Glad to Know Nobody Is Above the Law

Trump is still a convicted felon, Trump cult losers, no matter how hysterically you lie about Democrats.

Sucks to be you, losers. See you in November.

Oh, you bring shame to your mothers. I'm sure they taught you better than "BUT HE DID IT TOO!" when you get caught doing something.
The potato in chief is getting worse by the week now. He will be full blown dementia by November. Sucks to be you.
Europeans introduced the King James Bible to Africa.

Why is that? Because all the minerals and riches are I'm Africa, but I am praying the countries in Africa are waking up to what has been done and what is being done.
Their leaders are selling the people and resources for money to China and Russia, just like slaves.
How would it be good for black folks, unless you are saying slavery and Jim Crow would be great again.
I could explain it to you but you’re incapable of reason so I won’t waste my time. Get back to me when you move off the plantation.
That's because your dumbass has nothing to explain. I'm where 92% of the black folks in this country are.
Name another group around the world that votes in such high numbers for one political party. I’ll give you a freebie.
North Koreans.
See if you can figure out why that is.

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