Zone1 Share the word of God with atheists, but don't argue with them


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Once they make it clear that they do NOT believe then disengage and privately pray for God to open their eyes and ears and then move on. And, remember, they too are your brothers and sisters and they too will be with us in God's kingdom to come.
Once they make it clear that they do NOT believe then disengage and privately pray for God to open their eyes and ears and then move on. And, remember, they too are your brothers and sisters and they too will be with us in God's kingdom to come.
I was raised in a church with family members that were active members and officers. I know the Bible forward and backward which is why I know what I know.
Once they make it clear that they do NOT believe then disengage and privately pray for God to open their eyes and ears and then move on. And, remember, they too are your brothers and sisters and they too will be with us in God's kingdom to come.
Libs already know about the Father and the Son

What happens to them after that is their problem
I was raised in a church with family members that were active members and officers. I know the Bible forward and backward which is why I know what I know.
I have prayed for you and now I will move on. Good luck and I'll see you in Heaven my brother!
In my experience the overly religious hate agnostics worse than atheists since agnostics have a aversion to adhering to any particular set of "rules".
I don't hate anyone. I just feel sorry for you that you built that wall around your mind and heart
Well, here's a thought: If you engage in conversation with an avowed atheist/agnostic, ask them whether they hope they are right. Do they hope that there is no God, or would they prefer that there be a God? Would they rather be right or wrong?

But here's the most important thing: It is far, far better to live one's life AS THOUGH there were a god, and furthermore, AS THOUGH a virtuous life were rewarded in the afterlife and an evil life punished in the afterlife (or extinguished, as some believers believe).

Otherwise, one might live an entire life of kindness, generosity, compassion, and love,and in the end it is all for nothing. Conversely, Adolf Hitler gets the same "reward" as St Francis of Assisi.

Is that what you WANT for the universe? See my second paragraph.
I don't hate anyone. I just feel sorry for you that you built that wall around your mind and heart

Yes, the word of God is good news for all. We must remember that faith is a gift from God and we must not judge those who have yet to receive it.
Well, here's a thought: If you engage in conversation with an avowed atheist/agnostic, ask them whether they hope they are right. Do they hope that there is no God, or would they prefer that there be a God? Would they rather be right or wrong?

But here's the most important thing: It is far, far better to live one's life AS THOUGH there were a god, and furthermore, AS THOUGH a virtuous life were rewarded in the afterlife and an evil life punished in the afterlife (or extinguished, as some believers believe).

Otherwise, one might live an entire life of kindness, generosity, compassion, and love,and in the end it is all for nothing. Conversely, Adolf Hitler gets the same "reward" as St Francis of Assisi.

Is that what you WANT for the universe? See my second paragraph.

I started a thread yesterday in which I shared scripture which demonstrates that ALL will be saved - eventually.
LOL....I've always maintained that the atheist is just a agnostic without any "shit hits the fan" life experiences. ;)

We were ALL created by God and he will lose NONE of us. In the end, ALL will be with God for eternity.
We were ALL created by God and he will lose NONE of us. In the end, ALL will be with God for eternity.
But, but, but....What about all those "rules" the various sects would have you go by and, according to them, if you don't follow their flavor of "rules" you are goin' to Hell.

As I tend to march to the beat of my own drum in that regard I prefer to remain unaffiliated. You do you and leave me be.

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