She wouldn't wear the hijab, but they wore wacky witch costumes to see the Pope


I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

What they are wearing is the respectful traditional wear when one meets the Pope. Your problem with it is that Michelle catered to the Muslims and Melena didn't.
Yeah, hero. The USA already has enuf enemies.
And how many asses need kissed until you realize there will be no peace until you are one of them?
Ivanka can wear anything she wants. The woman's a Goddess. The OP has to be a whiny Snowflake gaylord. Seriously, outraged over this? :gay:

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

What they are wearing is the respectful traditional wear when one meets the Pope. Your problem with it is that Michelle catered to the Muslims and Melena didn't.
Yeah, hero. The USA already has enuf enemies.
And how many asses need kissed until you realize there will be no peace until you are one of them?
56? 262.487? I give up. Such a great irrelevant retarded question. Well done.

  • BBBokxD.img

I like women better than your sorry ass.

  • BBBoqKU.img
Ivanka can wear anything she wants. The woman's a Goddess. The OP has to be a whiny Snowflake gaylord. Seriously, outraged over this? :gay:

Where did you get outrage from?

See what I mean? These RWnuts are in such a bad mood they think EVERYBODY must be in a bad mood.

Oh, btw, adding another punchline to this...

...the Pope himself has been relaxing the dress code. They dressed up like witches for nothing.
Ivanka can wear anything she wants. The woman's a Goddess. The OP has to be a whiny Snowflake gaylord. Seriously, outraged over this? :gay:

Where did you get outrage from?

See what I mean? These RWnuts are in such a bad mood they think EVERYBODY must be in a bad mood.

Oh, btw, adding another punchline to this...

...the Pope himself has been relaxing the dress code. They dressed up like witches for nothing.

Chick's smokin hot. She can wear anything she wants. Only a whiny Snowflake gaylord would have a problem with what she wore. Seriously, you gots to get a life bra. :cuckoo:
NYcarineer, speaking of filthy fornication, do you have a guess as to how many times the homosexual Barack Obama engaged in sexual intercourse with Micheal Obama the past 8 years? The trouble your hero is gay if he did and gay if he didn't!
I can tell this is an oft-gone-to subject for you to dwell on.
AAAAHHHH! Another rightie teabagger coming out.
Sure interested in President Obama being gay..! Nice coming out!

NYcarineer, speaking of filthy fornication, do you have a guess as to how many times the homosexual Barack Obama engaged in sexual intercourse with Micheal Obama the past 8 years? The trouble your hero is gay if he did and gay if he didn't!
Italians are already calling him “molto pazzo.”

ROME ― As President Donald Trump makes his Italian debut in meetings with Pope Francis and government leaders on Wednesday, many Italians can already express their impression of the new U.S. president with a single word: “pazzo.”

“People think he’s a little crazy,” said Benedetta Alabardi, a pharmacist whose store sits a few hundred yards from St. Peter’s Square.

“The first impression is that he’s crazy and dangerous,” said Orasti Gionti, a project manager for a telecommunications consulting company, who allowed for the possibility that Trump’s outrageous statements were an act. “Maybe he’s tricky.”

Fruit vendor Chowdhury Rafiquizzaman saw no need for any such qualifier.

“He is crazy,” he said. “Not only crazy, he is very crazy.”

Donald Trump Takes His Brand Of Chaos To Europe

I agree!

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It would be if your not a Christian


Muslim head covering required. Christian head covering required.

What in the wide wide world of fornication is the difference??!!

The Trumps are not muslims...duh.
They're not Catholic either. No, head covering is NOT required for Christians. Just Catholics, and even they don't require it anymore.
She wouldn't wear the hijab, but they wore wacky witch costumes to see the Pope

Good to know you think the hijab is a wacky witch costume.....

At least the First Lady's choice of costume was her choice to do so.....

these women don't have that choice....
I saw this thread and noticed that yet another sartorial topic is the most popular one created today in the Politics subforum. Then I clicked to see the OP and saw the photo.

I to give the OP his due, sort of. That there was such a coil over Melania not having to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia and then the woman goes to the Vatican and wears one is "too much for daytime television" and kind of makes there be something -- though not much -- to say now.

That said, I cannot help but wonder whether is Melania saying to herself, "Here, you friggin' petty ass sons of bitches. If I give you something silly like a scarf to talk about about, I bet you'll discuss just that rather than talk about something important."? I don't know if Melania and her set amuse themselves with things like that. I and my friends at the office and club did so all the time.

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