Shameless: Trump now GLOATING about election hack

The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

Read this entire butt hurt rant and noticed not a single word about the dumbass Pedesta changing his password after getting a phishing email that an eight year old would have laughed at.

The democrats love marginalizing themselves.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit.

Your problem is that not only is there ZERO "mounting" evidence of a russian hack, there is ZERO evidence of it. The CIA had their chance to show up for a House intel-briefing and they pulled a no-show. They have nothing, the FBI has nothing, nobody has anything. Assange has said it time and time again it was a leak from inside the DNC probably from the murdered staffer, Seth Rich. If Rich had been "mugged" why was he shot repeatedly in the back and his watch and wallet not taken?
ok lets be honest, after that crap with hillary and the FBI not finding anything even though it was right there on the table, under their hand, in front of their face with big arrows pointing at it, can we honestly believe that they found nothing as far as Russia interfering with the election? Come on now, if we are going to claim the FBI to be hiding things for political gain or job security when it comes to the colostomy queen, I dont think it fair that we trust them 100% now just because it works in our favor.
ok lets be honest, after that crap with hillary and the FBI not finding anything even though it was right there on the table, under their hand, in front of their face with big arrows pointing at it, can we honestly believe that they found nothing as far as Russia interfering with the election? Come on now, if we are going to claim the FBI to be hiding things for political gain or job security when it comes to the colostomy queen, I dont think it fair that we trust them 100% now just because it works in our favor.

Neither Comey or anybody in the FBI has verified anything Brennan said as far as I know. The whole shebang was the final head-fake from a beaten campaign. But to your the Russians hack us? Yep, and Obama knew when Merkel got her hair done....everybody does it. As of a few years back it was FRANCE that was hacking our companies for product features they could steal. Back in the day, a foreign service had to penetrate physical security to swipe things....sneak past guards with mini-cameras and get back out undiscovered. Now they can just insert a virus or malware from the comfort of their lair and learn anything about anything. I kind of miss the days of yesteryear when a Russian spy named Rudolf Abel was discovered to have a microfish schematic hidden in a hollowed-out dime. :cool-45:
ok lets be honest, after that crap with hillary and the FBI not finding anything even though it was right there on the table, under their hand, in front of their face with big arrows pointing at it, can we honestly believe that they found nothing as far as Russia interfering with the election? Come on now, if we are going to claim the FBI to be hiding things for political gain or job security when it comes to the colostomy queen, I dont think it fair that we trust them 100% now just because it works in our favor.

Neither Comey or anybody in the FBI has verified anything Brennan said as far as I know. The whole shebang was the final head-fake from a beaten campaign. But to your the Russians hack us? Yep, and Obama knew when Merkel got her hair done....everybody does it. As of a few years back it was FRANCE that was hacking our companies for product features they could steal. Back in the day, a foreign service had to penetrate physical security to swipe things....sneak past guards with mini-cameras and get back out undiscovered. Now they can just insert a virus or malware from the comfort of their lair and learn anything about anything. I kind of miss the days of yesteryear when a Russian spy named Rudolf Abel was discovered to have a microfish schematic hidden in a hollowed-out dime. :cool-45:
I agree, that was a time when spies were someone to look up to, now its just a bunch of geeks that spent their school years getting beat up by the football team.
The romance of the industry is destroyed.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

Uncovering lies and criminality is a favor to all of America indeed. Only a moron would not support transparent government. Typical of you to have your head right up the elite's asses.
Last I heard Hussein was president for the last eight freaking (long) years. It seems that Barry is more interested in pardoning criminals than taking charge of the freaking Country for the next month.
I guess we should not care about what Donna Brazile did...right ?

I's not O.K. to find that out....right ?

You're forced to pretend Donna is the same as Putin? You lost

You were never in the game.

In context, I never compared her to anyone.

I simply pointed out that exposing her cheating wasn't a problem for me.

Of course you now back away. Putin and the Russians committed espionage and you being up Donna Brazile like there is a comparison there. Good dog.

And the only thing you can respond with is some mild distancing without saying Putin is a dickhead.

No its all Donna Brazile!!!

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