Sharpton leads march calling for Dead Cops

And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

Are you a fan of Al Sharpton? If so please explain...the brother of this dead Crown Hieghts Jew disagrees with you. Are you doing a "disservice to yourself? Funny you jump to defend Al Sharpton but you have no opinion on the other thread...weird:uhh:

The racist community agitator Al Sharpton at the highest level of the Obama administration US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

Monday, spoke with Norman Rosenbaum, brother of the Yankel Rosenbaum, the Orthodox Jew murdered by a mob in Crown Heights in 1991 within days of Al Sharpton telling Jews, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” Rosenbaum was killed days after a tragic accident that left 7-year-old black child Gavin Cato dead. After Rosenbaum’s death, Sharpton led a march through Crown Heights, at which protesters changed “No Justice, No Peace,” and later said in a speech, “All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no coffee klatch, no skinnin' and grinnin'."

Now Yankel’s brother, Norman, says that advertisers, MSNBC, and President Obama should be ashamed to be associated with Sharpton. “Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity, and in terms of Al Sharpton the individual, the greatest concern is they’re legitimizing a fraud and charlatan,” Rosenbaum said from Melbourne, Australia. He added, “He has never apologized, he has never offered any sincere remorse for the atrocious things he has done by way of terrible racist behavior and lies, for inciting racial events. Anybody who takes a look at that person and wants to spend advertising dollars on him should take a hard look at their moral stance in terms of their position in business, in commerce, and in the community.”

No, Jroc , I am not a fan of Al Sharpton at all. He is a rabid anti-semite and I would not give him my hand.
I think I already indicated that I dislike a lot of what he says and I am convinced that he is financially motivated to do a lot of what he does.

That being said, I am a bigger fan of the truth.

Here is the title to this thread:

Sharpton leads march calling for Dead Cops

And yet, nothing can be found in the video that shows in any way that Sharpton encouraged those disgusting cries for death, or that he chanted with them, or that he lead it in any way.

Have you ever been to a large rally? Are you aware that speakers at those things can barely hear what is being said in the crowd? And the video shows the chanting from an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STREETBLOCK than where Sharpton spoke. Are you aware of this?

Until such evidence is provided, what we have right now is just yellow journalism, which is exactly what I expect from FOX.

I don't see the need to rush to defend Al Sharpton. You defended him not me. He is what he is, scum. And yes i went to a massive pro Israel march on the mall to protest Bill Clinton legitimizing Yasser Arafat as a "peace maker" Hillary Clinton spoke there, she was shouted down for what she is. A pro Arab, anti Israel, nut, same as Obama
Last edited:
Do a poll, idiots. Ask a simple question: "Are you a fan of Al Sharpton?"

Then....when no liberals say us all liars.

It's a fun idea, isn't it?
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

Are you a fan of Al Sharpton? If so please explain...the brother of this dead Crown Hieghts Jew disagrees with you. Are you doing a "disservice to yourself? Funny you jump to defend Al Sharpton but you have no opinion on the other thread...weird:uhh:

The racist community agitator Al Sharpton at the highest level of the Obama administration US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

Monday, spoke with Norman Rosenbaum, brother of the Yankel Rosenbaum, the Orthodox Jew murdered by a mob in Crown Heights in 1991 within days of Al Sharpton telling Jews, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” Rosenbaum was killed days after a tragic accident that left 7-year-old black child Gavin Cato dead. After Rosenbaum’s death, Sharpton led a march through Crown Heights, at which protesters changed “No Justice, No Peace,” and later said in a speech, “All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no coffee klatch, no skinnin' and grinnin'."

Now Yankel’s brother, Norman, says that advertisers, MSNBC, and President Obama should be ashamed to be associated with Sharpton. “Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity, and in terms of Al Sharpton the individual, the greatest concern is they’re legitimizing a fraud and charlatan,” Rosenbaum said from Melbourne, Australia. He added, “He has never apologized, he has never offered any sincere remorse for the atrocious things he has done by way of terrible racist behavior and lies, for inciting racial events. Anybody who takes a look at that person and wants to spend advertising dollars on him should take a hard look at their moral stance in terms of their position in business, in commerce, and in the community.”

No, Jroc , I am not a fan of Al Sharpton at all. He is a rabid anti-semite and I would not give him my hand.
I think I already indicated that I dislike a lot of what he says and I am convinced that he is financially motivated to do a lot of what he does.

That being said, I am a bigger fan of the truth.

Here is the title to this thread:

Sharpton leads march calling for Dead Cops

And yet, nothing can be found in the video that shows in any way that Sharpton encouraged those disgusting cries for death, or that he chanted with them, or that he lead it in any way.

Have you ever been to a large rally? Are you aware that speakers at those things can barely hear what is being said in the crowd? And the video shows the chanting from an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STREETBLOCK than where Sharpton spoke. Are you aware of this?

Until such evidence is provided, what we have right now is just yellow journalism, which is exactly what I expect from FOX.

I don't see the need to rush to defend Al Sharpton. You defended him not me. He is what he is, scum And yes i went to a massive pro Israel march on the mall to protest Bill Clinton legitimizing Yasser Arafat as a "peace maker" Hillary Clinton spoke there, she was shouted down for what she is. A pro Arab, anti Israel, nut, same as Obama

No. You just lied right out your ass.

I am not defending Al Sharpton at all.

Use your eyes and learn to read for discernment.

I pointed out that the title and intent of this thread is NOT backed up by the video provided. Not at all.

try again, Jroc.
"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

When the investigation of the accident did not produce a criminal indictment against Yosef Lifsh, Al Sharpton encouraged the Cato family to seek big-bucks damages in a civil suit against Lifsh (who had since fled to Israel for his own safety). Sharpton announced that he would personally serve papers on Yosef Lifsh in Israel. He bought tickets and hopped an El-Al flight on the weekend of Yom Kippur. At Ben Gurion Airport, a woman spotted Sharpton hailing a cab and yelled to him, "Go to hell! “I am in hell already," shot back. "I am in Israel.

And exactly whom are you quoting?
"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

When the investigation of the accident did not produce a criminal indictment against Yosef Lifsh, Al Sharpton encouraged the Cato family to seek big-bucks damages in a civil suit against Lifsh (who had since fled to Israel for his own safety). Sharpton announced that he would personally serve papers on Yosef Lifsh in Israel. He bought tickets and hopped an El-Al flight on the weekend of Yom Kippur. At Ben Gurion Airport, a woman spotted Sharpton hailing a cab and yelled to him, "Go to hell! “I am in hell already," shot back. "I am in Israel.

And exactly whom are you quoting?

Look it up sir. Are you saying the incident didn't take place? Al Sharpton didn't travel to Israel?

The Lid The REAL Al Sharpton Incitement of the 1991 Crown Heights Pogrom
"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

When the investigation of the accident did not produce a criminal indictment against Yosef Lifsh, Al Sharpton encouraged the Cato family to seek big-bucks damages in a civil suit against Lifsh (who had since fled to Israel for his own safety). Sharpton announced that he would personally serve papers on Yosef Lifsh in Israel. He bought tickets and hopped an El-Al flight on the weekend of Yom Kippur. At Ben Gurion Airport, a woman spotted Sharpton hailing a cab and yelled to him, "Go to hell! “I am in hell already," shot back. "I am in Israel.

And exactly whom are you quoting?

Does this sound familiar to you? Petty standard for the scum. Sounds like the rest of his racial incitementing speeches this time against Jews. So what was your first inclination again? I remember the Crown Heights riots you should too. Priorities... Fox News was your priority. Not the scum who incites hatred

During the funeral of Gavin Cato on August 26th, Al Sharpton gave an anti-Semitic eulogy, which fueled the fires of hatred.

“The world will tell us he was killed by accident. Yes, it was a social accident. ... It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights. ... Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights. The issue is not anti-Semitism; the issue is apartheid. ... All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no kaffe klatsch, no skinnin' and grinnin'. Pay for your deeds.

n. pl. pri·or·i·ties
Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency
"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

When the investigation of the accident did not produce a criminal indictment against Yosef Lifsh, Al Sharpton encouraged the Cato family to seek big-bucks damages in a civil suit against Lifsh (who had since fled to Israel for his own safety). Sharpton announced that he would personally serve papers on Yosef Lifsh in Israel. He bought tickets and hopped an El-Al flight on the weekend of Yom Kippur. At Ben Gurion Airport, a woman spotted Sharpton hailing a cab and yelled to him, "Go to hell! “I am in hell already," shot back. "I am in Israel.

And exactly whom are you quoting?

Does this sound familiar to you? Petty standard for the scum. Sounds like the rest of his racial incitementing speeches this time against Jews. So what was your first inclination again? I remember the Crown Heights riots you should too. Priorities... Fox News was your priority. Not the scum who incites hatred

During the funeral of Gavin Cato on August 26th, Al Sharpton gave an anti-Semitic eulogy, which fueled the fires of hatred.

“The world will tell us he was killed by accident. Yes, it was a social accident. ... It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights. ... Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights. The issue is not anti-Semitism; the issue is apartheid. ... All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no kaffe klatsch, no skinnin' and grinnin'. Pay for your deeds.

n. pl. pri·or·i·ties
Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency

Still think I am defending the man?

I am not.

But I am for accuracy in story and reporting, and this OP is neither.
"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity.

When the investigation of the accident did not produce a criminal indictment against Yosef Lifsh, Al Sharpton encouraged the Cato family to seek big-bucks damages in a civil suit against Lifsh (who had since fled to Israel for his own safety). Sharpton announced that he would personally serve papers on Yosef Lifsh in Israel. He bought tickets and hopped an El-Al flight on the weekend of Yom Kippur. At Ben Gurion Airport, a woman spotted Sharpton hailing a cab and yelled to him, "Go to hell! “I am in hell already," shot back. "I am in Israel.

And exactly whom are you quoting?

Look it up sir. Are you saying the incident didn't take place? Al Sharpton didn't travel to Israel?

The Lid The REAL Al Sharpton Incitement of the 1991 Crown Heights Pogrom

What part of what I said did you not understand? Are you that dense?

I have already called Al Sharpton an anti-semite (he is) and I have already written, right here on this thread, that I would not give him my hand.

What the fuck is wrong with your comprehension?

Lord almighty, you need to learn to actually concentrate on peoples' content.
LOL you know a thread is fucked up when Stat is the voice of reason

LoneLaugher the idiot claiming that no one in any of these protests was chanting for dead cops (an almost unbelievable claim)

and numerous idiots claiming that Sharpton is somehow responsible for what every person in the crowd might scream.

I have ZERO doubt that Sharpton would publicly denounce anyone who called for dead cops. He's too politically savvy not to. He's scum, but he knows how to play the game.Calling for dead cops would cost this movement any legitimacy they may have (which is very little to begin with)

That being said, hey Stat where do you stand on those who accuse the Tea Party movement of being racist simply because some racists have became Tea Partiers?
LOL you know a thread is fucked up when Stat is the voice of reason

LoneLaugher the idiot claiming that no one in any of these protests was chanting for dead cops (an almost unbelievable claim)

and numerous idiots claiming that Sharpton is somehow responsible for what every person in the crowd might scream.

I have ZERO doubt that Sharpton would publicly denounce anyone who called for dead cops. He's too politically savvy not to. He's scum, but he knows how to play the game.Calling for dead cops would cost this movement any legitimacy they may have (which is very little to begin with)

That being said, hey Stat where do you stand on those who accuse the Tea Party movement of being racist simply because some racists have became Tea Partiers?

Lets have another view of the protesters chanting for dead cops. I'm waiting.
LOL you know a thread is fucked up when Stat is the voice of reason

LoneLaugher the idiot claiming that no one in any of these protests was chanting for dead cops (an almost unbelievable claim)

and numerous idiots claiming that Sharpton is somehow responsible for what every person in the crowd might scream.

I have ZERO doubt that Sharpton would publicly denounce anyone who called for dead cops. He's too politically savvy not to. He's scum, but he knows how to play the game.Calling for dead cops would cost this movement any legitimacy they may have (which is very little to begin with)

That being said, hey Stat where do you stand on those who accuse the Tea Party movement of being racist simply because some racists have became Tea Partiers?

Lets have another view of the protesters chanting for dead cops. I'm waiting.

Enough evidence has been shown so that a reasonable person says "yes, there were obviously some idiots chanting for dead cops"

Especially when we also consider that people are spray painting the shit all over walls and shit, and oh yeah SHOOTING COPS.

LongLaugher refers to your single brain cell doesn't it.
Personally, I think Sharpton is more about Al Sharpton than he is about anything else in the world. Jess Jackson,,same thing.
But I'd like to point out something similar happening and in this case this shoe is on the other ideological foot.
Remember when the early Tea Party rallies, there were people there with very clear racist signs directed towards Obama. Many people on the left then criticized the Tea Party as being racist. The right basically reacted that the left was painting the entire Tea Party by the actions of the few.
The same goes in regards to the protest marches yesterday, except the shoe is on the other ideological foot. "It's the ole' what comes around, goes around."
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

Nobody said it was Sharpton calling for dead cops.
Personally, I think Sharpton is more about Al Sharpton than he is about anything else in the world. Jess Jackson,,same thing.
But I'd like to point out something similar happening and in this case this shoe is on the other ideological foot.
Remember when the early Tea Party rallies, there were people there with very clear racist signs directed towards Obama. Many people on the left then criticized the Tea Party as being racist. The right basically reacted that the left was painting the entire Tea Party by the actions of the few.
The same goes in regards to the protest marches yesterday, except the shoe is on the other ideological foot. "It's the ole' what comes around, goes around."

That's the same game many play here on a variety of topics.

Just stupidity
So Al Sharpton is now leading marchers demanding dead cops, I assume his intent and focus is directed toward dead white Cops? So sad the media grants amnesty and tolerance for the man who lives to incite fabricated acts of racism.
LOL you know a thread is fucked up when Stat is the voice of reason

LoneLaugher the idiot claiming that no one in any of these protests was chanting for dead cops (an almost unbelievable claim)

and numerous idiots claiming that Sharpton is somehow responsible for what every person in the crowd might scream.

I have ZERO doubt that Sharpton would publicly denounce anyone who called for dead cops. He's too politically savvy not to. He's scum, but he knows how to play the game.Calling for dead cops would cost this movement any legitimacy they may have (which is very little to begin with)

That being said, hey Stat where do you stand on those who accuse the Tea Party movement of being racist simply because some racists have became Tea Partiers?

Lets have another view of the protesters chanting for dead cops. I'm waiting.

Enough evidence has been shown so that a reasonable person says "yes, there were obviously some idiots chanting for dead cops"

Especially when we also consider that people are spray painting the shit all over walls and shit, and oh yeah SHOOTING COPS.

LongLaugher refers to your single brain cell doesn't it.

Nope. No evidence. Just a video from hundreds of feet away. Not sure what they are saying or who is saying it. Keep trying.
And this just in.


Only, that is not Sharpton's voice leading the chant calling for dead cops on the video. That is a different voice. One can hear that quite plainly.

In fact, Sharpton went out of his way to remind that people are not against most, or even, many police. Did you miss that line.

You don't even know if it that time, he even know that some protesters were saying this.

If he did, and he didn't respond, then that is terrible and I would lambaste the man immediately for it.

What we are looking at right here is yellow journalism. And you are engaging in guilt by association. Just because some screamed "dead cops" (which is terrible, I condemn it immediately) doesn't mean that Sharpton either said or encouraged it.

Grow up.

Nobody said it was Sharpton calling for dead cops.

Look at post 35.

That's what happens when thread titles are bullshit.
LOL you know a thread is fucked up when Stat is the voice of reason

LoneLaugher the idiot claiming that no one in any of these protests was chanting for dead cops (an almost unbelievable claim)

and numerous idiots claiming that Sharpton is somehow responsible for what every person in the crowd might scream.

I have ZERO doubt that Sharpton would publicly denounce anyone who called for dead cops. He's too politically savvy not to. He's scum, but he knows how to play the game.Calling for dead cops would cost this movement any legitimacy they may have (which is very little to begin with)

That being said, hey Stat where do you stand on those who accuse the Tea Party movement of being racist simply because some racists have became Tea Partiers?

Lets have another view of the protesters chanting for dead cops. I'm waiting.

Enough evidence has been shown so that a reasonable person says "yes, there were obviously some idiots chanting for dead cops"

Especially when we also consider that people are spray painting the shit all over walls and shit, and oh yeah SHOOTING COPS.

LongLaugher refers to your single brain cell doesn't it.

Nope. No evidence. Just a video from hundreds of feet away. Not sure what they are saying or who is saying it. Keep trying.

Okay , let's set aside the video that you claim doesn't prove anything


Isn't it reasonable to assume that the idiots who do ^ are probably involved in the protests as well?

Only an idiot is saying that Sharpton himself is advocating killing cops, but likewise only an idiot would deny that there are idiots in those crowds screaming for dead cops.
LOL you know a thread is fucked up when Stat is the voice of reason

LoneLaugher the idiot claiming that no one in any of these protests was chanting for dead cops (an almost unbelievable claim)

and numerous idiots claiming that Sharpton is somehow responsible for what every person in the crowd might scream.

I have ZERO doubt that Sharpton would publicly denounce anyone who called for dead cops. He's too politically savvy not to. He's scum, but he knows how to play the game.Calling for dead cops would cost this movement any legitimacy they may have (which is very little to begin with)

That being said, hey Stat where do you stand on those who accuse the Tea Party movement of being racist simply because some racists have became Tea Partiers?

Lets have another view of the protesters chanting for dead cops. I'm waiting.

Enough evidence has been shown so that a reasonable person says "yes, there were obviously some idiots chanting for dead cops"

Especially when we also consider that people are spray painting the shit all over walls and shit, and oh yeah SHOOTING COPS.

LongLaugher refers to your single brain cell doesn't it.

Nope. No evidence. Just a video from hundreds of feet away. Not sure what they are saying or who is saying it. Keep trying.

Okay , let's set aside the video that you claim doesn't prove anything


Isn't it reasonable to assume that the idiots who do ^ are probably involved in the protests as well?

Only an idiot is saying that Sharpton himself is advocating killing cops, but likewise only an idiot would deny that there are idiots in those crowds screaming for dead cops.

There are idiots who want cops killed. Clearly. They just aren't going down New York streets in broad daylight chanting it.
LOL you know a thread is fucked up when Stat is the voice of reason

LoneLaugher the idiot claiming that no one in any of these protests was chanting for dead cops (an almost unbelievable claim)

and numerous idiots claiming that Sharpton is somehow responsible for what every person in the crowd might scream.

I have ZERO doubt that Sharpton would publicly denounce anyone who called for dead cops. He's too politically savvy not to. He's scum, but he knows how to play the game.Calling for dead cops would cost this movement any legitimacy they may have (which is very little to begin with)

That being said, hey Stat where do you stand on those who accuse the Tea Party movement of being racist simply because some racists have became Tea Partiers?

Lets have another view of the protesters chanting for dead cops. I'm waiting.

Enough evidence has been shown so that a reasonable person says "yes, there were obviously some idiots chanting for dead cops"

Especially when we also consider that people are spray painting the shit all over walls and shit, and oh yeah SHOOTING COPS.

LongLaugher refers to your single brain cell doesn't it.

Nope. No evidence. Just a video from hundreds of feet away. Not sure what they are saying or who is saying it. Keep trying.

Okay , let's set aside the video that you claim doesn't prove anything


Isn't it reasonable to assume that the idiots who do ^ are probably involved in the protests as well?

Only an idiot is saying that Sharpton himself is advocating killing cops, but likewise only an idiot would deny that there are idiots in those crowds screaming for dead cops.

There are idiots who want cops killed. Clearly. They just aren't going down New York streets in broad daylight chanting it.

And you know this just how?


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