She is Right on.

who needs to blow themselves up WHEN THEY HAVE ALL THAT FUN CIVILIAN KILLING MILITARY TO PLAY WITH? Hey, maybe you can tell another joke like "you will never see a jew assassinating a prime minister because he accepted peace with muslims".

The FACT is that there are radicals in EVERY culture. The sad truth, however, is that people like Jillian will only rationalize the actions of her own team while the same actions of an arab are nothing less than evil to the fucking core and validates a collective punishment.

The reason why a lot of people seem to think that a majority of muslims are on the side of the radicals is because they don't speak up against them. And when someone makes a stupid cartoon then it suddenly becomes important to protest, where were the muslim protestors at 9/11? At the madrid train bombings? At the london metro bombings? When extremists abused the name of their religion?

I never saw muslims protesting against muslim extremists, how come they always seem to be quiet when they abuse Islam and when some cartoonist makes a dumb picture they have a reason to protest?
in may of 48 there were two states......shortly thereafter the arabs tried to wipe out one of the two states.....they lost.....they have been complaining and playing the victim ever since.....

you wanna throw down a gauntlet over who has been playing the victim since the fucking 40s? REALLY? They reacted just like anyone else would had some foreign power come in a CARVED out a fucking nation for exported jews. You'll see Texas react in much the same way as the idea of Atzlan becomes more tangible with the upcoming latino majority. Hopefully, by then, zionists will not have done to pali arabs what we've done with OUR natives. Not that zionists like jilly "the Hawk Mamma" won't have a goal to strive for.
in may of 48 there were two states......shortly thereafter the arabs tried to wipe out one of the two states.....they lost.....they have been complaining and playing the victim ever since.....

you wanna throw down a gauntlet over who has been playing the victim since the fucking 40s? REALLY? They reacted just like anyone else would had some foreign power come in a CARVED out a fucking nation for exported jews. You'll see Texas react in much the same way as the idea of Atzlan becomes more tangible with the upcoming latino majority. Hopefully, by then, zionists will not have done to pali arabs what we've done with OUR natives. Not that zionists like jilly "the Hawk Mamma" won't have a goal to strive for.

your beloved un carved out a nation for palestine and the jews ..... the arabs tried to take it all .... they lost ..... such is war .....
Without addressing the issue of conversion, there are also some truths in her statements. You won't see a Jew blow him or herself up to protest in Germany or in the Soviet Union or anywhere else. There is a brand of Islam, in wahibbism, that lends itself to those types of acts. I also don't know what her life experience was that makes her speak so vehemently.

Hi Princess.

There is a theme of martyrdom in Islam that isn't found to the same degree in other modern religions. That is true. However, when the leader of the Algerian resistance movement in the late 1950s was asked why he blew up French cafes, he said that if the West wanted to provide him with tanks and fighter jets, he would use those instead.

heh... good to see you, Reilly.

I understand that. And certainly, in Algeria, the end-goal was independence from France. But if they had been offered their independence, they would have stopped fighting. The means of battle were not counterproductive. In terms of Israel and the Palestinians, the Palestinians were offered most of what they asked for.... and still turned it down. They persist in terrorist attacks that have no effect in terms of obtaining their end. None of the 3,000 kadusha's (sp?) that were sent into Israel from Gaza were such that Israel would be destroyed (Hamas' stated goal), but rather were designed to force Israel's hand to retaliate. Someone wanting to achieve an actual goal wouldn't act in such a counterproductive way, so I think, ultimately, the comparison to Algeria, fails.

When I studied mid-east politics in college, my professor, a brilliant Armenian man who had studied under Brezinski at Columbia, said that jihadis would be the major threat of the 21st century because of their psychology...separate and apart from issues like the palestinians.

On another note, with regard to the woman speaker, she's not wrong about the treatment of women under fundamentalist islam. No one else throws acid in girls' faces for attending school.

The analogy only (possibly, some might say) fails if you are referring to the ends, not the means. Hamas blows up markets because, unlikely Israel, rain a rocket down upon the head of Massad and kill him and his family. You use the means at your disposal. For Hamas and some others, that may be suicide bombers and highly inefficient rockets. For the US, it is drone airplanes and satellite guided missiles.

The speaker may be right about some things. However, descriptions of Muslims as if they are monolithic and guided by a shining principle of antipathy to anything we consider Western and modern is silly.

I try not to get into discussions about the morality of what is going on in Israel/ PA because I think they are both very wrong, and trying to alot blame as if it is something that can be apportioned 70/30 or 50/50 in a case like this seems too simplistic.
The analogy only (possibly, some might say) fails if you are referring to the ends, not the means. Hamas blows up markets because, unlikely Israel, rain a rocket down upon the head of Massad and kill him and his family. You use the means at your disposal. For Hamas and some others, that may be suicide bombers and highly inefficient rockets. For the US, it is drone airplanes and satellite guided missiles.

The speaker may be right about some things. However, descriptions of Muslims as if they are monolithic and guided by a shining principle of antipathy to anything we consider Western and modern is silly.

I try not to get into discussions about the morality of what is going on in Israel/ PA because I think they are both very wrong, and trying to alot blame as if it is something that can be apportioned 70/30 or 50/50 in a case like this seems too simplistic.

Guerrilla warfare has always been used by people who were overpowered and outnumbered to achieve a goal. The problem with what occurs in the territories is that there is no military purpose. One doesn't use one's people as human shields if the end result is to get something for them. One doesn't fire 3,000 missiles just to incite a response if the desired result is a negotiated settlement.

With respect to the woman's descriptions of muslims as monolithic, again, I don't know what her history is or why she speaks with such vehemence. And the fact that someone may not separate the good from the bad (there are people on all sides who do that) doesn't mean there is no truth to her observations. I think you and I both understand that not every muslim is a jihadi. And not every muslim believes non-believers should be forcibly converted or killed. However, as I said, no other group has ever thrown acid into the face of a girl for going to school, at least not as far as I know.

With respect to apportioning blame. I really don't believe it's beneficial to deal in that type of analysis going back to the year gimel if what the goal is... is peace. On the other hand, personally, I think which group wants a two state solution is pretty clear. (the rest is in the details). So I suspect that you and I would not be as much in agreement on this issue as we are on so many others, but that's okay. And this isn't a simplistic problem, you're correct. There is a lot of history and a lot of water under the bridge. Obviously, I have a horse in the race, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer to see everyone living side by side in peace. I just can't get behind any "solution" which doesn't leave Israel as a Jewish State with defensible borders. Given that there are a myriad of muslim and Arab states, I don't feel any particular discomfort with that. In fact, I'm fairly unapologetic about it.
who needs to blow themselves up WHEN THEY HAVE ALL THAT FUN CIVILIAN KILLING MILITARY TO PLAY WITH? Hey, maybe you can tell another joke like "you will never see a jew assassinating a prime minister because he accepted peace with muslims".

The FACT is that there are radicals in EVERY culture. The sad truth, however, is that people like Jillian will only rationalize the actions of her own team while the same actions of an arab are nothing less than evil to the fucking core and validates a collective punishment.

The reason why a lot of people seem to think that a majority of muslims are on the side of the radicals is because they don't speak up against them. And when someone makes a stupid cartoon then it suddenly becomes important to protest, where were the muslim protestors at 9/11? At the madrid train bombings? At the london metro bombings? When extremists abused the name of their religion?

I never saw muslims protesting against muslim extremists, how come they always seem to be quiet when they abuse Islam and when some cartoonist makes a dumb picture they have a reason to protest?

Well, perhaps you should open your fucking eyes and look at something other than the Jpost.

Contempt for September 11th Terrorist Attacks by Muslims
American Muslim organizations, individual scholars as well as International Muslim organizations, scholars and representatives of countries with a Muslim majority jointly and individually condemned the 9/11 attacks.

In a Joint Statement by American Muslim Alliance, American Muslim Council, Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Medical Association of North America, Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Society of North America, Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Muslim American Society, Muslim Public Affairs Council, stated:
"American Muslims utterly condemn the vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts."

Muslims Against Terrorism (MAT):
“As Muslims, we condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Ours is a religion of peace. We are sick and tired of extremists dictating the public face of Islam.”

Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt:
“We strongly condemn such activities that are against all humanist and Islamic morals. We condemn and oppose all aggression on human life, freedom and dignity anywhere in the world.” (Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 13 - 19 September 2001)

Shaykh Muhammed Sayyid al-Tantawi, imam of al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, Egypt: “Attacking innocent people is not courageous; it is stupid and will be punished on the Day of Judgment.... It is not courageous to attack innocent children, women and civilians. It is courageous to protect freedom; it is courageous to defend oneself and not to attack.” (Agence France Presse, September 14, 2001)

Mehmet Nuri Yilmaz, Head of the Directorate of Religious Affairs of Turkey:
“Any human being, regardless of his ethnic and religious origin, will never think of carrying out such a violent, evil attack. Whatever its purpose is, this action cannot be justified and tolerated.” (September 21, 2001)

Ayatollah Ali Khamene'i, Supreme jurist-ruler of Iran:
“Killing of people, in any place and with any kind of weapons…. carried out by any organization, country or individual is condemned. ... It makes no difference whether such massacres happen in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Qana, Sabra, Shatila, Deir Yassin, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq or in New York and Washington. (Islamic Republic News Agency, September 16, 2001.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar), Turkey:
“Islam does not encourage any kind of terrorism; in fact, it denounces it. Those who use terrorism in the name of Islam, in fact, have no other faculty except ignorance and hatred.”

Shaikh Muhammad Yusuf Islahi, U.S:
The sudden barbaric attack on innocent citizens living in peace is extremely distressing and deplorable. Every gentle human heart goes out to the victims of this attack and as humans we are ashamed at the barbarism perpetrated by a few people. Islam, which is a religion of peace and tolerance, condemns this act and sees this is as a wounding scar on the face of humanity. I appeal to Muslims to strongly condemn this act, express unity with the victims' relatives, donate blood, money and do whatever it takes to help the affected people.

Abdal-Hakim Murad, Britain:
Targeting civilians is a negation of every possible school of Sunni Islam. Suicide bombing is so foreign to the Qur'anic ethos that the Prophet Samson is entirely absent from our scriptures. ("The Hijackers Were Not Muslims After All: Recapturing Islam From the Terrorists,"

Hamza Yusuf, U.S:
Religious zealots of any creed are defeated people who lash out in desperation, and they often do horrific things. And if these people [who committed murder on September 11] indeed are Arabs or Muslims, they're obviously very sick people and I can't even look at it in religious terms. It's politics, tragic politics. There's no Islamic justification for any of it. ... You can't kill innocent people. There's no Islamic declaration of war against the United States. I think every Muslim country except Afghanistan has an embassy in this country. And in Islam, a country where you have embassies is not considered a belligerent country. In Islam, the only wars that are permitted are between armies and they should engage on battlefields and engage nobly. The Prophet Muhammad said, "Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people or religious people,'' and he mentioned priests, nuns and rabbis. And he said, "Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees and do not poison the wells of your enemies.'' The Hadith, the sayings of the Prophet, say that no one can punish with fire except the lord of fire. It's prohibited to burn anyone in Islam as a punishment. No one can grant these attackers any legitimacy. It was evil. (San Jose Mercury News, September 15, 2001. )

Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai, Pakistan:
It is wrong to kill innocent people. It is also wrong to praise those who kill innocent people. (Cited in the New York Times, September 28, 2001.)

King Abdullah II, Jordan:
What these people stand for is completely against all the principles that Arab Muslims believe in. (cited in the Middle East Times, September 28, 2001.)

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, U.S.:ISCA
We categorically condemn yesterday's hijackings and attacks against the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and all other targets. From coast to coast, we join our neighbors, co-workers and friends across ethnic, cultural and religious lines in mourning the devastating loss of precious life, which Islam holds as sacred. We pray for the thousands of innocent victims, for their families, for law enforcement and emergency workers, for stranded travelers, and for all whose confidence and security have been shaken. We pray that God's Infinite Mercy reaches us all. We join the US Congress in declaring today a day of mourning and also call on the entire faith community of America to spend the day in prayer for the victims and their families who so tragically died. All of our centers across the world will observe three minutes of silence tonight at our sunset prayer. We stand with the administration and law enforcement agencies in support of discovering the persons responsible and bringing them to justice. We encourage whoever is able to donate generously both blood and money to local chapters of the Red Cross...ISCA has many times warned the nation to guard against the possibility of such actions and reiterates its condemnation of all terrorism, whether ideological, geographical, cultural or religious."

In July, the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), made up of the nation's four most prominent Muslim political advocacy groups - American Muslim Alliance (AMA), American Muslim Council (AMC), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) - called on all faith communities to participate in a national "Day of Unity" by opening houses of worship on September 11, 2002, for interfaith visits, prayers, congregational exchanges, and other activities intended to foster national unity and religious tolerance.

muslim reactions to sept 11

in may of 48 there were two states......shortly thereafter the arabs tried to wipe out one of the two states.....they lost.....they have been complaining and playing the victim ever since.....

Not quite. The Partition resolution offered both the Jews and the Arabs states in western Palestine if the met a timetable for establishing certain institutions of government that would guarantee democracy and human rights and equality under the law for all races, religions and ethnic groups. The Jews established these institutions in the time alloted and unpin declaring statehood were recognized by the UN as a sovereign state, but the Arabs refused to establish these institutions and so no Arab state west of the Jordan River was ever recognized by the UN. This meant that legally all the land west of the Jordan River was either part of the new state of Israel or unincorporated land to which no political entity had any recognized legal claim.

The early Zionists had dreamed of a re established state of Israel that would be commensurate with the ancient Kingdom of David, and after the League of Nations Mandate instructed the British to establish a Jewish homeland in the the Mandate they imagined it would contain nearly all the land that is now Israel, the territories and Jordan, but instead, the UN offered the Jews only a tiny part of this land and that was to be divided into what some of Israel's critics would call "bantustans," three tiny islands of Jews set amid a sea of hostile Arabs, but in 1948, the Jews recognized this was the best offer they were going to get and they accepted it.

The Arabs had also hoped all the the Mandate would be given to Arab governments, and except for these three tiny parcels the Jews were given, all of it did, so the Arabs began preparing for a war in which they expected to capture all of the unincorporated lands west of the Jordan River as well as the three tiny parcels that had been offered to the Jews.

After the war, since there were no legal barriers to do so, the new state of Israel annexed the unincorporated lands it had captured, and a few years later, Jordan annexed the West Bank and Jerusalem, and Egypt set up a straw man government in Gaza that was ruled from Cairo. For the next 18 years neither Egypt nor Jordan offered the Palestinians an independent state of their own, and there were no complaints except for a few radicals who were dealt with harshly by these two governments yet both Egypt and Jordan claimed to be at war with Israel in order to help the Palestinians gain a state of their own. What is clear here is that the Arabs were not concerned that the Palestinians should have a state of their own, but that they could not tolerate the fact that the Jews did have one in the ME. Had Israel been established as homeland for European Muslims instead of European Jews, there would have been no outcry from the Arab states or the rest of the Muslim world, and any disputes would have remained local and negotiable instead of becoming a fake ideological struggle against European colonialism.
in may of 48 there were two states......shortly thereafter the arabs tried to wipe out one of the two states.....they lost.....they have been complaining and playing the victim ever since.....

you wanna throw down a gauntlet over who has been playing the victim since the fucking 40s? REALLY? They reacted just like anyone else would had some foreign power come in a CARVED out a fucking nation for exported jews. You'll see Texas react in much the same way as the idea of Atzlan becomes more tangible with the upcoming latino majority. Hopefully, by then, zionists will not have done to pali arabs what we've done with OUR natives. Not that zionists like jilly "the Hawk Mamma" won't have a goal to strive for.

your beloved un carved out a nation for palestine and the jews ..... the arabs tried to take it all .... they lost ..... such is war .....

It's awfully funny how callous you can be to the plight of a people.. as long as they are not jews. Yet, when a zionist movement wants to carve out a fucking nation from an indegenous population you get all Andrew Jackson about rationalizing a mid eastern trail of tears.

For real. one more of you pussies make my day and call someone ELSE a racist.
The analogy only (possibly, some might say) fails if you are referring to the ends, not the means. Hamas blows up markets because, unlikely Israel, rain a rocket down upon the head of Massad and kill him and his family. You use the means at your disposal. For Hamas and some others, that may be suicide bombers and highly inefficient rockets. For the US, it is drone airplanes and satellite guided missiles.

The speaker may be right about some things. However, descriptions of Muslims as if they are monolithic and guided by a shining principle of antipathy to anything we consider Western and modern is silly.

I try not to get into discussions about the morality of what is going on in Israel/ PA because I think they are both very wrong, and trying to alot blame as if it is something that can be apportioned 70/30 or 50/50 in a case like this seems too simplistic.

Guerrilla warfare has always been used by people who were overpowered and outnumbered to achieve a goal. The problem with what occurs in the territories is that there is no military purpose. One doesn't use one's people as human shields if the end result is to get something for them. One doesn't fire 3,000 missiles just to incite a response if the desired result is a negotiated settlement.

With respect to the woman's descriptions of muslims as monolithic, again, I don't know what her history is or why she speaks with such vehemence. And the fact that someone may not separate the good from the bad (there are people on all sides who do that) doesn't mean there is no truth to her observations. I think you and I both understand that not every muslim is a jihadi. And not every muslim believes non-believers should be forcibly converted or killed. However, as I said, no other group has ever thrown acid into the face of a girl for going to school, at least not as far as I know.

With respect to apportioning blame. I really don't believe it's beneficial to deal in that type of analysis going back to the year gimel if what the goal is... is peace. On the other hand, personally, I think which group wants a two state solution is pretty clear. (the rest is in the details). So I suspect that you and I would not be as much in agreement on this issue as we are on so many others, but that's okay. And this isn't a simplistic problem, you're correct. There is a lot of history and a lot of water under the bridge. Obviously, I have a horse in the race, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer to see everyone living side by side in peace. I just can't get behind any "solution" which doesn't leave Israel as a Jewish State with defensible borders. Given that there are a myriad of muslim and Arab states, I don't feel any particular discomfort with that. In fact, I'm fairly unapologetic about it.

I just can't get behind any "solution" which doesn't leave Israel as a Jewish State

whatever you say, ya jewish David Duke.

who needs to blow themselves up WHEN THEY HAVE ALL THAT FUN CIVILIAN KILLING MILITARY TO PLAY WITH? Hey, maybe you can tell another joke like "you will never see a jew assassinating a prime minister because he accepted peace with muslims".

The FACT is that there are radicals in EVERY culture. The sad truth, however, is that people like Jillian will only rationalize the actions of her own team while the same actions of an arab are nothing less than evil to the fucking core and validates a collective punishment.

The reason why a lot of people seem to think that a majority of muslims are on the side of the radicals is because they don't speak up against them. And when someone makes a stupid cartoon then it suddenly becomes important to protest, where were the muslim protestors at 9/11? At the madrid train bombings? At the london metro bombings? When extremists abused the name of their religion?

I never saw muslims protesting against muslim extremists, how come they always seem to be quiet when they abuse Islam and when some cartoonist makes a dumb picture they have a reason to protest?

Well, perhaps you should open your fucking eyes and look at something other than the Jpost.

muslim reactions to sept 11


But why did muslims around the world react so much more intense when it was about a dumb cartoon, isn't 9/11 much much worse? When we compare the street protests for those dumb cartoons with the reactions on 9/11 where some sick muslims abused the name of Allah to kill thousands of innocents their were no street protests and no real big anti muslim extremist demonstrations by muslims. While when some western guy uses Islam to draw a picture for some dumb reason the reaction on the streets makes the reaction on 9/11 look like it didn't happen.

The only thing I saw of muslims that got in the picture on TV after 9/11 were some people celebrating in Gaza, no street protests like they felt their religion was offended/abused. I find it was quiet on 9/11 in comparison with the reaction on the mohammed cartoon controversy. If muslims would have done a peaceful protest against muslim extremists on the streets that day the perception towards muslims may have changed in a good way.
hey, shogie, babe....

nothing of substance to add, so you're just tantruming, eh?

damn right it's a jewish state.

you complaining about all the arab states?

Why would people who have been rationalized to maggot status by the likes of you give a fuck about 6k dead on 9/11 when they see YOUR acceptance of THEIR deaths all the time? Did you feel sorry about dead commies smack dab in the middle of the cold war? Of course not. But, hey, if you expect to pre judge everyone by who YOU choose to look at then *shocker* you are going to see what you WANT to see. Again, I'm the one posting evidence. Where the fuck is yours?

Instead of comparing cartoons to terrorism why don't you compare something that has actually taken lives.. Hell, Pali's lost 1/6th of the lives during this last zionist incursion as America did on 9/11.. yet you expect global fucking tears from every people to match your own and you can't even muster the slightest empathy for maggot class arabs?

And, again.. if you CHOOSE not to see empathetic muslims then I guess it's only your fault for not looking. They were out there. I provided evidence of such. Now, did you want to take this "evidence" thing for a spin or should we keep assuming that you are right because you seriously want a jewish dick in your ass?
hey, shogie, babe....

nothing of substance to add, so you're just tantruming, eh?

damn right it's a jewish state.

you complaining about all the arab states?


I've been posting my evidence ALL DAY, mamma hawk.. Arab states don't claim to be western democracies. But, you know this and only felt the reflexive urge to DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT! If only America had the ability to screen it's citizens like you want israel to do in their preservation of a master rac, er, jewish state, eh? I mean, i'll play the same game with you that I did with Charles Bass:

Name the jewish American founding father.

Feel free to scream antisemite instead of giving me a name.. Lord fucking knows we both already know the answer.

Maybe you should go give your expertise on domestic Beer label avatars instead?

Please, call someone else a nutter, Jill.. You never know HOW soon DavidS will call for the extermination of arabs again which will cause you to swoop down like a mamma hawk and defend him for the sake of your common ethnicity...
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dude, you don't bully me... no matter how big and bold you write the word "jew" or "zionist"

like every other subject you're irrational on, your "evidence" is a lot of hot air.
HamasGun does raise an interesting point, though. I feel bad for the Afghanis that harbored the Taliban and AQ because they didn't democratically elect their leaders and so to a large part didn't deserve the world of hurt they've found themselves in.

The Palis did elect terrorists to represent them. Now, some of them may have been duped, but I have my doubts about how many of them were.

dude, you don't bully me... no matter how big and bold you write the word "jew" or "zionist"

like every other subject you're irrational on, your "evidence" is a lot of hot air.

yea jill.. the Jpost, BBC, Haaretz, and NYT sure are nothing but hot air!


And, I don't need to bully you because your pansy ass retorts that strike of the same cookie cutter Scarlet A reflex says enough about your positions anyway. Point in case, I provide evidence.. and YOU, all of a sudden, insist that western newspapers that you'd be slobbering over otherwise, insist that they are full of hot air!


Seriously, go find yourself another DavidS type to coddle while he posts threads on the kind of killings you'd be screaming about 60 years later if they were directed at jews. It blows my fucking mind that you are allowed to practice law in the United States. Especially, given that you wont grow a spine long enough to admit that you'd never stand for the same kind of state based racism HERE that you want so bad to protect in a JEWISH israel. Did you ever come up with a name of our JEWISH founding father? Come on, Jill.. what was his name?
HamasGun does raise an interesting point, though. I feel bad for the Afghanis that harbored the Taliban and AQ because they didn't democratically elect their leaders and so to a large part didn't deserve the world of hurt they've found themselves in.

The Palis did elect terrorists to represent them. Now, some of them may have been duped, but I have my doubts about how many of them were.

HA! and the fatass in a cheerleader outfit grabs her pom poms!

Say, how many Americans should be held presponsible for the actions of George W Bush? Should YOU be stuck with the phantom WMD crap because half of this nation voted for him? WHAT?!?!?! THATS DIFFERENT!!>?!>!>!?!?!?!

You DONT say!

back to your bucket of the colonels finest recipe, ravikins.
Why would people who have been rationalized to maggot status by the likes of you give a fuck about 6k dead on 9/11 when they see YOUR acceptance of THEIR deaths all the time? Did you feel sorry about dead commies smack dab in the middle of the cold war? Of course not. But, hey, if you expect to pre judge everyone by who YOU choose to look at then *shocker* you are going to see what you WANT to see. Again, I'm the one posting evidence. Where the fuck is yours?

Instead of comparing cartoons to terrorism why don't you compare something that has actually taken lives.. Hell, Pali's lost 1/6th of the lives during this last zionist incursion as America did on 9/11.. yet you expect global fucking tears from every people to match your own and you can't even muster the slightest empathy for maggot class arabs?

And, again.. if you CHOOSE not to see empathetic muslims then I guess it's only your fault for not looking. They were out there. I provided evidence of such. Now, did you want to take this "evidence" thing for a spin or should we keep assuming that you are right because you seriously want a jewish dick in your ass?

You are pathetic,

you can't even admit that the reaction of muslims on a fucking mohammed cartoon made the reaction on 9/11 look like nothing. On 9/11 3000 people died on 1 day during a time of peace, you can't compare that with an area that lies in a warzone like Gaza or another area.

What I and most other people got on my TV screen that day was 2 planes crashing into 2 WTC towers, after that I did not see any protests on my TV screen or anywhere else. I saw some palestinians partying on the streets though:
[ame=]YouTube - Palestinians celebrating the fall of the twin towers on 911[/ame]

No muslim protests against muslim extremists, no outrage against that abuse of Islam. When americans and europeans compare that with a reaction about a cartoon controversy then either muslims overreacted over the cartoon or they reacted to little on 9/11. How many muslim leaders made a fatwa to kill Bin laden on 9/11 (compared to the ones that made a death thread over a cartoon)?

And this is what happens over a dumb cartoon:
[ame=]YouTube - Muslim Anger Over Danish Mohammed Cartoons[/ame]
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wow.. thats a lot of people to cram into two fucking YOUTUBE videos!


That is preciesly the point behind calling you out for your double standard. Hell, you think there was not ONE single jew who was glad to see 9/11 happen because it caused the US to pounce into the Middle East? For christs sake, dude. LOOK at what you are ASSUMING is representative of every fucking muslim!


and NO SHIT all you saw on the TV was plane crashing and muslim bashing. NO SHIT. Did you want to make that observation BEFORE or AFTER I bring up the phantom WMD excuses for invading iraq? Mushroom cloud, remember?

I know i know.. all muslims look alike.. right? They all walk, talk, act and think alike... JUST LIKE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS! hell, since fred phelps talks about god hating troops and fags and the JEWISH assassin of Rabin this must mean, according to YOUR standard, that every other jew and christian that I can fit into a fucking youtube video reflects the entire population of each!


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