VIP Member
- Dec 5, 2008
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wow.. thats a lot of people to cram into two fucking YOUTUBE videos!
That is preciesly the point behind calling you out for your double standard. Hell, you think there was not ONE single jew who was glad to see 9/11 happen because it caused the US to pounce into the Middle East? For christs sake, dude. LOOK at what you are ASSUMING is representative of every fucking muslim!
and NO SHIT all you saw on the TV was plane crashing and muslim bashing. NO SHIT. Did you want to make that observation BEFORE or AFTER I bring up the phantom WMD excuses for invading iraq? Mushroom cloud, remember?
I know i know.. all muslims look alike.. right? They all walk, talk, act and think alike... JUST LIKE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS! hell, since fred phelps talks about god hating troops and fags and the JEWISH assassin of Rabin this must mean, according to YOUR standard, that every other jew and christian that I can fit into a fucking youtube video reflects the entire population of each!
Can you not get this, or do you simply not want to get this?
Do you not get that either muslims overreacted on the mohammed cartoons or they reacted to little on 9/11?
2 planes hijacked by muslim extremists crashes into the 2 WTC towers all doing so in the name of allah, how does this not affect (Insult) Islam and the muslim community more then that idiotic cartoon of muhammad did?