She cried rape — and no one helped


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
By Mike Celizic contributor
updated 8:33 a.m. CT, Wed., April 8, 2009
The young woman had been attacked in full view of a New York City subway clerk, then dragged down the steps onto a deserted platform where she was raped and raped again, the assailant not stopping even when a subway train pulled into the station.

Now, after nearly four years of constant nightmares, bouts of depression and anxiety, the woman has been told by a judge that two transit workers who saw her being attacked had no obligation to do anything to help her other than to signal their superiors that police were needed at the station.

In response, the woman, who asks to be identified only by her first name, Maria, is going public with her story in the hope that something will be done to save other women from enduring a similar nightmare

She cried rape — and no one helped - TODAY People

Fox News Reported this morning the Judge threw her case out of court. "There is no duty to help"

And that is why I say every American should arm themselves and know how to protect themselves. The cops and the courts aren't going to do it.
Willow, you know damn well if that woman had a gun and used it on the perp she would have been convicted of murder! This world has gone mad! No common sense!
As sad as it is, there is no legal duty for anyone else to place themselves in what they consider harms way to help. However, the courts are wrong for tossing this out, the transit workers should have been a little more responsive in calling the police and their own security (which I thought all subways had that). Morally, since they could have overpowered the attacker in numbers they should have done a lot more.
By Mike Celizic contributor
updated 8:33 a.m. CT, Wed., April 8, 2009
The young woman had been attacked in full view of a New York City subway clerk, then dragged down the steps onto a deserted platform where she was raped and raped again, the assailant not stopping even when a subway train pulled into the station.

Now, after nearly four years of constant nightmares, bouts of depression and anxiety, the woman has been told by a judge that two transit workers who saw her being attacked had no obligation to do anything to help her other than to signal their superiors that police were needed at the station.

In response, the woman, who asks to be identified only by her first name, Maria, is going public with her story in the hope that something will be done to save other women from enduring a similar nightmare

She cried rape — and no one helped - TODAY People

Fox News Reported this morning the Judge threw her case out of court. "There is no duty to help

And that is why I say every American should arm themselves and know how to protect themselves. The cops and the courts aren't going to do it.

I remember Nicole Sullivan left Mad TV to go onto other acting gigs. She was on a CSI. She played a woman on the subway. All of the sudden this bum came up from behind her, tore her dress, put the knife to her throat and said, "if you say anything I'll kill you, and then raped her right in front of others who were riding the subway. Most didn't know what was happening, some did and they said nothing.

When the car stopped, the rapist ran off, and no one said a thing. She stood there victimized, violated and shocked.

All that has to happen for evil to win is that good men do nothing.

And it is amazing to me that this could actually happen in real life.

Sometimes you wonder, "are people generally good or bad".

I hope good.

I hate the bystandard effect! I'm not one of those kinds of people. I'm the one guy who will step out from the crowd and speak up.

Remember Jodie Foster & the Accused? I would have smashed the back of every guys head in that bar that was cheering. OMG, that is one f'ed up scene.

Yes I may be a "pig" Willow, but as a liberal, I am also very much against hurting other people and/or animals.

But yes, I am a vulgar pig. I'm sorry if it offended you. Actually, I don't believe it really did bother you that much. You were just trying to get me in trouble. But if it did bother you, sorry kiddo. I went too far.
As a woman I would have felt obligated to do SOMETHING. If I had a gun, I would have shot the man dead, but unfortunately I can't carry a gun in the People's Republic of New York.

The men who did nothing are simply cowards. I don't know how they stood by and did nothing as the rapist tortured this woman. Don't they have a conscience?

I do want to add that it is my belief that this is anomaly and that New Yorkers are generally good samaritans.
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As a woman I would have felt obligated to do SOMETHING. If I had a gun, I would have shot the man dead, but unfortunately I can't carry a gun in the People's Republic of New York.

The men who did nothing are simply cowards. I don't know how they stood by and did nothing as the rapist tortured this woman. Don't they have a conscience?

I do want to add that it is my belief that this is anomaly and that New Yorkers are generally good samaritans.

Did you hear about the woman who was attacked by a mountain lion? Bystandards who discovered the cat attacking the woman really put their lives in jeopordy. The cat could have easily turned on them. Regardless, people ran up and threw sticks and rocks and even their own bikes at the wild cat.

I would feel a lot safer in a busy subway AT LEAST screaming to the men to STOP IT!!! And RAPE!!!!!

But to walk by and say nothing? I don't think that is even an option.

Unless I felt like I could possibly be in jeopordy of being attacked. Then I could look the other way. Like, for example, if I were in prison and 3 guys were raping one guy. I would definately mind my own business. Or risk being next.
As a woman I would have felt obligated to do SOMETHING. If I had a gun, I would have shot the man dead, but unfortunately I can't carry a gun in the People's Republic of New York.

The men who did nothing are simply cowards. I don't know how they stood by and did nothing as the rapist tortured this woman. Don't they have a conscience?

I do want to add that it is my belief that this is anomaly and that New Yorkers are generally good samaritans.

What if you were in prison and 3 of the biggest bull dykes were raping another prisoner. Would you get involved knowing that you would be making three enemies? Would you get involved if you knew they'd most likely target you next?

I think most people don't speak up because they are afraid, not bad.
let's review some damn things ladies...

1. do not wear headphones....out in public are denying yourself one of your major senses

2. stay alert....if you are on a car with just a few people and ever one else is getting off...go with them....even if you are late for work or have to wait for another car

3. do not ever get into a car....fucker has a gun make him kill you then and there...cause aint nothing good gonna happen once you get into that car

4. you have to watch out for it...obvious your surroundings...if someone is touching you...get loud...get mean get ugly...women are not taught to do that...but you have too....

dont be meek...go for it..go for the eyes..and dont be shy go to put the damn things out..if he grabs you from behind...go for the top of the feet....use your feet..try to get have more lower body strength than upper body strength ...fight..dont stop fighting till you are dead....matter of fact...why not get your butts off the net and take a self defense will learn the oddest little things..take your keys out of your purse before you leave the building or mall...put a key between your fingers so it juts can be a aware of your strengths and your can use pepper spray but that can really piss someone off and they can rage right thru it....if you go for a taser make sure its one that does not have to have body impact....over ride that damn voice saying maybe he just needs directions if the fucker makes you uneasy ....go for it...a taser or spray nothing fatal at this step...if that doesnt stop the advance go for go to a gun range and get use to firing the gun of your choice...o yea and scream....scream fire...hell i dont know why but apparently you got more fire heros than rape heros...go to a self defense glass...

o and another thing...go out in pairs or more..take a know that weird ass guy in the mail rooom....ask him to walk you to your car...he may grimaces and grump a bit...but he will do would be amazed at once the men think about quickly they will begin to walk you to your car or watch you from the arent wanting this to happen either...mall security will walk you to your car...park under the lights...park night is not the time to be power walking from parking lot zed to the mall....

women die and get raped cause they are too worried about being ladies...we are not taught to fight we are taught nice women do not do that...well to save yourself it...let the inner bitch come out and go for blood....enjoy the warm thick taste of blood....shit inner voice again...sorry....but do ladies take a self defense course...
i agree with sealy...(pukes in mouth)..people are scared....just of being involved in wee things...but i have found if you...and yea i mean you as you...get start the small little step..others will break free of their...spell or whatever and will follow you and help....
let's review some damn things ladies...

1. do not wear headphones....out in public are denying yourself one of your major senses

2. stay alert....if you are on a car with just a few people and ever one else is getting off...go with them....even if you are late for work or have to wait for another car

3. do not ever get into a car....fucker has a gun make him kill you then and there...cause aint nothing good gonna happen once you get into that car

4. you have to watch out for it...obvious your surroundings...if someone is touching you...get loud...get mean get ugly...women are not taught to do that...but you have too....

dont be meek...go for it..go for the eyes..and dont be shy go to put the damn things out..if he grabs you from behind...go for the top of the feet....use your feet..try to get have more lower body strength than upper body strength ...fight..dont stop fighting till you are dead....matter of fact...why not get your butts off the net and take a self defense will learn the oddest little things..take your keys out of your purse before you leave the building or mall...put a key between your fingers so it juts can be a aware of your strengths and your can use pepper spray but that can really piss someone off and they can rage right thru it....if you go for a taser make sure its one that does not have to have body impact....over ride that damn voice saying maybe he just needs directions if the fucker makes you uneasy ....go for it...a taser or spray nothing fatal at this step...if that doesnt stop the advance go for go to a gun range and get use to firing the gun of your choice...o yea and scream....scream fire...hell i dont know why but apparently you got more fire heros than rape heros...go to a self defense glass...

o and another thing...go out in pairs or more..take a know that weird ass guy in the mail rooom....ask him to walk you to your car...he may grimaces and grump a bit...but he will do would be amazed at once the men think about quickly they will begin to walk you to your car or watch you from the arent wanting this to happen either...mall security will walk you to your car...park under the lights...park night is not the time to be power walking from parking lot zed to the mall....

women die and get raped cause they are too worried about being ladies...we are not taught to fight we are taught nice women do not do that...well to save yourself it...let the inner bitch come out and go for blood....enjoy the warm thick taste of blood....shit inner voice again...sorry....but do ladies take a self defense course...

I remember this story of this lady who was being attacked by this guy when her kid was in the other room. She said he was definately trying to kill her, but for some reason she was able to take the blows. He would stomp on her skull trying to crush it but he couldn't put her away.

She remembered victims telling their rapists that god loves them, but when she said it to him, it just made him more angry. But at some point she was in shock and didn't give a fuck anymore. Everytime he'd hit or stab her she would laugh and say, "yea, god will forgive you for that one too".

She didn't want to leave the house because her baby was still in the house, but she finally realized that if she didn't leave, both her and the baby would die, so she ran and fell out of her window, and stumbled to the street where FINALLY people saw her and called the police.

It was an amazing story.

Know what bugs me? A drunk driver who kills someone gets how many years in prison? Now compare it to guys who do this shit. I think the rapist should get twice as much time as the drunk driver. But often times the sex offenders get off easier. Unacceptable. I would almost like to treat rape like murder.
As a woman I would have felt obligated to do SOMETHING. If I had a gun, I would have shot the man dead, but unfortunately I can't carry a gun in the People's Republic of New York.

The men who did nothing are simply cowards. I don't know how they stood by and did nothing as the rapist tortured this woman. Don't they have a conscience?

I do want to add that it is my belief that this is anomaly and that New Yorkers are generally good samaritans.

What if you were in prison and 3 of the biggest bull dykes were raping another prisoner. Would you get involved knowing that you would be making three enemies? Would you get involved if you knew they'd most likely target you next?

I think most people don't speak up because they are afraid, not bad.

I would have to think about that one. But in this case, were the transit workers in imminent danger? I think not. I don't even think the assailant had a deadly weapon.
I think the best advice I can give women is to not be alone outside at night. It's not safe anywhere. If I ever had to be alone, I definitely would have had my guard up, especially at 2 in the morning.
As a woman I would have felt obligated to do SOMETHING. If I had a gun, I would have shot the man dead, but unfortunately I can't carry a gun in the People's Republic of New York.

The men who did nothing are simply cowards. I don't know how they stood by and did nothing as the rapist tortured this woman. Don't they have a conscience?

I do want to add that it is my belief that this is anomaly and that New Yorkers are generally good samaritans.

What if you were in prison and 3 of the biggest bull dykes were raping another prisoner. Would you get involved knowing that you would be making three enemies? Would you get involved if you knew they'd most likely target you next?

I think most people don't speak up because they are afraid, not bad.

I would have to think about that one. But in this case, were the transit workers in imminent danger? I think not. I don't even think the assailant had a deadly weapon.

I agree. Even if I worried that they might turn and attack me, I'd still yell/scream for help and throw rocks at them. Then I would run if necessary.

But I remember being a night watchman in college. No one in after 10pm. These 5 big black guys come and I ask them for ID, but they just blow me off and go up the elevators anyways. What could I do? And the dorm didn't even give me access to a phone or nothing. So I'm supposed to push it with 5 huge brothers? I don't think so. So I just hoped they didn't cause any trouble.

The next thing I know, they are attacking people on the floors above me.

No one got hurt, thank god, but man, I was all alone at like 1am at night and they could have FUCKED ME UP!!!

So the school needed to have a better system. I should have had a phone and easy access to campus security/police.
I think the best advice I can give women is to not be alone outside at night. It's not safe anywhere. If I ever had to be alone, I definitely would have had my guard up, especially at 2 in the morning.

Statistically you are no less safe now than 50 years ago at any time, the time period that such crimes occur is about even. Best advice is to learn to defend yourself, there are many free classes, and hope you are the millions of lucky ones who are never attacked. Many survivors have a saying, one which I have come to know too well, living in fear is not living. The big difference between now and 50 years ago is that too many have become disconnected from society, fewer attackers got away with it and if it happened in public people did something to help as much as they were capable instead of just ignoring it. Oddly it's our excessive use of digital "social networking" that can be blamed, but that's a different topic. In some neighborhoods they are now reforming real life social networks and these are showing a lot of promise. While we can't force people to do this I think we should all participate a little. I know almost everyone in my building, and I know that if something happened to me they'd be on the phone if not actively helping, as I would for any of them, and it doesn't just extend to those we live with, we would do the same for anyone we see being harmed. It's that kind of caring that we are lacking.
As sad as it is, there is no legal duty for anyone else to place themselves in what they consider harms way to help. However, the courts are wrong for tossing this out, the transit workers should have been a little more responsive in calling the police and their own security (which I thought all subways had that). Morally, since they could have overpowered the attacker in numbers they should have done a lot more.

That is true, an individual does not generally have a legal obligation to render assistance. If the transit workers were on the job, however, I'm surprised the Transit Authority would not have some liability for an injury that occured on premises when their employees were observing. Maybe there is some immunity law for the Transit Authority.

From a moral perspective, I don't know the whole story, but if the workers observed this and did nothing that they are pretty pathetic excuses for civilians and IMO should be fired just for poor character.
What if you were in prison and 3 of the biggest bull dykes were raping another prisoner. Would you get involved knowing that you would be making three enemies? Would you get involved if you knew they'd most likely target you next?

I think most people don't speak up because they are afraid, not bad.

I would have to think about that one. But in this case, were the transit workers in imminent danger? I think not. I don't even think the assailant had a deadly weapon.

I agree. Even if I worried that they might turn and attack me, I'd still yell/scream for help and throw rocks at them. Then I would run if necessary.

But I remember being a night watchman in college. No one in after 10pm. These 5 big black guys come and I ask them for ID, but they just blow me off and go up the elevators anyways. What could I do? And the dorm didn't even give me access to a phone or nothing. So I'm supposed to push it with 5 huge brothers? I don't think so. So I just hoped they didn't cause any trouble.

The next thing I know, they are attacking people on the floors above me.

No one got hurt, thank god, but man, I was all alone at like 1am at night and they could have FUCKED ME UP!!!

So the school needed to have a better system. I should have had a phone and easy access to campus security/police.

If it had been me, as soon as they got in the elevator, I would have been up the stairs and waking the residents. All of us together could take them easy. Trust me, I have a voice loud enough that I could have awakened everyone in that dorm with one blood curtailing scream.

Of course, that's if I was smart enough to let them get into the elevator. I probably would have done my best to keep them from ever getting into the elevator in spite of what they'd do to me. Yep, when the war comes, I'll probably be one of the first ones killed for standing my ground.
I think the best advice I can give women is to not be alone outside at night. It's not safe anywhere. If I ever had to be alone, I definitely would have had my guard up, especially at 2 in the morning.

Statistically you are no less safe now than 50 years ago at any time, the time period that such crimes occur is about even. Best advice is to learn to defend yourself, there are many free classes, and hope you are the millions of lucky ones who are never attacked. Many survivors have a saying, one which I have come to know too well, living in fear is not living. The big difference between now and 50 years ago is that too many have become disconnected from society, fewer attackers got away with it and if it happened in public people did something to help as much as they were capable instead of just ignoring it. Oddly it's our excessive use of digital "social networking" that can be blamed, but that's a different topic. In some neighborhoods they are now reforming real life social networks and these are showing a lot of promise. While we can't force people to do this I think we should all participate a little. I know almost everyone in my building, and I know that if something happened to me they'd be on the phone if not actively helping, as I would for any of them, and it doesn't just extend to those we live with, we would do the same for anyone we see being harmed. It's that kind of caring that we are lacking.

Statistically, this neighborhood, heck this city is a lot more dangerous than it was even 30 years ago. We have multiple murders every year now, when I was a kid there was one murder and it was talked about for years. None of the homes in this neighborhood were robbed, I now know of 3 that have been robbed recently. Plus two people who's cars were stolen. And that's just in a 3 block radius.
As sad as it is, there is no legal duty for anyone else to place themselves in what they consider harms way to help. However, the courts are wrong for tossing this out, the transit workers should have been a little more responsive in calling the police and their own security (which I thought all subways had that). Morally, since they could have overpowered the attacker in numbers they should have done a lot more.

That is true, an individual does not generally have a legal obligation to render assistance. If the transit workers were on the job, however, I'm surprised the Transit Authority would not have some liability for an injury that occured on premises when their employees were observing. Maybe there is some immunity law for the Transit Authority.

From a moral perspective, I don't know the whole story, but if the workers observed this and did nothing that they are pretty pathetic excuses for civilians and IMO should be fired just for poor character.

My thoughts to "where the well was their security during all this?" It's their job to stop it and they are not only trained but normally armed with tools to help.

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