She is Right on.


wow.. thats a lot of people to cram into two fucking YOUTUBE videos!


That is preciesly the point behind calling you out for your double standard. Hell, you think there was not ONE single jew who was glad to see 9/11 happen because it caused the US to pounce into the Middle East? For christs sake, dude. LOOK at what you are ASSUMING is representative of every fucking muslim!


and NO SHIT all you saw on the TV was plane crashing and muslim bashing. NO SHIT. Did you want to make that observation BEFORE or AFTER I bring up the phantom WMD excuses for invading iraq? Mushroom cloud, remember?

I know i know.. all muslims look alike.. right? They all walk, talk, act and think alike... JUST LIKE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS! hell, since fred phelps talks about god hating troops and fags and the JEWISH assassin of Rabin this must mean, according to YOUR standard, that every other jew and christian that I can fit into a fucking youtube video reflects the entire population of each!


Can you not get this, or do you simply not want to get this?

Do you not get that either muslims overreacted on the mohammed cartoons or they reacted to little on 9/11?

2 planes hijacked by muslim extremists crashes into the 2 WTC towers all doing so in the name of allah, how does this not affect (Insult) Islam and the muslim community more then that idiotic cartoon of muhammad did?
Say, how many Americans should be held presponsible for the actions of George W Bush?
All of us.

Such a little man you are.

you are wrong about that all day long. Hell, were it not for his domestic opposition he would have been WORSE.. and the world knows it.

and, ravi, I'm quite positive you tell LOTS of people that they are smaller than your tubby ass. If I throw a chicken bone will you go fetch?

wow.. thats a lot of people to cram into two fucking YOUTUBE videos!


That is preciesly the point behind calling you out for your double standard. Hell, you think there was not ONE single jew who was glad to see 9/11 happen because it caused the US to pounce into the Middle East? For christs sake, dude. LOOK at what you are ASSUMING is representative of every fucking muslim!


and NO SHIT all you saw on the TV was plane crashing and muslim bashing. NO SHIT. Did you want to make that observation BEFORE or AFTER I bring up the phantom WMD excuses for invading iraq? Mushroom cloud, remember?

I know i know.. all muslims look alike.. right? They all walk, talk, act and think alike... JUST LIKE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS! hell, since fred phelps talks about god hating troops and fags and the JEWISH assassin of Rabin this must mean, according to YOUR standard, that every other jew and christian that I can fit into a fucking youtube video reflects the entire population of each!


Can you not get this, or do you simply not want to get this?

Do you not get that either muslims overreacted on the mohammed cartoons or they reacted to little on 9/11?

2 planes hijacked by muslim extremists crashes into the 2 WTC towers all doing so in the name of allah, how does this not affect (Insult) Islam and the muslim community more then that idiotic cartoon of muhammad did?

"MUSLIMS"? You see, THATS the fucking problem, dude. I"M not about to generalize about ALL muslims what YOU want to based on selective videos that you have seen. You want to be quick to stereotype ALL muslims based on what SOME muslims do? Fine. Enjoy your David Duke lifestyle. After all, One criminal ****** makes them all criminals, eh?

what the FUCK does 9/11 have to do with palestineans? Not a single one of these men were Palestinian. Not one. When a CHRISTIAN shoots a fucking abortion clinic doctor should I assume that YOU want to kill health care providers? If a JEW assasinates the ONLY israeli PM with the balls to shake a pali's hand for peace should I ASSUME that ALL JEWS want to kill peacemakers? Cartoons and 9/11 won't polish the turd of your zionism, dude. It's no retributive form or rationalized REVENGE just because you think killing ******* for miles makes sense because your home intruder was black. Sorry to burst that bubble.
Say, how many Americans should be held presponsible for the actions of George W Bush?
All of us.

Such a little man you are.

you are wrong about that all day long. Hell, were it not for his domestic opposition he would have been WORSE.. and the world knows it.

and, ravi, I'm quite positive you tell LOTS of people that they are smaller than your tubby ass. If I throw a chicken bone will you go fetch?
Little as in petty....small minded. A jerk and an idiot, to boot. :rofl:

And yes, in a democracy, the citizens are responsible for the actions of their country.

wow.. thats a lot of people to cram into two fucking YOUTUBE videos!


That is preciesly the point behind calling you out for your double standard. Hell, you think there was not ONE single jew who was glad to see 9/11 happen because it caused the US to pounce into the Middle East? For christs sake, dude. LOOK at what you are ASSUMING is representative of every fucking muslim!


and NO SHIT all you saw on the TV was plane crashing and muslim bashing. NO SHIT. Did you want to make that observation BEFORE or AFTER I bring up the phantom WMD excuses for invading iraq? Mushroom cloud, remember?

I know i know.. all muslims look alike.. right? They all walk, talk, act and think alike... JUST LIKE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS! hell, since fred phelps talks about god hating troops and fags and the JEWISH assassin of Rabin this must mean, according to YOUR standard, that every other jew and christian that I can fit into a fucking youtube video reflects the entire population of each!


Can you not get this, or do you simply not want to get this?

Do you not get that either muslims overreacted on the mohammed cartoons or they reacted to little on 9/11?

2 planes hijacked by muslim extremists crashes into the 2 WTC towers all doing so in the name of allah, how does this not affect (Insult) Islam and the muslim community more then that idiotic cartoon of muhammad did?

"MUSLIMS"? You see, THATS the fucking problem, dude. I"M not about to generalize about ALL muslims what YOU want to based on selective videos that you have seen. You want to be quick to stereotype ALL muslims based on what SOME muslims do? Fine. Enjoy your David Duke lifestyle. After all, One criminal ****** makes them all criminals, eh?

what the FUCK does 9/11 have to do with palestineans? Not a single one of these men were Palestinian. Not one. When a CHRISTIAN shoots a fucking abortion clinic doctor should I assume that YOU want to kill health care providers? If a JEW assasinates the ONLY israeli PM with the balls to shake a pali's hand for peace should I ASSUME that ALL JEWS want to kill peacemakers? Cartoons and 9/11 won't polish the turd of your zionism, dude. It's no retributive form or rationalized REVENGE just because you think killing ******* for miles makes sense because your home intruder was black. Sorry to burst that bubble.

Well sure I can generalize, you keep doing it yourself. Zionist? (remember) Not all Israelis are eager to kill palis you know?

I can say all muslims in general protested more about a dumb cartoon they they protest about an extremist that abuses their religion to kill 3000 innocent people.

I can also say that all muslims in general did not celebrate on 9/11.
All of us.

Such a little man you are.

you are wrong about that all day long. Hell, were it not for his domestic opposition he would have been WORSE.. and the world knows it.

and, ravi, I'm quite positive you tell LOTS of people that they are smaller than your tubby ass. If I throw a chicken bone will you go fetch?
Little as in petty....small minded. A jerk and an idiot, to boot. :rofl:

And yes, in a democracy, the citizens are responsible for the actions of their country.

whatever you say, fat girl.

and, so that means Germans Jews who allowed Hitler to get elected in their DEMOCRATIC venture is.. uh.. responsible for their own Holocaust? For real. go grab the mayo and butter and enjoy your triple stack of pancakes because this is CLEARLY a conversation you are ill equipped to participate in.

Can you not get this, or do you simply not want to get this?

Do you not get that either muslims overreacted on the mohammed cartoons or they reacted to little on 9/11?

2 planes hijacked by muslim extremists crashes into the 2 WTC towers all doing so in the name of allah, how does this not affect (Insult) Islam and the muslim community more then that idiotic cartoon of muhammad did?

"MUSLIMS"? You see, THATS the fucking problem, dude. I"M not about to generalize about ALL muslims what YOU want to based on selective videos that you have seen. You want to be quick to stereotype ALL muslims based on what SOME muslims do? Fine. Enjoy your David Duke lifestyle. After all, One criminal ****** makes them all criminals, eh?

what the FUCK does 9/11 have to do with palestineans? Not a single one of these men were Palestinian. Not one. When a CHRISTIAN shoots a fucking abortion clinic doctor should I assume that YOU want to kill health care providers? If a JEW assasinates the ONLY israeli PM with the balls to shake a pali's hand for peace should I ASSUME that ALL JEWS want to kill peacemakers? Cartoons and 9/11 won't polish the turd of your zionism, dude. It's no retributive form or rationalized REVENGE just because you think killing ******* for miles makes sense because your home intruder was black. Sorry to burst that bubble.

Well sure I can generalize, you keep doing it yourself. Zionist? (remember) Not all Israelis are eager to kill palis you know?

I can say all muslims in general protested more about a dumb cartoon they they protest about an extremist that abuses their religion to kill 3000 innocent people.

I can also say that all muslims in general did not celebrate on 9/11.

Oh I'm WELL AWARE that not all jews are zionists. Hell, even SUNNI MAN knows that and acknowledges as much all the time. Hell, i'll remind you, it's not MY side that clinigs to stereotypes and generalizations like a fucking security blanket. I make sure to give the necessary distinction since I'm well aware of the reflexive Scarlet A reaction of standard issue zionists.

Now, you can rationalize your racism however you want to, dude. Just don't forget that this is why I have so much fun laughing at the reflexive zionosts who scream ironic racism while assuming that every arab baby 4 minutes out of a vagina "probably" has a suicide bomb stuck up it's ass. Were that kind of racism applied to jews we'd see Jillian swoop in like a fucking hawk already. Just as i'll leave YOU to do the comparative death rate math I guess I'll have to let you figure out your own ironic racism.
Nope, Germany stopped being a democracy when Hitler took power.

You can dance around all you want, but you continually blame Israel for not being a "real" democracy while excusing the Palis for electing terrorists to represent them.
Nope, Germany stopped being a democracy when Hitler took power.

You can dance around all you want, but you continually blame Israel for not being a "real" democracy while excusing the Palis for electing terrorists to represent them.

Yet he was ELECTED via DEMOCRACY into OFFICE. By your standard then Hammas ceased to have been elected democratically when they took positions of power. Thats BEYOND stupid as hell, ravi. I'm not the one dancing here, fat girl. REAL democracies don't craft the voting population to remain a dominant ethnicity. We don't craft our fucking population so that white remain in power. ISRAEL DOES THIS. BRAZENLY AND OUTRIGHT.

Again, you might as well finish that box of twinkies because you clearly have no fucking clue what you are talking about in this thread. You may terrorize little debbie snack cakes but I find that you amount to nothing more than a fat court jester in these threads.
"MUSLIMS"? You see, THATS the fucking problem, dude. I"M not about to generalize about ALL muslims what YOU want to based on selective videos that you have seen. You want to be quick to stereotype ALL muslims based on what SOME muslims do? Fine. Enjoy your David Duke lifestyle. After all, One criminal ****** makes them all criminals, eh?

what the FUCK does 9/11 have to do with palestineans? Not a single one of these men were Palestinian. Not one. When a CHRISTIAN shoots a fucking abortion clinic doctor should I assume that YOU want to kill health care providers? If a JEW assasinates the ONLY israeli PM with the balls to shake a pali's hand for peace should I ASSUME that ALL JEWS want to kill peacemakers? Cartoons and 9/11 won't polish the turd of your zionism, dude. It's no retributive form or rationalized REVENGE just because you think killing ******* for miles makes sense because your home intruder was black. Sorry to burst that bubble.

Well sure I can generalize, you keep doing it yourself. Zionist? (remember) Not all Israelis are eager to kill palis you know?

I can say all muslims in general protested more about a dumb cartoon they they protest about an extremist that abuses their religion to kill 3000 innocent people.

I can also say that all muslims in general did not celebrate on 9/11.

Oh I'm WELL AWARE that not all jews are zionists. Hell, even SUNNI MAN knows that and acknowledges as much all the time. Hell, i'll remind you, it's not MY side that clinigs to stereotypes and generalizations like a fucking security blanket. I make sure to give the necessary distinction since I'm well aware of the reflexive Scarlet A reaction of standard issue zionists.

Now, you can rationalize your racism however you want to, dude. Just don't forget that this is why I have so much fun laughing at the reflexive zionosts who scream ironic racism while assuming that every arab baby 4 minutes out of a vagina "probably" has a suicide bomb stuck up it's ass. Were that kind of racism applied to jews we'd see Jillian swoop in like a fucking hawk already. Just as i'll leave YOU to do the comparative death rate math I guess I'll have to let you figure out your own ironic racism.

It is hard to tell, because I simply don't know of any jewish suicide bombers. Seriously "your side" or whatever you mean by that is a generalization. And the word Zionist stands for a stereotype of an arab&muslim-hating Jew/Israeli, so don't give that crap that you don't generalize. You say as much that Israelis are terrorists/racists/... as other people say of that arabs are Jew-haters/terrorists/... .

The issue is that muslims in general don't seem to do enough against extremists, even the biggest muslim allied nations of the US that fight terrorism (such as pakistan and Saudi Arabia) have supported and still support terrorism through an intelligence agency or through their own population. And it is not because I say that muslims in general do that that I mean every single muslim living on planet earth.
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Nope, Germany stopped being a democracy when Hitler took power.

You can dance around all you want, but you continually blame Israel for not being a "real" democracy while excusing the Palis for electing terrorists to represent them.

Yet he was ELECTED via DEMOCRACY into OFFICE. By your standard then Hammas ceased to have been elected democratically when they took positions of power. Thats BEYOND stupid as hell, ravi. I'm not the one dancing here, fat girl. REAL democracies don't craft the voting population to remain a dominant ethnicity. We don't craft our fucking population so that white remain in power. ISRAEL DOES THIS. BRAZENLY AND OUTRIGHT.

Again, you might as well finish that box of twinkies because you clearly have no fucking clue what you are talking about in this thread. You may terrorize little debbie snack cakes but I find that you amount to nothing more than a fat court jester in these threads.
If nothing else, with your projection we all know what your diet consists

If the Palistinians continue to support Hamas then yes, they are deserving of any retaliation anyone takes on Hamas' terrorist activities. Just like the Germans were responsible for exterminating a portion of its own population because they continued to support Hitler. If the Palis disown Hamas and terrorist activites it will be a different story. If our government turns on you and your kind, whatever that is, and starts systematically wiping you out it won't be your fault. It would be mine, though, if I continued to support our government. Ah, the temptation would be hard to overcome, but I've got principles.
Nope, Germany stopped being a democracy when Hitler took power.

You can dance around all you want, but you continually blame Israel for not being a "real" democracy while excusing the Palis for electing terrorists to represent them.

Yet he was ELECTED via DEMOCRACY into OFFICE. By your standard then Hammas ceased to have been elected democratically when they took positions of power. Thats BEYOND stupid as hell, ravi. I'm not the one dancing here, fat girl. REAL democracies don't craft the voting population to remain a dominant ethnicity. We don't craft our fucking population so that white remain in power. ISRAEL DOES THIS. BRAZENLY AND OUTRIGHT.

Again, you might as well finish that box of twinkies because you clearly have no fucking clue what you are talking about in this thread. You may terrorize little debbie snack cakes but I find that you amount to nothing more than a fat court jester in these threads.
If nothing else, with your projection we all know what your diet consists

If the Palistinians continue to support Hamas then yes, they are deserving of any retaliation anyone takes on Hamas' terrorist activities. Just like the Germans were responsible for exterminating a portion of its own population because they continued to support Hitler. If the Palis disown Hamas and terrorist activites it will be a different story. If our government turns on you and your kind, whatever that is, and starts systematically wiping you out it won't be your fault. It would be mine, though, if I continued to support our government. Ah, the temptation would be hard to overcome, but I've got principles.

No, you don't have principals. You have a Pringles can. big difference. Not every pali voted for hammas. MIND BLOWER, i know. Yet israel doesn't make a distinction when they are busy out killing civilians. Maybe YOU can revel in the idea that we bombed millions of civilians in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden but I'm just not interested in your brown gravy logic. We Americans are no more wholly responsible for the actioins of Bush than every goddamn german was responsible for Hitler or Every pali is responsible for hammas. Thats just stupid, ravi. Stupid as hell. You don't fucking comprehend that, by YOUR standard, the German election that brought about HITLER saw JEWISH VOTES? So, you can't have your cake and eat it too, fat girl. Either JEWS who voted, and lost, in the election that brought hitler to power WERE responsible like you insist regarding Hammas OR Not every Pali is primed for death due to the election of Hammas LIKE YOU LEAVE OPEN FOR GERMAN pre-holocaust JEWS.

To be honest, I really don't expect you to comprehend the holes in your own position so.. heres a donut the likes of which probably gives you tiny orgasms:

Whatver, Soggy, your hypocrisy is on overdrive. Just keep blaming the Jews for all the problems in the world and I'm sure you'll do just fine amongst your social set.
Whatver, Soggy, your hypocrisy is on overdrive. Just keep blaming the Jews for all the problems in the world and I'm sure you'll do just fine amongst your social set.

I'm not the one being hyocritical. Again, I spelled it out for you: you can't keep blaming palis for hammas if you are not similarly willing to blame german jews for Hitler. don't blame me if you don't understand how fucking retarded your goofy ass opinions are. Hell, scream antisemite if you need to. It's the same thing ANY stupid zioniist will do at the point when they know they are getting a beat down in the logic arena. Hell, when in doubt scream that someone hates jews.. DESPITE the ironic selectiveness of your blame game.

Now get back to work, ravi. Those pork rinds and fat back won't eat themselves.
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