor of Phoenix, well just so the singer is not mis-informed, Phoenix system of Govt, is not one where the mayor has much power and is more or less the same as any other member of the city council, even to the point where recently Mr. Gordon wanted to sue over the new law and the City council told him that he was not allowed to and if he were to proceed with such a suit that it would withdrawn by the city attorney. Further if the singer had even bothered to read the law and even actually read the executive order the Gov. signed she would have seen that the law and our Gov. expressly forbids any sort of racial profiling and those that engage in it will be punished for it. In fact if she had decided to actully take the time and read the news for herself rather than someone tell her what she should think and act like, she would have ntoiced that in SB-1070 there is even a provision that comes under Federal civil rights statutes. My question for the singer is this, why would someone with so much wealth not be concerned for the endorsed slavery that so many seem to be protecting rather than a law that seeks to enforce existing Federal Law?
It pretty obvious how many people you all dont care about.

Dont care about Rinos

Dont care about black people

Dont care about Brown people

Dont care about gay people

Dont care about democratic people

dont care about minors

Dont care about oil rig workers

Dont care about anyone who doesnt live in the same state as you

Im sure you can think of some more people to not care about real soon, you never seem to run out of more people to not care about.

I suggest you work on Asians next you really have not done enough to specifically piss them off lately.

There is an election in Nov this year and you guys really need to step up your lack of caring to win.

cause its just so christian of you not to care.
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First of all it would help me a great deal to actually know who the singer is, I had to ask my daughter. Let me see, the mayor of Phoenix, well just so the singer is not mis-informed, Phoenix system of Govt, is not one where the mayor has much power and is more or less the same as any other member of the city council, even to the point where recently Mr. Gordon wanted to sue over the new law and the City council told him that he was not allowed to and if he were to proceed with such a suit that it would withdrawn by the city attorney. Further if the singer had even bothered to read the law and even actually read the executive order the Gov. signed she would have seen that the law and our Gov. expressly forbids any sort of racial profiling and those that engage in it will be punished for it. In fact if she had decided to actully take the time and read the news for herself rather than someone tell her what she should think and act like, she would have ntoiced that in SB-1070 there is even a provision that comes under Federal civil rights statutes. My question for the singer is this, why would someone with so much wealth not be concerned for the endorsed slavery that so many seem to be protecting rather than a law that seeks to enforce existing Federal Law?

no matter what you *think* the protections in the AZ law are, the potential for abuse is beyond measure. i disagree strongly with your assessment of it. I am actually quite appreciative of all the bi-partisan voices speaking against it.

as for shakira

Shakira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She should stick to cocksucking and putting out shitty repetitive music for her drones to listen to... and shut her yap when it comes to our legal situations

she's actually a very accomplished woman and was a musical prodigy when she was a child.

disappointing when you can't contain the hyperbole and lash out at someone personally, in a way that is clearly misogynist, just because you disagree. totally unnecessary.

look at this link and let me know when you've accomplished in your life what she has.

Shakira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So let her speak about music. She is not anywhere near an expert on what goes on at the border. I lived in Tucson and saw how bad it was PERSONALLY! I don't blame AZ for taking action. In fact I did blame them back then for DOING NOTHING!
It pretty obvious how many people you all dont care about.

Dont care about Rinos

Dont care about black people

Dont care about Brown people

Dont care about gay people

Dont care about democratic people

dont care about minors

Dont care about oil rig workers

Dont care about anyone who doesnt live in the same state as you

Im sure you can think of some more people to not care about real soon, you never seem to run out of more people to not care about.

I suggest you work on Asians next you really have not done enough to specifically piss them off lately.

There is an election in Nov this year and you guys really need to step up your lack of caring to win.

We love yellow people though.. Yellow is soooooo mellow..
It pretty obvious how many people you all dont care about.

Dont care about Rinos

Dont care about black people

Dont care about Brown people

Dont care about gay people

Dont care about democratic people

dont care about minors

Dont care about oil rig workers

Dont care about anyone who doesnt live in the same state as you

Im sure you can think of some more people to not care about real soon, you never seem to run out of more people to not care about.

I suggest you work on Asians next you really have not done enough to specifically piss them off lately.

There is an election in Nov this year and you guys really need to step up your lack of caring to win.
You are such an idiot. Fascinating, though.
First of all it would help me a great deal to actually know who the singer is, I had to ask my daughter. Let me see, the mayor of Phoenix, well just so the singer is not mis-informed, Phoenix system of Govt, is not one where the mayor has much power and is more or less the same as any other member of the city council, even to the point where recently Mr. Gordon wanted to sue over the new law and the City council told him that he was not allowed to and if he were to proceed with such a suit that it would withdrawn by the city attorney. Further if the singer had even bothered to read the law and even actually read the executive order the Gov. signed she would have seen that the law and our Gov. expressly forbids any sort of racial profiling and those that engage in it will be punished for it. In fact if she had decided to actully take the time and read the news for herself rather than someone tell her what she should think and act like, she would have ntoiced that in SB-1070 there is even a provision that comes under Federal civil rights statutes. My question for the singer is this, why would someone with so much wealth not be concerned for the endorsed slavery that so many seem to be protecting rather than a law that seeks to enforce existing Federal Law?

no matter what you *think* the protections in the AZ law are, the potential for abuse is beyond measure. i disagree strongly with your assessment of it. I am actually quite appreciative of all the bi-partisan voices speaking against it.

as for shakira

Shakira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jilly,, here, eat a Jelly bean,, they are so much better n kool aid.. now young lady. let me just say this, you seem to be ill informed of the situation in Arizona. You really don't know either. You are just knee jerk reacting to all the hysterical reactionaries..
Oh Im the idiot and you people are teh smart ones becauwe you are constantly looking to tell yet a new group of Americans how much you DONT CARE about them.

Happy Nov you complete idiots.
I have a rather simple question for all of those that are under the mistaken impression that this law is somehow racist, which it clearly is not. What would you have Arizona do then? if the Federal Govt. refuses to enforce existing Federal Law and as a result Phoenix has become number 2 in the kidnapping in the world, murders of Americans citizens by illegal immigrants, increased drug traffic, abuse of innocent immigrants. What? I see none of this anger directed at the Federal Govt. that has for years due to it's own apathy allowed this system to become an institution. This is not about race no matter how much people want to make it into one. get a map out, Arizona is close to Mexico, thats a fact that cannot be changed and the vast majority of those that break the immigration laws are from the very country we border, thats a a fact. IT is not racist to suggest that. If Arizona was on the French border and the same thing was happening , the outcry would be the same. What I do not seem to connect with here is that in their efforts to play the race card here, those that support open borders are giving tacit approval to slavery , brutal murder and an unchecked drug trade and thats the real story here.
Oh Im the idiot and you people are teh smart ones becauwe you are constantly looking to tell yet a new group of Americans how much you DONT CARE about them.

Happy Nov you complete idiots.

Yup...I'm married to an African-American and my Somali nephew just had a baby with a Hispanic from Brazil who is currently visiting me this week.

Yeah....I don't care.

What I really don't care for is people using these types of issues to get votes and bring down their political foes.

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