Shameful betrayal and Turkey’s elaborate plan


Oct 31, 2017

Ankara is intending to lure representatives of SDF and YPG. Among them Turkish intelligence is planning to establish an alternative movement which will be fully subordinate to Erdogan.

Yesterday it became known that the former representative of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Talal Silo abandoned his unit and moved to the village of Jarabulus in the north of the Aleppo province. This settlement is controlled by pro-Turkish forces. Then he headed towards the Turkish border, where he left his car and fled towards the border point. Later there were reports that he had joined the ranks of the puppet of Ankara – the Free Syrian Army.

It is worth assuming that in the next few days Silo will make millions of sensational statements, accusing the popularly elected Kurdish leaders of all sorts of evil. A few hours the message with reference to Talal Silo saying that ‘the project of the Syrian Democratic Forces will be completed in the very near future’ has already begun to gain popularity in the pro-Turkish communities in social networks... At the moment, one should not even guess how and when the former representative of the SDF was recruited by Turkish intelligence – he will tell it himself over time. However, a certain nuance still needs to be clarified.

On the eve of the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Erdogan, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said: ‘We believe that a political decision is no less important than a military struggle against terrorists, but we are against the participation of terrorist groups in a political decision, since YPG and PYD are terrorist organisations. Turkey has provided, including Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, a list of other organizations of Syrian Kurds that it does not consider terrorist...’

Apparently, the shameful flight of Silo is part of the ingenious Turkish plan. Erdogan and his team clearly heard the Russian stance on the indispensable participation of Kurdish representatives in the process of post-war arrangement in Syria.

‘We support the participation of Kurds in the negotiation process, based on the fact that they represent a real political and military force, and therefore it is impossible to solve any issues related to the future of the Syrian state without their participation,’ said Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Gennady Gatilov. Undoubtedly, Ankara is not going to spoil relations with Moscow, as well as to fully accept the conditions of the Russian side, let alone conduct a dialogue with the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Apparently, the leadership of Turkey has developed its own ingenious plan. Ankara is intending to lure representatives of SDF and YPG. Among them Turkish intelligence is planning to establish an alternative movement which will be fully subordinate to Erdogan. In his plan, these proxy forces will eventually represent the Kurdish people at all events related to the process of the post-war arrangement of the Arab Republic.

Will this eventually lead to peace on the banks of the Euphrates? Certainly, not. The Turkish side also clearly understands this, which actively financed and supported terrorist groups with weapons at the time.

Ankara benefits from a war in a neighboring state. After all, in this case, Turkish generals can freely buy cheap oil from the militants of a neighboring country, then to sell it to the highest bidder to their citizens at gas stations.

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