Shameless: Trump now GLOATING about election hack

dang I love this Trump guy more and more every day..........turning the msm establishment on its ear.

And they called Reagan the Teflon Man. :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Hey Lakota........its December 16th already s0n........signature is beyond ghey. Time to do some landscaping unless you're ok with looking like you've never left Scratchmyassville USA!!:bye1:
I guess we should not care about what Donna Brazile did...right ?

I's not O.K. to find that out....right ?

Donna Brazile? You mean about the question about Flint water in advance of Hillary speaking in Flint? One would have to be brain dead not to already know there would be questions about the water. It ain't rocket science. Regardless, that's shame on Donna Brazile - not Hillary.


And once again, your ADD meds fail you.

We would not know about this except for the Wikileaks e-mails. So if the shame is on Donna, why do you care ?

Same thing with Debbie Wasserman Shultz. I mean. Who cares if you piss off millions of Bernie supporters.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit.

Your problem is that not only is there ZERO "mounting" evidence of a russian hack, there is ZERO evidence of it. The CIA had their chance to show up for a House intel-briefing and they pulled a no-show. They have nothing, the FBI has nothing, nobody has anything. Assange has said it time and time again it was a leak from inside the DNC probably from the murdered staffer, Seth Rich. If Rich had been "mugged" why was he shot repeatedly in the back and his watch and wallet not taken?

So, do you have access to national security data from 17 national security agencies? Damn, I'm impressed. You must be very special.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What has happened has been illegal, a threat to our national security, and a threat to our elective process.

AT THE SAME TIME, as Trump partially pointed out, several 'benefits' have come from it as well:
1. The loss of personal / classified information has exposed cyber / security vulnerabilities the US Government needs to correct.

2. It has provided the US Intelligence agencies with patterns / information on how those who stole the information operated - the CIA, for example, stated the techniques used were extremely SIMILAR to what Russian operatives have done in the past with a few changes. If this is indeed the work of the Russians then we now know they are changing the way they operate.

3. I know the Libs are going to hate this one, but the ILLEGAL stealing and ILLEGAL leaking (CRIMES) perpetrated did expose some extremely important information - some embarrassing, some humbling, some exposing corruption, some exposing bad practices, some even suggesting potential crimes. NO ONE, however, except those whose e-mails, jokes, crude remarks, actions, etc, is to blame for everything stolen being created / written / typed / saved to begin with.
-- I hope people learn that computers are NOT your friend - it will not hide your prejudices, your hatred, your activities, your typed opinions / beliefs,'s all there for the taking.

Brazille was a party official at that time?

I believe so. When all of the DNC racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic e-mails were exposed, she was in the heart of it...and was quietly 'let go' / moved.

When it was exposed, yes.

But NOT when she passed debate questions to Hillary/

What debate questions? Please provide "credible" proof of exactly what questions Brazile shared with Hillary. My understanding is that it was ONE question about Flint water before Hillary gave a speech in Flint on Flint water. You mean you actually think Hillary didn't think she would be asked a question about Flint water in Flint? Really? Oh, and how does that compare with Russia hacking the DNC to help Trump win the election - and then making that information public?
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit.

Your problem is that not only is there ZERO "mounting" evidence of a russian hack, there is ZERO evidence of it. The CIA had their chance to show up for a House intel-briefing and they pulled a no-show. They have nothing, the FBI has nothing, nobody has anything. Assange has said it time and time again it was a leak from inside the DNC probably from the murdered staffer, Seth Rich. If Rich had been "mugged" why was he shot repeatedly in the back and his watch and wallet not taken?

So, do you have access to national security data from 17 national security agencies? Damn, I'm impressed. You must be very special.

You don't either.

Yet you keep spouting the lie.

Everyone is quoting everyone else.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
He is putting himself in the cross hairs
After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.
All of that mounting evidence that doesn't exist. The FBI said there is no evidence, the voting machines are offline, and the CIA has no components for investigating cyber crimes.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.
All it did was confirm what we knew.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.
We already knew that the MSM was sharing their questions with the Democrat candidates, so it didn't matter that the emails were hacked. The problem here is the MSM being a propaganda arm of the DNC. If they weren't, they either wouldn't have been hacked, or wouldn't have cared, because they'd have nothing to hide.

Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
Didn't bother you when it was Hillary. Is it because she had a D next to her name?

I notice no one is calling liberals communists anymore. Why is that? What a bunch of fuck ups you deplorables are.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit.

Your problem is that not only is there ZERO "mounting" evidence of a russian hack, there is ZERO evidence of it. The CIA had their chance to show up for a House intel-briefing and they pulled a no-show. They have nothing, the FBI has nothing, nobody has anything. Assange has said it time and time again it was a leak from inside the DNC probably from the murdered staffer, Seth Rich. If Rich had been "mugged" why was he shot repeatedly in the back and his watch and wallet not taken?

So, do you have access to national security data from 17 national security agencies? Damn, I'm impressed. You must be very special.

They all dismiss the mainstream media but they are too stupid to realize that that's what we have, it's not going to change, and Trump will get his. He's Putin's bitch and it's going to explode in his orange face and blow his yellow hair waaaaay back.

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