Shameless: Trump now GLOATING about election hack


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit.

Your problem is that not only is there ZERO "mounting" evidence of a russian hack, there is ZERO evidence of it. The CIA had their chance to show up for a House intel-briefing and they pulled a no-show. They have nothing, the FBI has nothing, nobody has anything. Assange has said it time and time again it was a leak from inside the DNC probably from the murdered staffer, Seth Rich. If Rich had been "mugged" why was he shot repeatedly in the back and his watch and wallet not taken?
LWNJ';s - Please provide some of the "mounting evidence" you speak of.

Keep in mind - "Evidence" is not "unnamed sources" and non corroborated stories.

I'll wait.

I guess we should not care about what Donna Brazile did...right ?

I's not O.K. to find that out....right ?

Donna Brazile? You mean about the question about Flint water in advance of Hillary speaking in Flint? One would have to be brain dead not to already know there would be questions about the water. It ain't rocket science. Regardless, that's shame on Donna Brazile - not Hillary.
I guess we should not care about what Donna Brazile did...right ?

I's not O.K. to find that out....right ?

Donna Brazile? You mean about the question about Flint water in advance of Hillary speaking in Flint? One would have to be brain dead not to already know there would be questions about the water. It ain't rocket science. Regardless, that's shame on Donna Brazile - not Hillary.

Hillary called Brazile a "brain-dead buffalo staring at a wall" that racist?
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.
Brazille was a party official at that time?
After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.
All of that mounting evidence that doesn't exist. The FBI said there is no evidence, the voting machines are offline, and the CIA has no components for investigating cyber crimes.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.
All it did was confirm what we knew.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.
We already knew that the MSM was sharing their questions with the Democrat candidates, so it didn't matter that the emails were hacked. The problem here is the MSM being a propaganda arm of the DNC. If they weren't, they either wouldn't have been hacked, or wouldn't have cared, because they'd have nothing to hide.

Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
Didn't bother you when it was Hillary. Is it because she had a D next to her name?
Look OP, the Russians DID US ALL A FAVOR if they're responsible for the hacking. If not they, then someone else gets the credit. Let's consider the facts:

The Obama admin. was exposed as corrupt.
The DNC was exposed as corrupt.
The liberal media was exposed as corrupt.
Hillary was exposed as corrupt.
Hillary's campaign was exposed as corrupt.
The debates were exposed as corrupt.

Get it?
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.
Brazille was a party official at that time?

didnt Brazile take over the interime chair of the DNC when the redhead was forced to resign?
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

They did do the US a favor. The emails were true and they revealed the truth thoughts and corruption in the Hillary campaign.
The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.
AMEN! It's about damn time those not paying attention found out how corrupt Democrats and their operatives in media are. And how Democrats have a public policy and a private policy for the issues. At how politically incorrect they are in private. How they fixed the primary election for Hillary for show and all the Bernie time, effort and money was a waste of time.

The way it was leaked looked much more like a disgruntled Dem sending it to Assange. Maybe a friend of the DNC leaker that got offed. Or maybe wikileaks got is all then and Julian sent it out in revenge.
LWNJ';s - Please provide some of the "mounting evidence" you speak of.

Keep in mind - "Evidence" is not "unnamed sources" and non corroborated stories.

I'll wait.

They are mounting it as we speak. It takes time to properly mount things. We have apparently 17 agencies mounting their various discoveries, mounting it here, mounting it there. All piled up in a mountain of steamy bullshit that liberals will eagerly gobble up.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.
Brazille was a party official at that time?

didnt Brazile take over the interime chair of the DNC when the redhead was forced to resign?

Yes, she was.
Wasserman Shultz was replaced in June, Brazile gave Hillary the question in March.

What position did she hold in the party in March?

other than loyal soldier?
I'm sure the Groper Elect thinks he was doing those women he groped a favor too.
It should also be remembered it was the democrat city council in Flint, Michigan who decided to get cheaper water from the Flint River and poisoned their city with lead leached from pipes not equipped to handle Flint River water.

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