She wouldn't wear the hijab, but they wore wacky witch costumes to see the Pope


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
what is that curtain on top of Ivanka's head? Poor kid---she should have gone with
the mantilla
The cow should have turned it around. Gawd, who dresses that thing, she's a fashion disaster

Those are some sexy hoes with the qu33r with the yamica. Such a contrast to that grotesque dude Micheal Obama.
NYcarineer, speaking of filthy fornication, do you have a guess as to how many times the homosexual Barack Obama engaged in sexual intercourse with Micheal Obama the past 8 years? The trouble your hero is gay if he did and gay if he didn't!

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!
The Holy See specifically requested that Melania and other women conform to the required dress code for an audience with the Pope. The Saudi government and monarchy made no such request, and although her head was not covered, Mrs. Trump otherwise conformed to Saudi standards of modest attire.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!
The Holy See specifically requested that Melania and other women conform to the required dress code for an audience with the Pope. The Saudi government and monarchy made no such request, and although her head was not covered, Mrs. Trump otherwise conformed to Saudi standards of modest attire.

So the Catholics are actually more wacky on this than the Muslims?

lol, okay.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!

Well first of all I'm pretty sure in the nation of Italy females aren't forced to wear this head covering. I'm also confident in suggesting they are allowed to drive and if they commit adultery they don't risk being stoned to death.

There are vast differences. The moderates in Islam, including women state that the female head covering is more cultural and not a required part of Islam. Contrast that with the Taliban in which women were covered head to toe except for their eyes.

It's always about moderates versus extremists. This is true across all religions.
Remember folks, it's OK to make fun of Ivanka and Melania, they are beautiful, they are "privileged White "women, and most importantly they are conservative. If they had the requisite (D) after their names, this would be outrageous!!

If they were ugly unaccomplished pigs like this.........
....they'd be giving her an award!

If they were as ugly as this thing.......
.......they'd be telling us how "Beautiful" she is!!

Remember folks, misogyny is acceptable as long as the target is a conservative!

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!

Muslim head covering required.

Not for Western women, according to the law in Saudi Arabia

Christian head covering required.

Again no, they are practicing respect to the Catholic Church and they are Christians, my aunts wore that when they got married.

Do you see me bash these women going to church? I think it looks cool


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