Zone1 Share the word of God with atheists, but don't argue with them

I provided God's words. I certainly can't top what he says.
So many Christians believe the lie that God is a LOSER and that he permits his creation to be lost and then tortures them day and night for ETERNITY. You can provide these Christians with an avalanche of scripture to demonstrate that God isn't like that and they reject ALL of it. What's the point of engaging further? It's time to move on to communities that THIRST for and love the word of God.
So many Christians believe the lie that God is a LOSER and that he permits his creation to be lost and then tortures them day and night for ETERNITY. You can provide these Christians with an avalanche of scripture to demonstrate that God isn't like that and they reject ALL of it. What's the point of engaging further? It's time to move on to communities that THIRST for and love the word of God.
What about the ones that argue if God is good and all powerful why does God allow suffering to exist? What do you tell them?
The problem with your belief is it is mostly written by man and man throughout history chose what to believe and added only that to these books.

Why should incomplete documents be used to kill people? Because that is what a lot of the fundies arguing with me want to do to innocent people. For what? For something that god isn't even angry about. God can shape shift and do some pretty wild shit. Please consider what god is before you think he'll be angry about it. lol All powerful being. Who's to say that God couldn't come down as a giant that is 200 feet tall or as mixed sex of some sort.

What about the ones that argue if God is good and all powerful why does God allow suffering to exist? What do you tell them?
I tell them that I believe that God allows us to live in a world where evil and suffering exist for our own spiritual education. And I may ask them, how does one enjoy the day unless they have the night?
The problem with your belief is it is mostly written by man and man throughout history chose what to believe and added only that to these books.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.
I tell them that I believe that God allows us to live in a world where evil and suffering exist for our own spiritual education. And I may ask them, how does one enjoy the day unless they have the night?
How about physical deformities and mental impairments?
How about physical deformities and mental impairments?
All a part of the lesson plan, at least that's my guess. I don't pretend to have an infallible understanding of God, existence, and the hereafter. I simply have faith in our loving, heavenly, father and that there is purpose and meaning for all of us in this present life.
All a part of the lesson plan, at least that's my guess. I don't pretend to have an infallible understanding of God, existence, and the hereafter. I simply have faith in our loving, heavenly, father and that there is purpose and meaning for all of us in this present life.
I'm pretty sure neither of your answers will ever satisfy them. Their expectation is God doesn't exist unless everything is perfect.
I tell them that I believe that God allows us to live in a world where evil and suffering exist for our own spiritual education. And I may ask them, how does one enjoy the day unless they have the night?
There is a difference between choosing to be evil and choosing to overcome evil with good. What spiritual education is there in choosing to be evil?
What spiritual education is there in choosing to be evil?
I believe the lesson is that there is only ONE path that is true and that is the path to God.

I believe that we can sum up the story of man in the ages before eternity. God created man. Man rebelled against God by taking a different (evil) path. Man's stupidity caused himself to suffer and die. God came to Earth in the form of Jesus in order to sacrifice himself to make restitution for his beloved creation's sins. ALL of mankind will be redeemed and will live with God in his kingdom in the new Earth to come.

Luke 3:6 esv
and all flesh shall see the salvation of God

2 Corinthians 5:19 esv
that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.

Yes, in the end, Jesus, after having saved ALL of God's creation, gives it all to God the Father.

1 Corinthians 15:23-24 esv
23 But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. 24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power.​

Yes, but whose God? That Muslim praying while facing Mecca? That Christian sipping some wine on a Sunday morning? That Hindu bathing in the Ganges?
Believers believe in a diety(ies). Atheists claim there are none. An agnostic says there may or not be a God(s).
Yes, the word of God is good news for all. We must remember that faith is a gift from God and we must not judge those who have yet to receive it.
If faith is a gift from god, which God? Because people had faith 1000's of years before the Christian God was invented.
If faith is a gift from god, which God? Because people had faith 1000's of years before the Christian God was invented.
Proverbs 26:4 esv
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.
Yes, but whose God? That Muslim praying while facing Mecca? That Christian sipping some wine on a Sunday morning? That Hindu bathing in the Ganges?
Different perceptions of God don't negate the existence of God. It reinforces it.
If faith is a gift from god, which God? Because people had faith 1000's of years before the Christian God was invented.
I don't see faith as THE gift from God. I see existence as THE gift from God which encompasses everything including faith.

No one invented God. You seem to be confusing different perceptions of God for different actual gods.

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