Sharpton's daughter should be tried for attempted fraud

Case hasn't been dismissed according to those articles, so she could still walk away with a lot through her crafty lawyer.
No, actually, they're not. You and the other RWs don't like it because she's Black and because her last name is Sharpton.

Sorry, but she has just as much right to be heard as those whose politics you like.

What? She was supposed to be hurt, she climbed a freaking mountain. What could she possibly have to say?????? She tried to steal money from the taxpayers. Period. End of discussion.
Actually, a lot of "mountains" aren't hard to "climb" at all. Many have trails that anyone can walk through go get to the top. I doubt she was over there hanging off the face off a cliff using bouldering techniques and epic climbing skills to ninja her way up to the top.​
The city of NY is in a tough spot.
The case gets tossed then Al goes on his show and cries racism.
The city let's it go to trial and a jury of her peeps gives her $10 million....

So they settle for a couple hundred grand for the both of them to go away...
No. They expose her for the fraud she is and appeal any judgment right up to SCOTUS.
So, you think she should get $5,000,000 from NYC?

I don't feel the need to establish an opinion over whether or not she "should" get that money. Why should I care? If she does get that five mil though it would make me smile, knowing it would drive people like you to suicide

There's so much ignored content on this thread. I'm guessing the Obamabots have come out in full force to defend her.
You and the other RWs don't like it because she's Black and because her last name is Sharpton.
Which is precisely why you stick up for her, so you are equally guilty of playing this race game, hypocrite.

He would be outraged had she been the white daughter of some republican. Me I don't give a shit who's daughter she is and what color she is, she deserves some prison time for trying to pull that shit.
The city of NY is in a tough spot.
The case gets tossed then Al goes on his show and cries racism.
The city let's it go to trial and a jury of her peeps gives her $10 million....

So they settle for a couple hundred grand for the both of them to go away...

That's the Sharpton legal stance right there, annoyance suits that people are like "here's some money, go away"

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