Why the protest at the Capital was not an insurrection.

We all know what Bond means. So, you are good with Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters promoting bond and legal defense funds for BLM and ANTIFA riots. How is that different vs. conservative politicians raising legal defense and bail funds for January 6 rioters?
I really don’t care as long as they still face charges

Trump is out on bond in multiple jurisdictions
I really don’t care as long as they still face charges

Trump is out on bond in multiple jurisdictions

When did Trump burn a building, loot a store, or throw bottles at law enforcement? If he’s “out on bond” for inciting these acts then so too should Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, and a host of other elected Democrats.
When did Trump burn a building, loot a store, or throw bottles at law enforcement? If he’s “out on bond” for inciting these acts then so too should Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, and a host of other elected Democrats.

Trump scammed banks out of hundreds of millions
Much worse than some guy throwing a bottle

He also called the TRUMPMob to the Jan 6 riot
Trump scammed banks out of hundreds of millions
Much worse than some guy throwing a bottle

He also called the TRUMPMob to the Jan 6 riot
Who called the mobs to the streets in many cities throughout the US in 2020? Who called them off. Who told them to go home peacefully?
No worries, you folks will feel the consequences as well. You folks are the ones setting the bar.
Consequences for what? I’m afraid we won’t knuckle under to Mafia-style intimidation.
Yes, I do Russia, Russia, Russia. You’ve fallen for their propaganda and neo-Stalinist leader. :cool-45:
I'm curious how much of this did you believe?


Yes, I do Russia, Russia, Russia. You’ve fallen for their propaganda and neo-Stalinist leader. :cool-45:
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Hundreds of Jewish American protesters entered a congressional building on Wednesday to demand a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, prompting some Republicans to describe their actions as an "insurrection."

Two Jewish anti-Zionist groups, Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, staged a sit-in inside the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building on Wednesday, calling on Congress to push for an immediate ceasefire and prevent an expected Israeli ground offensive in Gaza.

"To the best of our knowledge, they were all arrested," Meyerson-Knox told Newsweek. Photos showed the protesters being restrained with zip-ties and led out of the building by officers.

The U.S. Capitol Police said 305 people were arrested, including three people who were charged with assault on a police officer.

However, the GOP has it all wrong. This was NOT, NOT,. NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............and insurrection!

Let me splain why.

1. No one wore a Viking hat. You can't have an insurrection without a man running round with a Viking hat.

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2. This was a mostly peaceful and mostly legal protest. Sure, they assaulted a police officer and broke laws that caused them to get arrested within the building. Big deal. Blah, blah, blah! But were any of the unalarmed protestors shot dead by police at the Capital? No. This tells me that the police did not feel threatened when assaulted by protestors. Also, they get no points for the fact that they were breaking laws within the building and later arrested. We all know they will get out the next day instead of being held in jail for 50 years or mor like real insurrectionists..

3. These were democrat Leftists. Just like Democrats can't be racist, they also can't be an insurrectionist. Duh! For example, Hamas is a Leftists organization that is hell bent on the destruction of the Jewish state. However, they can never be racist nor terrorists because they are on the Left. Therefore, they are free to behead as many babies and elderly women and Americans they wish and it's all good, but once the dirty Jews come after them, then it's oppression and apartheid, blah, blah, blah.

4 Rep. Rashida Tlaib led the illegal protest that assaulted a police officer. You can't call it an insurrection when the leader of the illegal activity is an active and sitting member of Congress. Plus, no Viking hat, so no points there. After all, only Trump belongs in jail compared to all of our fine law-abiding members of Congress with their Gold bars and insider trading, etc.

5. Trump condemned the protestors that broke laws at the Capital and condemned any assaults on the police. However, Rashida Tlaib praised these things, just like she praised the death of the Jewish and American scum by the thousands at the hands of the glorious freedom fighters of Hamas!

So don't let any of your MAGA friends tell you there is a two-tiered justice system in the US today. Just get up in their face and start screaming, "No justice no peace!" like the deranged unthinking NPC character you have been programmed to be.

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At the same time, never forget everyone! "All Animals on animal farm are equal, but some are more equal than others".
Plus they weren't trying to overturn an election or a government like the Trumpsters....DUHHHH

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