Shameless: Trump now GLOATING about election hack

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.
All of that mounting evidence that doesn't exist. The FBI said there is no evidence, the voting machines are offline, and the CIA has no components for investigating cyber crimes.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.
All it did was confirm what we knew.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.
We already knew that the MSM was sharing their questions with the Democrat candidates, so it didn't matter that the emails were hacked. The problem here is the MSM being a propaganda arm of the DNC. If they weren't, they either wouldn't have been hacked, or wouldn't have cared, because they'd have nothing to hide.

Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
Didn't bother you when it was Hillary. Is it because she had a D next to her name?

I notice no one is calling liberals communists anymore. Why is that? What a bunch of fuck ups you deplorables are.
Communists don't exist, because Communism is impossible to implement, and has never been practiced in the history of the world. It's a meaningless title. A far more appropriate term is "Socialist", since that's the direction the Democratic party has been heading since Obama was elected. Take your flummery back to the Flame Zone.
Brazille was a party official at that time?

I believe so. When all of the DNC racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic e-mails were exposed, she was in the heart of it...and was quietly 'let go' / moved.

When it was exposed, yes.

But NOT when she passed debate questions to Hillary/

What debate questions? Please provide "credible" proof of exactly what questions Brazile shared with Hillary. My understanding is that it was ONE question about Flint water before Hillary gave a speech in Flint on Flint water. You mean you actually think Hillary didn't think she would be asked a question about Flint water in Flint? Really? Oh, and how does that compare with Russia hacking the DNC to help Trump win the election - and then making that information public?

They are comparing her to a cocksocket who is hated by the entire world except themselves.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

Poor baby, you party was shown for the two faced lying assholes they really are, and instead of condemning them you complain no one has any sympathy for the assholes. GOOD JOB REGRESSIVE, GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brazille was a party official at that time?

I believe so. When all of the DNC racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic e-mails were exposed, she was in the heart of it...and was quietly 'let go' / moved.

When it was exposed, yes.

But NOT when she passed debate questions to Hillary/

What debate questions? Please provide "credible" proof of exactly what questions Brazile shared with Hillary. My understanding is that it was ONE question about Flint water before Hillary gave a speech in Flint on Flint water. You mean you actually think Hillary didn't think she would be asked a question about Flint water in Flint? Really? Oh, and how does that compare with Russia hacking the DNC to help Trump win the election - and then making that information public?
My understanding is that it was ONE question about Flint water before Hillary gave a speech in Flint on Flint water.
Doesn't matter if it was one, or one hundred, does it?

Doesn't matter if it was an obvious question or not, does it?

It happened, and it can't be reversed.
After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.
All of that mounting evidence that doesn't exist. The FBI said there is no evidence, the voting machines are offline, and the CIA has no components for investigating cyber crimes.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.
All it did was confirm what we knew.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.
We already knew that the MSM was sharing their questions with the Democrat candidates, so it didn't matter that the emails were hacked. The problem here is the MSM being a propaganda arm of the DNC. If they weren't, they either wouldn't have been hacked, or wouldn't have cared, because they'd have nothing to hide.

Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
Didn't bother you when it was Hillary. Is it because she had a D next to her name?

I notice no one is calling liberals communists anymore. Why is that? What a bunch of fuck ups you deplorables are.
Communists don't exist, because Communism is impossible to implement, and has never been practiced in the history of the world. It's a meaningless title. A far more appropriate term is "Socialist", since that's the direction the Democratic party has been heading since Obama was elected. Take your flummery back to the Flame Zone.

Ahahahahaaaaa....So you've been to Russia and China and know this? Or more garbage from fake news?

Take your juvenile anime cartoons and put 'em up your flummery.
Brazille was a party official at that time?

I believe so. When all of the DNC racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic e-mails were exposed, she was in the heart of it...and was quietly 'let go' / moved.

When it was exposed, yes.

But NOT when she passed debate questions to Hillary/

What debate questions? Please provide "credible" proof of exactly what questions Brazile shared with Hillary. My understanding is that it was ONE question about Flint water before Hillary gave a speech in Flint on Flint water. You mean you actually think Hillary didn't think she would be asked a question about Flint water in Flint? Really? Oh, and how does that compare with Russia hacking the DNC to help Trump win the election - and then making that information public?

They are comparing her to a cocksocket who is hated by the entire world except themselves.
Both candidates were pretty much hated by the entire world.
I guess we should not care about what Donna Brazile did...right ?

I's not O.K. to find that out....right ?

Donna Brazile coached some questions for a debate. This asshole you are sucking up to has the nuclear code, you dumb fuck. Right?

Donaa Brazile cheated. Call it what it is.

Trump wasn't my idea. I don't like the guy.

But he is president-elect. He will eventually have the nuclear code. So what ?

BTW: If you want to call people names, why don't you look up someone who really cares if you live or die.
After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.
All of that mounting evidence that doesn't exist. The FBI said there is no evidence, the voting machines are offline, and the CIA has no components for investigating cyber crimes.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.
All it did was confirm what we knew.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.
We already knew that the MSM was sharing their questions with the Democrat candidates, so it didn't matter that the emails were hacked. The problem here is the MSM being a propaganda arm of the DNC. If they weren't, they either wouldn't have been hacked, or wouldn't have cared, because they'd have nothing to hide.

Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
Didn't bother you when it was Hillary. Is it because she had a D next to her name?

I notice no one is calling liberals communists anymore. Why is that? What a bunch of fuck ups you deplorables are.

People are still incorrectly calling liberals communists. You might want to get your head out of that body cavity.

BTW: What are you waiting for in 2020 ? You really think Elizabeth Warren will get very close.
I didn't read the OP. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING posted by lakota is BS through and through.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.
Brazille was a party official at that time?

didnt Brazile take over the interime chair of the DNC when the redhead was forced to resign?
As Don Rickles would say, "get the jew."
Brazille was a party official at that time?

I believe so. When all of the DNC racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic e-mails were exposed, she was in the heart of it...and was quietly 'let go' / moved.

When it was exposed, yes.

But NOT when she passed debate questions to Hillary/

What debate questions? Please provide "credible" proof of exactly what questions Brazile shared with Hillary. My understanding is that it was ONE question about Flint water before Hillary gave a speech in Flint on Flint water. You mean you actually think Hillary didn't think she would be asked a question about Flint water in Flint? Really? Oh, and how does that compare with Russia hacking the DNC to help Trump win the election - and then making that information public?

They are comparing her to a cocksocket who is hated by the entire world except themselves.

And the entire world is welcomed to their opinion (and even to influence things as best they can).

But guess who votes.
LWNJ';s - Please provide some of the "mounting evidence" you speak of.

Keep in mind - "Evidence" is not "unnamed sources" and non corroborated stories.

I'll wait.


I wouldn't hold my breath.

So far, it's been zero.

The "intelligence" community...what an oxymoron.
Nobody was screaming about the strange timing of the release of that tape along with the coming forth of a dozen women (all at the right time) to accuse him at the end of the campaign.

That does not seem strange to maybe it was orchestrated ?

When it happened, I figured Donald got what he had coming.

When Wikileaks published, I figured HIllary got hers.
Brazille was a party official at that time?

I believe so. When all of the DNC racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic e-mails were exposed, she was in the heart of it...and was quietly 'let go' / moved.

When it was exposed, yes.

But NOT when she passed debate questions to Hillary/

What debate questions? Please provide "credible" proof of exactly what questions Brazile shared with Hillary. My understanding is that it was ONE question about Flint water before Hillary gave a speech in Flint on Flint water. You mean you actually think Hillary didn't think she would be asked a question about Flint water in Flint? Really? Oh, and how does that compare with Russia hacking the DNC to help Trump win the election - and then making that information public?
My understanding is that it was ONE question about Flint water before Hillary gave a speech in Flint on Flint water.
Doesn't matter if it was one, or one hundred, does it?

Doesn't matter if it was an obvious question or not, does it?

It happened, and it can't be reversed.

The fact that it happened at all (and basically was admitted to) only casts dispersions on the Clinton campaign.

HIllary should have known that she didn't have access to a lot of people who had already written her off. So she figures calling them deplorables was a good move to embolden and excite her own base.

Looks like "deplorable me" got the last laugh.
So, do you have access to national security data from 17 national security agencies? Damn, I'm impressed. You must be very special.

There's no data confirming the Ivans hacked Podesta or the DNC to help Trump, fool. I'll add that I've run into more CIA personnel than you have,(zero) I was briefly deployed to Langley in 1969. I know they don't get involved in domestic anything because they are specifically chartered not to. And that if they had something to say about russia, it would be told to the president's DNI and specific Congressional committees, not the NYTimes. You deserve none of this reply seeing as you're a partisan hysteric who couldn't care less what the truth is.
So, do you have access to national security data from 17 national security agencies? Damn, I'm impressed. You must be very special.

There's no data confirming the Ivans hacked Podesta or the DNC to help Trump, fool. I'll add that I've run into more CIA personnel than you have,(zero) I was briefly deployed to Langley in 1969. I know they don't get involved in domestic anything because they are specifically chartered not to. And that if they had something to say about russia, it would be told to the president's DNI and specific Congressional committees, not the NYTimes. You deserve none of this reply seeing as you're a partisan hysteric who couldn't care less what the truth is.

And your response is a gutless little "haha" because it's all you got or ever will have.
I'm sure the Groper Elect thinks he was doing those women he groped a favor too.

Except there is no proof of what they say.

You buy in why ?

I don't like Trump. I didn't like him before the tape and I don't like him now.

But, the level of stupidity on both sides when it comes to politics....can be pretty discouraging.
After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.
All of that mounting evidence that doesn't exist. The FBI said there is no evidence, the voting machines are offline, and the CIA has no components for investigating cyber crimes.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.
All it did was confirm what we knew.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.
We already knew that the MSM was sharing their questions with the Democrat candidates, so it didn't matter that the emails were hacked. The problem here is the MSM being a propaganda arm of the DNC. If they weren't, they either wouldn't have been hacked, or wouldn't have cared, because they'd have nothing to hide.

Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.
Didn't bother you when it was Hillary. Is it because she had a D next to her name?

I notice no one is calling liberals communists anymore. Why is that? What a bunch of fuck ups you deplorables are.
Communists don't exist, because Communism is impossible to implement, and has never been practiced in the history of the world. It's a meaningless title. A far more appropriate term is "Socialist", since that's the direction the Democratic party has been heading since Obama was elected. Take your flummery back to the Flame Zone.

Ahahahahaaaaa....So you've been to Russia and China and know this? Or more garbage from fake news?

Take your juvenile anime cartoons and put 'em up your flummery.
In order for a system to be Communist, it must have no government, no currency, and no Social classes, according to the Communist Manifesto. No Nation has ever fit the definition. Russia was Socialist.

The character is from a game, and said game is French, it therefor is not defined as anime. Not that it would enforce your shallow and baseless argument even if you were correct about the origin of my Signature and Avatar.

"Flummery" means nonsense... which makes your use of the word... nonsense. You know, because nothing can be 'shoved up a nonsense'. We all already knew you comment on things without having any knowledge of the topic, but this is yet another example of you doing just that, since you were wrong about each and every topic touched upon in your post. This would be applauded in the Flame Zone, hence you belonging there.
The president-elect suggested the Kremlin did the U.S. a favor if it meddled in our election.

After spending weeks denying the mounting evidence that Russia played a role in cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump employed a new tactic Friday.

The president-elect suggested that whoever stole tens of thousands of emails from top Democratic officials and leaked them online was actually doing America a favor.

It’s unclear what prompted Trump to pose this question to his 17 million Twitter followers at six o’clock in the morning. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.

What is clear is that the hacking to which Trump was referring was the same Russian state-sponsored attack that he’s repeatedly downplayed and dismissed. It showed that Donna Brazile, then interim chair of the DNC, shared a primary debate question with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, ahead of a March debate between the Democratic presidential candidate and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Trump’s tweet was worrisome for several reasons, least of which is that Brazile did not do anything “illegal” by sharing the question with Clinton. It was certainly unethical. But there is no law governing what a party official can do with questions if they receive them ahead of a primary debate.

The bigger problem with Trump’s tweet, however, is that he’s asking Americans to view this massive cyber-espionage campaign ― in which Russian hackers also targeted Republican political committees, candidates and campaign staff ― as some kind of public service to America, because it “revealed” that Brazile had shared a debate question.


Trump has no shame - or honor, integrity, or any other redeeming qualities. The man-baby is an empty suit. The future of America clearly hinges on how the electors vote on Monday.


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