She wouldn't wear the hijab, but they wore wacky witch costumes to see the Pope

the pope clearly has the best hat!

At least it doesn't have a flat brim, ugh I hate that look.
the saturno?



yeah that's a good one because it doubles for Frisbee golf inside the Vatican. A Pope fave.
Remember folks, it's OK to make fun of Ivanka and Melania, they are beautiful, they are "privileged White "women, and most importantly they are conservative. If they had the requisite (D) after their names, this would be outrageous!!

If they were ugly unaccomplished pigs like this.........
....they'd be giving her an award!

If they were as ugly as this thing.......
.......they'd be telling us how "Beautiful" she is!!

Remember folks, misogyny is acceptable as long as the target is a conservative!

Shut up fuck head



I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
You're as bad as the righties that constantly attacked Michelle and you don't even see it.

I'm having a laugh. Pull the stick out of your butt and join in.

And, there is a point. See if you can figure out what that was.
I got it, I got it! It's at the top of your head! Do I get a prize?
at least you kind of stayed on topic.
Remember folks, it's OK to make fun of Ivanka and Melania, they are beautiful, they are "privileged White "women, and most importantly they are conservative. If they had the requisite (D) after their names, this would be outrageous!!

If they were ugly unaccomplished pigs like this.........
....they'd be giving her an award!

If they were as ugly as this thing.......
.......they'd be telling us how "Beautiful" she is!!

Remember folks, misogyny is acceptable as long as the target is a conservative!

Ivanka is a conservative!? lol. Since when?

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
You're as bad as the righties that constantly attacked Michelle and you don't even see it.

I'm having a laugh. Pull the stick out of your butt and join in.

And, there is a point. See if you can figure out what that was.
I got it, I got it! It's at the top of your head! Do I get a prize?
at least you kind of stayed on topic.
Nope. I was on point.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!

The Trumps are not muslims...duh.
are they catholic? ivanka claims to be jewish.

Christian based faith.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!

The Trumps are not muslims...duh.
are they catholic? ivanka claims to be jewish.

So know you want me to research it troll? Do it yourself.

Remember folks, it's OK to make fun of Ivanka and Melania, they are beautiful, they are "privileged White "women, and most importantly they are conservative. If they had the requisite (D) after their names, this would be outrageous!!

If they were ugly unaccomplished pigs like this.........
....they'd be giving her an award!

If they were as ugly as this thing.......
.......they'd be telling us how "Beautiful" she is!!

Remember folks, misogyny is acceptable as long as the target is a conservative!

Ivanka is a conservative!? lol. Since when?

There is no (D) after her name....
Look at these hideous outfits!!

Look at that hideous face!! OMFG!!

She is not only ugly as a boil on a dogs ass, she's color blind!!

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