She Wouldn't Dare.....Would She?

I doubt even the demodummies are that stupid but they constantly suprise me by reaching new lows and achieving higher levels of stupidity.

The GOP better be on their toes because the Rats no doubt have a plan to hack the voting machines and elect a ham sandwich over Trump. They stole several House seats last year with chicanery as a warm up act.
She's done. Even the Democrat/Socialists are sick of her.

She's one of Satan's most reliable slaves, and she has just about filled up the full measure of her he is about ready to call her home.

She's crazier than the rest of them put together.....don't put anything past her when it comes to getting back at's all she thinks about.
Think the Hildebeast will have plenty more to be thinking about as Operation Boomerang parallels the upcoming dimocrat campaign season while simultaneously unraveling the paper trails of the FISA warrants, the messy dossier with roots to the Beast, DNC, etc., etc, etc.

The fat bitch is dead politically, finally. And she’s ruined her party in the process, so kudos to her.
Think the Hildebeast will have plenty more to be thinking about as Operation Boomerang parallels the upcoming dimocrat campaign season while simultaneously unraveling the paper trails of the FISA warrants, the messy dossier with roots to the Beast, DNC, etc., etc, etc.

The fat bitch is dead politically, finally. And she’s ruined her party in the process, so kudos to her.

That's how it appears today but by next August that could change...especially if the Rats are in even deeper chaos and Biden is dead in the water. They market her and Willy as a team dedicated to get Trump by any means necessary (and we all know what the two of them are capable of). They coasted to the finish-line last time against Willy's wishes but now the party knows how much support Trump has and will go at him with everything they got. Not saying it will happen but it could happen,
Hillary doesn’t need to run

Smoking Joe Biden will easily defeat Trump
Rodham is definitely going to run. She would crush everyone currently in the race.

Hillary has as much chance of being President as I do. Which is none STFU and get over it she's old news and a dead end she's to old to blow anyone and get their vote in the EC
Hillary doesn’t need to run

Smoking Joe Biden will easily defeat Trump

Dream of it hard enough and it becomes true in your mind. Joe won't even be the Nominee. Some dead head will win it and lose miserably. Dems are looking to 2024 Already the people in now just want to get some name Recognition for 2024 runs.
Hillary has as much chance of being President as I do. Which is none STFU and get over it she's old news and a dead end she's to old to blow anyone and get their vote in the EC

If she took out her dentures she'd probably give decent head until she passed out (within a minute or two).
Hillary doesn’t need to run

Smoking Joe Biden will easily defeat Trump

Dream of it hard enough and it becomes true in your mind. Joe won't even be the Nominee. Some dead head will win it and lose miserably. Dems are looking to 2024 Already the people in now just want to get some name Recognition for 2024 runs.

Joe lost his fast ball a long, long time ago. No way the DNC risks running Biden against Trump. It will be HRC and team Clinton. In fact, the Dems will be begging for them before the end of the year.

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